Bridge between islands ‘needed for Gozo’s children’

…but it will ‘bankrupt the entire country’ – AD

A permanent road link between Malta and Gozo may well strengthen the connection between the two islands, but the government's proposal for a bridge has served to further divide public opinion.

Environmentalist lobbies, spearheaded by Alternattiva Demokratika - The Green Party - warn of dire consequences for both the economy and the fragile underwater ecology of the fliegu ('channel') - while a predominantly Maltese faction also argues to preserve the idyllic, tranquil character of Malta's sister island.

But many Gozitans, especially members of the island's microscopic business community, look at things differently. Michael Caruana of the Gozo Business Chamber argues that a bridge is needed to address a number of endemic problems that cannot be solved by a ferry link alone.

"We are losing our children as things stand at present," he tells MaltaToday. "Most of our younger generation either study or work in Malta. They have to come and go every day: it's a big problem that their Maltese counterparts don't have to face. Gozitan students have to find accommodation in Malta - and in many cases, for practical reasons, they don't come back."

At this rate, he adds, the population of Gozo is ageing at a dramatic rate. And while he acknowledges that a bridge in itself will not solve the perennial problem of lack of employment opportunities on the sister island, "it will at least facilitate things."

If managed properly, Caruana envisages that a road link could also be exploited to better regulate access to Gozo.

"It will have to be a toll bridge, and the toll fare can be adjusted to address the island's needs."

Caruana envisages a higher fare in summer, to avoid Gozo being swamped by day-trippers. In winter, when internal tourism is at its low ebb, the toll could be reduced to encourage more visitors.

And like the present ferry rates, Caruana envisages a subsidy for Gozitans, who "don't go to Malta on holiday."

However these arguments are strongly rebutted by AD, whose secretary-general, Ralph Cassar, has described the bridge proposal as "a recipe for financial disaster."

"These are the facts that nobody can deny. Fact 1: the populations of Malta and Gozo are too small to sustain such a project. Only around 1,500 vehicles a day, in each direction, use the ferry service. Fact 2: the costs will be astronomical, running into the hundreds of millions of euros. It will mean spending all EU money for years on end on just one project, with zero for all the rest. Fact 3: to finance the project and the equally astronomical maintenance costs, the toll to use the bridge will probably have to be more than the ferry fare."

Cassar argues, moreover, that the decision to go for a permanent link between the two islands is an admission of failure to create jobs in Gozo.

"Joseph Muscat has obviously given up on his campaign promise of 'jobs in Gozo for the Gozitans.' He is intent on ruining the unique experience Gozo can offer in niche tourism such as diving, boutique hotels in villages and agritourism. All the talk about IT services and other industries for which distances are not an issue seems to have been forgotten."
What is really needed, according to AD, is a sustainable mobility plan for the whole of Malta and Gozo.

"It is strange that we are considering spending astronomical amounts of money on bridges or tunnels when in the recent past a fast service was for some reason deemed unfeasible," Cassar says, referring to the short-lived catamaran service called 'Victoria Express' launched in 1999.

"Why not reintroduce fast passenger ferries from Gozo to commercial centres in Malta such as Valletta, Sliema, Bugibba and Marsaskala? It is surely much more sustainable than either a bridge or tunnel."

