Green lobby welcomes landmark decision on illegal Armier squatters

Environmental NGOs: ‘Is government now going to find or create a loophole to make these squatters legal, or allow justice to take its course without fear or favour?’

Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Friends of the Earth, MOAM and Ramblers Association welcome the Court of Justice have welcomed a landmark decision on the Armier illegal constructions after Judge Anthony Ellul concluded that the boathouses were built illegally, that the occupants have no title to the land and ordered the Commissioner of Land to evict the occupants. 

"This comes after devious and illegal arrangements and promises made by political parties over these last twenty years, generally at election time," FAA coordinator Astrid Vella said.

"The area has been occupied illegally for at least 12 years depriving law-abiding citizens access to this public land. This is a landmark decision and one which will ensure that public land remains public. Nobody is above the law and those who ride roughshod over the law can no longer avail themselves of pre-election promises by any party, intended solely to catch votes."

The organisations said it was ironic that just when the courts ruled that these constructions are declared illegal and that the supply with water and electricity was deemed questionable, the Prime Minister said he would wait for advice the ruling before taking any action.

"Is government now going to find or create a loophole to make these squatters legal, or is it going to allow justice to take its course without fear or favour? Are we to expect government to facilitate an appeal? Will the taxpayer be asked to pay to defend this illegality?"

The NGOs said the illegal occupation of the land for so many years does not in any way give the occupants title to stay on for ever. "Rather it can be argued that they have had the enjoyment of this land for so many years at the expense of others that it is now time to give back to the people what is rightfully theirs.

"The Prime Minister expressed a wish to consult on the matter. The NGOs would like to remind the PM that before the March 2013 election, when informed of what the PN had promised the Armier squatters, Dr Muscat said he would not commit himself to any promises before he had studied the situation. 'The situation' has now been studied for him in Ellul's judgement. Only action is left."

The Armier boathouse lobby has yet to see whether it will appeal the sensational court ruling that has declared the construction of 12 boathouses built on public land in the environs of the Armier bay, illegal.

Judge Anthony Ellul declared that a written communication exchanged between the government and Armier Developments Ltd, the company representing the Armier boathouse 'squatters', was not deemed to be a binding contract, ordering the illegal constructions to be immediately evicted.

Ellul held that the caravans and illegal constructions at Armier were built on public land and very close to the foreshore. "Any transfer of public land has to be carried out in terms of law and the foreshore cannot be privatised... Transfer of land on shores for the building of caravans can only be by title of rent for less than 10 years."

The director of Armier Developments, Tarcisio Barbara, said his lobby has yet to see whether it will appeal the court judgement.

"The decision concerned 12 illegal constructions on the Armier perimeter which the former Mellieha mayor deemed that they had to be removed. The Lands Department proceeded with an eviction notice, which we first managed to stop with a prohibitory injunction, and later we filed a court case challenging the decision," Barbara said.

All illegal buildings should be demolished without any exception even if they form part of a hotel complex. No I don't agree that these squatters should be allowed to go away with it by paying a fine! I always wished to have a summer residence , but I couldn't afford it. Several people asked me to build or buy a "boathouse" at Armier or somewhere else but when seeking legal advice the answer was no ; and I don't regret it.
Any boat houses for sale? I'm after one.
Joseph MELI
FAO XEWKINA They didn't kick them out of Bahar Ic-Caghaq though did they?As the carvanners position was "solved" and reconciled by them paying rent- as they are still there aren't they?
ghalhekk hemm dak il backlog kollu fil qorti mhux ahjar l gharef judikant qata kawzi li ilhom iz zmien itawlu milli jidhol fpolemici li iktar se jtawwlu l pjaga. allura is sidku ta tal mellieha lill dawn il ftit familji ra hemm bajjiet mimlija xkiel fid dominju l ghadira kollha kemm tista tmur u tarma umbrella int....allura dawn mhux sqatters ukoll....u halluna vella taf meta kienet tkun kuntenta meta xi gudikant jissentenzja xi huta kbira........
Can I ask an open question to high ranking person in the PN headquarters, about the agreement reached between government and these squatters way back 2003, on the eve of election fever? Jean Pierre Debono, is there any family members of you who have 'ILLEGALLY BOAT HOUSES' in little Armier? If YES, than there was a big conflict of interest of such promises/agreement, and if no I apologize deep from my heart, for mistaken you with somebody else. Thanks!
Excuse the expression, but the PM like the ones before him does not have the balls or the backup to enforce this new court order. Although, then PM Lawrence Gonzi did go back on his word and cut the Air Malta staff in half after sending them a letter promising them eternal job security with Air Malta. The problem this time is that a lot of the politicians themselves, their families and friends happen to own a lot of these illegal boathouses. So what is a PM to do? Let me ponder on the court ruling, he said. This same saga comes up every Summer and more illegal boathouses are built while the Government knows all too well that if they let it sit there long enough the problem will go away until at least next Summer. So like the government before him, Joseph Muscat and the PL will do nothing. So it shall be written, so it shall be done. Question: Do you think the NGOs are wasting their time?
Justice Anthony Ellul has given a landmark judgement which has given back all this shoreline to the people, ALL the people, of this Country and not given to those who abused of the land, abused of the vote and allowed politicians to promise to give what does not belong to them. Justice Ellul has said enough is enough and has shown the way, and opened the way to any Government worth his salt, and worth his promises, to finally remove all these abuses. Thank you Justice Ellul for being such an honest and incorruptible Judge. You have given back the credibility to the Justice System in Malta.
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has been presented with a golden opportunity to rid the Maltese of shanty towns and illegal buildings. I very much hope that the opportunity is taken to reverse what has transpired over the past 30 years by selfish politicians who kept their eyes both shut for a few hundred votes. Reverse the ugliness that has been created by arrogant citizens of the 'cajboj' type. Stamp out once and for all the unilateral grabbing of public land with impunity. The area in Armier has historical walls going back to the Knights against which rooms have been build relatively recently. Free the foreshore from buildings – other countries which possess huge expanases of land do not allow encrochment up to the very limits of the water line but recede buildings to several thousand metres back from the sea. If the current administration wants to be truly smart, modern and EU oriented, it should express the change of mentality of its administration starting with the removal once and for all of the Armier shanty town. I see this as a real test for the current administration. I hope it will have the courage to act.
One cannot fail to note how major court decisions like this have taken 26 years to be taken. I wonder what has changed lately to have this sudden change. Is it due to there being a PL in government? Is it due to the imminent court restructuring process which has finally moved certain magistrates to show more competance?
Why action is not the same as they did in Bahar ic-Caghaq ! Kick them out.
Whilst the three respectible NGOs ask "Is government now going to find or create a loophole to make these squatters legal, or is it going to allow justice to take its course without fear or favour? Are we to expect government to facilitate an appeal? Will the taxpayer be asked to pay to defend this illegality?" they will be brushing aside the fact that it was not this government that was in power for 26 whole years! I never saw a similar aggresive approach to the PN's position when they were in power. It looks as if the three NGOs are politicizing the issue when it was this new PL government that opened its doors for representatives of these organisations to be including in the decision making process at the highest level. They have a stronger voice and I hope that they will be expressing it for the benefit of our environment. I have one simple message to these three NGOs: the passiveness exhibited by a PN government over the past 26 years will take much longer to amend the damage that has been done. So the three NGOs have to propose ways and means how the current administration can recupperate the huge disadvantage that the environment has been put into by PN administrations that the only thing they were interested in was to stay in power by promising everything to everyone.
Joseph MELI
Yes it is a welcome landmark decision but one which only affects TWELVE (12) caravans at this site!