Fgura mayor resigns after Labour tell him he is playing into Nationalists' hands

The Fgura mayor, Darren Marmarà, has chosen to resign instead of facing a motion of no confidence by his fellow Labour councillors.

Marmarà declared he was disappointed that he had arrived at a point where he could not work with his fellow Labour councillors, and said he had a clear conscience that he had worked honestly. He said he would work in Fgura's interests as a Labour delegate.

In recent days, Marmarà has been reported to have been comparing himself to former Labour minister, the late Lorry Sant, with party activists. Today, PL deputy leader for party affairs Toni Abela spent over three hours with Marmarà, who was told that his actions and the much-published vote of no confidence would only serve the interests of the Nationalist Party.

Marmarà's resignation now paves the way for the probable election of Labour councillor Anthony Degiovanni, who obtained the second highest number of votes.

Labour had declared “in the clearest way possible” that it had lost its trust in the current mayor. “After Marmarà did not give satisfactory explanations for its actions, and after refusing to resign, the PL did not have any other way other than that of presenting a no-confidence motion against Marmarà,” the PL insisted in a three-paragraph statement.

The PL assured Fgura residents that this decision was being taken “for valid reasons in the best interest of the locality”.

Only a week ago, Marmarà had warned that he would take any legal action necessary to protect his interests in the wake of a motion of no confidence against him by fellow Labour councillors. He had also refuted the suggestion that a motion of no confidence in him presented by Labour councillors’ had party backing. “The motion was brought against me by the personal initiative of the five councillors,” Marmarà had claimed.

Intelligent move. Good luck. @ LP Unbelievable to hear by someone that the PL is abolished because one of the PL Mayor has resigned. What shall be said for someone who with every second that passes away, there will be a smell of corruption?
Veru il Labour spicca Richard Chetcuti ahseb wara il Partit Nazjonalista mhux talli spicca hu (il partit ) talli spiccat Malta ukoll ghax xejn ma ghandna taghna ghax dan il Gvern bieh kollox lil BARRANI ma nafx kif ma jistihx meta jiddejjen jitlob lil Maltin ghax kieku tghid bieh il GOJJELLI li kellna lil Maltin fija u ma fijiex izda dan il Gvern kollox lil barrani BIEH il Maltin tajbin BISS biex JISILFUH
Alfred Galea
Hey Dickie, la spiccax il PN, b'il fuq min erba biljuni dejn, korruzzjoni, incompetenza, arroganza, back-stabbing, hbieb tal hbieb u kuntratti, ex-kandidati u appuntamenti go l-EU etc etc xi gaghlek tahseb li il PL spicca minhabba kunsill lokali??
Martin Scicluna
Veru il Labour Party spicca.