Alternattiva supports move in direction of full-time parliament
AD chairperson says PN deputy leader’s reaction shows MPs’ first concern is private job, not public mandate.
The Green Party is supporting plans to gradually push the House of Representatives towards the direction of a full-time parliament.
In a reaction to whip Carmelo Abela's announcement that one major change in the pipeline will be the timing of parliamentary sittings, with a proposal to start sittings from 5pm to 8.30pm from Mondays to Fridays, Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: "We totally agree on this change which should only be a first step towards a full time parliament, totally dedicated to the issues concerning our people and country."
"In this respect, it is shameful that Opposition deputy leader Mario de Marco cautioned that such a change would create pressure on both employee-management relations and professionals, for whom it would be a peak time for seeing clients. By saying such things, Dr Demarco is basically admitting that for a number of parliamentarians their first concern is their private job and not their public mandate."