Labour in ‘panic’ over amnesties – PN

Labour deviating attention from government’s blunders, the Opposition says.

The Labour Party is trying to twist Simon Busuttil's words in order to divert attention from the amnesties awarded to inmates for "illicit reasons," the PN said.

In an interview broadcast yesterday, PN leader Simon Busuttil said that the amnesties awarded to prison inmates by the Labour government, "under the watchful eye and approval of Joseph Muscat, were handed out for no other reason than to satisfy pre-electoral pledges made to win over votes."

In a statement issued today, the Opposition added that the baseless issue of such amnesties is "unethical and unmerited, and therefore amounts to the directing buying of the votes of inmates' family members."

However, the PN stressed that at no point did Busuttil declare that the majority of the 36,000 votes by which the Labour Party won the election were bought, as Labour is alleging.

"This is yet another panic reaction by Labour, in a desperate attempt to divert the attention from its blunders in Government so far, as it works to cover up actions the public is now discovering was going on behind its back," the PN said.

In Maltese we say especially for these nonesense comments: Li Tizra Tahsad Time will tell for sure. It is all partisan commets.
PN......imma intom bis serjeta jew ?? Meta se nibdew nisimaw xi haga bis sens min naha ta dan il partit......mela vera spicca il PN.
Simon Busuttil is in such a panic that he is resorting to the blunders of which he had become so renowned before the mega-disaster of last March. Simon is proving to be Labour's greatest asset - the more he refuses to accept the true reasons for the election disaster (xiri ta' voti, etc) the more he depart from solving his party's serious isssues.
It's clear which party is in panic. I thought that Dr Gonzi was the worst leader the PN could ever have. My how have I been proved wrong!
Blunders? Amnesties? This is the latest buzzword from Simon.By keeping using these words you keep reminding us and WE keep reminding you, of those 3 three amnesties presented to the same person who at that time had over 20 items on his conduct by your PN to YOU KNOW WHO.Just stop play the victim and grow up.
I am more than sure that Simon is in panic. Please simon grow up
Kemm jifilhu jkunu P A T E T I C I teamPN? Min ghandhom Kowc bhalissa ?
After 25 years of PN governments mega-blunders, who's counting? I wonder who is in a state of perpetual panic!
Corrupt practicies! Non renewal of ID cards for over 9 years allowing hundreds of illegal voters to vote. Hundreds of building permits issued on the eve of the elections. Extending the building zones on the eve of the elections. Promotions and loaded exam results. hundreds of gov't jobs to blue eyed boys. PBS programes 100% biased towards PN ect ect! Pull the other one Simon.
@pn Blunders? Iva ta meta ikun il hin opportun jiftah il kanuni il PL u jinforma Lill poplu malti b dak kollu li kien qed jigri f dawn il hames snin Li ghaddeww, hnizrijiet u oxxenitajiet li l anqas temmen li kienu qed Jigru f pajjiz demokratiku, bhall haddiema tal gvern nazzjonalisti li Xoghlom kien li jispjunaw fuq haddiema laburisti, u dawn kellhom il Karozza tal gvern bix xufier!! Dan il gvern sab oxxenitajiet kbar tista Tghid f kull dipartiment!!! Tal misthija.
Please Please, Simon, grow up.