YES FOR A BRIDGE. Gozitans not only want a bridge or a tunnel but we are in dire need of one or the other to help us solve our work, health, education, business, social and other daily problems. A permanent link gives more life to Gozo as it is dying a natural death, makes life much easier for all Gozitans and also for Maltese that cross between the islands for work and not for holidays (eg. salesman,deliverymen etc etc.) and will for sure boost the economy of Gozo.
L-AD li c-cerman taghha giet elett b'25 vot ma tantx tista tghid lil-Ghawdxin x'hinu l-ahjar ghalihom. Iva Ghawdex ghandu bzonn bridge jekk ma irriduhx jispicca bhal Kemmuna. Ftit ftit, iz-zghazagh kollha qed jitilqu lejn Malta biex jahdmu u jistudjaw u Ghawdex se jispicca dar kbira tax-xjuh sakemm jispicca kullhadd. F'Ghawdex qatt ma jista jkun hemm xoghol ghal professjonijiet diversi li z-zghazagh qed jigradwaw fihom. Bridge huwa l-UNIKA soluzzjoni biex Ghawdex jimxi l-quddiem u fl-ahhar mill-ahhar ma jkunx ta piz ghal Maltin stess.
Emmanuel Mallia
You do not need to be any expert to relaise that there is not that much commercial activity between the islands that justifies the feasability of the huge amount of inverstment money needed. Gozo will loose its charm, and EU funds !
Mhux diga bankrupt il-pajjiz bil-perkacci ta' Gonzi bhal bini tal-Parlament bla bzonn u xi bridge li ma jwassal ghal imkien? Nghamlu SPV bhal ma saret ghal bini tal-Parlament tal-Belt! Kull tant dawn il fergha gdida tal-PN ,l'AD ~ SAY IT BEST WHEN THEY SAY NOTHING AT ALL ! :)
Kif jista Ghawdex jibqa' izolat fiz-zminijiet tal-lum, jekk l-Ghawdxin iridu jibqaw hekk allura kollox jibqa' kif inhu, hemm bzonn li l-Ghawdxin jiddeciedu u ma jdumux huma jafu x'ghandom bzonn biss jibqa l-fatt li fiz-zminijiet tal-lum u specjalment meta l-vapuri tal-Gozo Channel jkollom jinbidlu Ghawdex ma jistax jibqa’ isolat, il-hinijiet tat-traggit bejn il-gzejjer u d-dewmin essagerat biex tasal minn u sa tas-Sliema jew il-Belt jew fis-South ta’ Malta ( Smart City etc) qed ihalli lill-Ghawdex jibqa’ lura u l-ekonomija ta’ Ghawdex ma tirpilja qatt bl-Ghawdxin jahdmu f’Malta hinijiet qosra biex illahhqu jingabru lura bil-konsegwenza li jridu jsibu xollijiet inferjuri biex jithallew jghamlu dan. Ovvju li minn ikollu xol tajjeb li hafna Ghawdxin huma mgharufin ghal-bzulija taghom iridu bil-fors isibu residenza secondarja gewwa Malta. Apparti hafna u hafna zvantaggi ohra. Dan dejjem affetwa lill-Ghawdxin in-generali u l-mohh Malti dejjem ihares lejn il-Gzira ta’ tlett Gholjiet bhala post fejn imur jistrieh u jhallas noll baxx ghax ghandu l-ID card fuq post ta’ villegiatura gewwa Ghawdex…nahseb li hafna jaqblu li fejn jidhol xoghol produttiv gewwa Ghawdex qatt ma rranka mhabba t-traggit u lis-spejjes ancillari u ghalhekk ix-xoghol gewwa Ghawdex hu limitat u meqjus bhala xoghol tat-tieni klassi u ghallhekk hu mportanti li z-zewg gzejjer jinghaqdu bhala pajjiz wiehed u kullhadd liberu li jaqsam meta u x’hin irid. U l-Gvern il-gdid qed jara li din hi t-triq li twassal biex kullhadd jhossu li hu Malti. U l-ahjar hu l-bridge bhall ma jezistu f’hafna pajjizi ohra madwar id-dinja u specjalment fl-Europa. Il-fast ferry (Katamaran) qatt ma jista jkun ta' alternattiva (bhal minn qed jissugerixxi) gha xdan ghandu zvantaggi kbar sew ekonomici u sew biex taqsam, mhux kulhadd jaf li l-GHawdxin kienu juzawh biss filghodu u wara x-xol girja sfrenata leejn ic-Cirkewwa u t-tragitti ta wara nofs in-nhar dejjem vojta u bil-katamaran b'bowser tad-diesel kulljum mieghu kwazi jimla kull vjagg. Il-mentalita ftit egojistka trid tinbidel u l-Ghawdxin iridu jiddeciedu.
All that money would be more wisely spent if an underground transport system similar in major European cities is built in Malta. That would really reduce traffic and pollution problems in central Malta. What is only needed is a ferry service using fast ferries to St Paul, Sliema and Valletta.
What is required for Gozo is more jobs on the island not an unaesthetic monstrosity of a bridge. Some ideas: Free transport for tourists from the airport to Gozo plus guarantee of transfer back to airport in inclement weather.. A cruise terminal (being taken in hand) A fully fledged University plus an international marine research centre All new online betting companies to be located in Gozo Reduction in tax for gozo businesses. Expansion of Gozo hospital to also admit Maltese patients and provide increased employment Reduced tax for Gozo hotels and restaurants. 15% of all TV productions must be Gozo sourced, Subsidy for back offices which transfer to Gozo A fast 30 minute subsidized hydrofoil service from Valletta Tax free holidays for IT companies which locate to Gozo Improving the two Gozo theatres to become national centres for opera, classical music and musicals. Expanding Gozo religious tourism Make efforts to attract some EU or UN organisation to Gozo Of course the synergy between such initiatives will be essential to create a viable employment climate.
Caruana wants it 'HOBBLA U TREDDA". Some of his p-roposals are unjust not to say ridiculous.
so this is a bridge for the gozitans that will benefit the gozitans. NO problem with that especially as I presume that the gozitans will pay for it too? or do they expect the other 80% of the population to pay for them missing their children? What about all the Maltese that had to leave Malta to study or work overseas, do we build a bridge for them too? oh come on gozo, you sound like a group of spoilt kids
Let's be realistic and get some perspective. There is no way the traffic from a 30,000 population island will ever pay for that kind of investment, it would be devastating to the environment, and Gozo would loose all that makes it special. And the extra time to commute via ferry instead of bridge (don't forget you still have to stop to pay) is no more than the traffic delays faced in places like Marsa and Msida every day.
I am in full agreement with the concept of a bridge (more than a tunnel which would cause major upheaval of the roads systems in Malta and Gozo) so long as it is viable. We can go so far to protect the environment but not at the expense of the vast majority of the needs and aspirations of our people, present and future generations. So environmentalists, including myself, should stop and think about the future before criticising anything and everything that smells of a NATIONAL PROJECT FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS.
A bridge or a tunnel it will be a disaster ,for every body.Mr Caruana is wrong,he is only thinking of himself and few people.It will create traffic gems in Gozo and stress.The less people we have in Gozo the better.Actually they are playing games ,because we can't afford it.
A bridge or a tunnel it will be a disaster ,for every body.Mr Caruana is wrong,he is only thinking of himself and few people.It will create traffic gems in Gozo and stress.The less people we have in Gozo the better.Actually they are playing games ,because we can't afford it.
Priscilla Darmenia
Perhaps our Prime Minister can ask the Chinese government to donate to us the construction of the bridge itself and there will be no need then for the € 4 million study. LOL