Muscat, Busuttil to discuss MSS interviews, AD calls for answers to US datagate

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil urges Prime Minister to convene a meeting of the Security Committee, requests information on the Security Service's policies over the past weeks.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil

Adds reaction by Alternattiva Demokratika

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat will convene an urgent meeting of the Security Committee tomorrow, after Opposition leader Simon Busuttil today called on Muscat to convene the committee that governs the Security Service to examine the administration and policy of the service.

In a written letter to the Prime Minister and distributed to the media, Busuttil voiced his concerns over the "serious and grievous matters" which he wanted to discuss within the Security Committee - a committee set up and regulated by law.

Busuttil welcomed the prime minister's speedy acknowledgment of his request. "The circumstances surrounding the events concerning the Security Service have led the Opposition to voice its concern on the operation of the service in its fight against organised criminality and threats to national security. Any such scrutiny on the Security Service at this time should ideally be happening at the behest of the government, and not on the Opposition's intiative."

Busuttil said it was the Opposition's duty to ensure that public entities, especially the Security Service, are run without any political interference and in full respect of citizens' rights and liberties.

Busuttil's concerns hinge on the presence of Home Affairs Manuel Mallia during an interview for finalist candidates for Security Service recruits. Also present for the interview was Mallia's chief of staff, Silvio Scerri.

"As I already had the opportunity to declare publicly, it is unacceptable that this happens in a democratic country. This issue is extremely dangerous: it undermines the rule of law and the public's trust in the Security Service," Busuttil told Muscat in his letter.

The Opposition leader also requested the presence of the new head of the Security Service, Michael Cassar, to provide all the necessary information.

Mallia has defended his presence at an interview for finalist candidates for Security Service recruits, claiming the same procedure as that employed by the former Nationalist administration had been followed.

"Since the responsible minister is ultimately the person who approves this recruitment, the head of the Security Service felt it should be the minister who is also present for the final scrutiny of the new recruits," Mallia had said.

The PN has since taken the Labour government to task over Mallia's declaration in parliament.

"This news is shocking and constitutes an unprecedented irregularity," the PN has said, taking exception at Mallia's claims that his presence in the interview represented a "new way of doing politics".

The PN described the episode as "a threat to individuals' liberties... It is unheard of, in any democratic country, Malta included, having a minister being directly involved in the Security Service."

Green party Alternatttiva Demokratika said in a statement that the Opposition leader's request was a step in the right direction, as well as the prime minister's acceptance of the request.

"Whilst the Opposition leader is rightly preoccupied by the presence of the home affairs minister for interviews on the recruitment of new members at the Security Service, AD is preoccupied at the way the Security Service Act gives any role to the minister in the recruitment process," deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said.

Cacopardo also said AD was preoccupied at the current state of electronic espionage by the USA on EU institutions and Member States, as revealed by Der Spiegel and whether Malta's Security Service was in any way prepared to defend Malta's interests in this respect. "Whilst AD has no role in the Security Committee, we hope the Security Service will run above party politics."

AD spokesperson on IT Henrik Piski said that while it law enforcement authorities need a warrant to search private property, the US government had authorized illegal violations of citizens' privacy in the name of the fight against terrorism. "EU governments need to protect the data of their citizens. We fully support the European Parliament's Green Group President Daniel Cohn Bendit's proposal to suspend all EU-US negotiations on free trade until this alleged flagrant breach of human rights has been fully investigated."

AD Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, concluded: "Rather than wasting his and the people's time by interviewing prospective Secret Service candidates or organizing the catering roster for policemen turned waiters, Minister fManuel Mallia should intervene with the US authorities to ensure that Malta's people are not being spied upon electronically."

Angele Deguara
The issue is the capacity (or lack thereof) to prepare decent Terms of Reference for the Consultants, do transparent and professional selection and recruitment, and then monitor Consultant output - not let them lead you by the nose (this is what they tend to do if allowed). This is what was, maybe still is) missing
I hope they also discuss the 5000 000 euros that the the Gonzi government payed the Shell company a few days before the election of which company Simon Busuttil was maybe still is its agent and also if he received any kickbacks from that payment.
Simon Busuttil is a chip of the old block. He cannot distinguish between Party and Government. Mallia was dutifully involved as Minister responsible for internal security in scrutinising candidates for the job. During the PN administration the KLIKKA would just indicate to the board the candidates to be chosen... certainly no interference here!!
The Pieta' klikka are still expecting to run the show , call the shots and have everybody submit to their 'threats', crying foul at what a few months ago they expected everybody to keep quiet about, and pretend you are not bothered about, and poor you if you even blinked an eyelid at all the pastazati we had to endure. Mr. Simon wipe that smirk off your face and off your personality, your divide and rule philosophy which your party perfected, has cost you dearly and you have had to reap within your party (and followers) what the klikka had sown at every level within our small nation.
It is absolutely shameful that Joseph Muscat has, yet again, fallen to the taunts of the PN. Busuttil, the puppet in the hands of the CLIKKA that still controls the PN and most of the Secret Service has shown his disdain at the Anne Fenech report and has continued on the same old fashioned way of making mountains out of molehills and grabbing at every straw to attack individuals he considers politically expedient. The security services ever since their inception in 1992 have always been selected by the PN Political machinery at Pieta in conjunction with the PM and the Minister of Interior. Each and every member so far up to March 2013 have had to be blue down to their skin and the head of the Security Services reported directly and regularly to the Pieta HQ. Simon Busuttil cannot fathom that the PN has been wiped out by the greatest majority of Maltese electorate in Malta's history and yet still wants the PN to control. Alfred Sant believed in a Utopia and was torpedoed after 18 months. He was considered the best friend of the PN. Please Joseph Muscat do not repeat the same mistakes. Malta Taghna Ilkoll is a Utopia as long as those who so drastically abused and corrupted the system, politicians, tal-Klikka, and senior Civil Servants, remain at large and not arraigned in Court for judgement. Muscat listen to the people who voted you in and who so desperately want justice done after 25 years of discrimination at its worse. Do not repeat Sant's mistakes and relegate your 157000 voters to yet another 25 years of discrimination, injustices, and isolation.
Simon haven't you wasted enough time and money and parliament time with these overblowned type of ridiculous statements,when all Malta knows that these pratices have been going on since the birth of the PN, (TERINU)The most security dangerious situation for Malta was, when arms where found hidden in your PN headquarters in PIETA, and when a Container full of arms and ammunition were found by the Police in a PN pampalun warehouse in Qormi.