EU to create more and better jobs

MEP David Casa's Opinion on the "Internal Market for Services” adopted by the EP Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

At a time of fiscal austerity and staggering youth unemployment in various member states, it is even more crucial for the EU to unlock the full potential of the Single Market to continue to foster growth and create more and better jobs.

The harsh economic realities in many member states make the implementation of such changes in a timely manner all the more important MEP David Casa's Opinion on the implementation of the Services Directive read.

Casa's Opinion, on the "Internal Market for Services: State of Play and Next Steps," has been adopted by the European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. It gives advice to the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection and the rest of the European Parliament on important issues concerning the largest sector of the European Single Market.

The MEP explained the importance of completing the Digital Single Market granting full access to a European public space, making available independent, free, multiple sources of information and allowing product comparison, easy online payment mechanisms and rapid delivery across the EU.  

Special emphasis was placed on the creation of new and better Points of Single Contact (PSCs) for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). "These have proved to effectively facilitate start-up creation as well as SME internationalisation. But lack of awareness of availability of these facilities and unnecessary red tape across the EU hinders potential entrepreneurs and job creators," MEP David Casa concluded.

The document was decisively endorsed, with 41 votes in favour and four against and no abstentions.