Security Committee: Busuttil says Security Service can be trusted

Prime Minister convenes Security Committee on Opposition's request to discuss ongoing operation and policy of MSS.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil

Updated at 6:40pm

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil exited from a meeting of the Security Commitee convened by the Prime Minister to discuss the operation of the Malta Security Service, satisfied that concerns he raised with the government had been addressed and that the MSS "was and still is a body that enjoys our trust".

The seemingly positive outcome to the meeting saw both Busuttil and Joseph Muscat address a short, joint press conference in which both leaders declared that the MSS enjoyed the trust of both sides of the House.

The prime minister convened the security committee at the request of Busuttil who questioned the presence of home affairs minister Manuel Mallia during interviews for recruits for the Malta Security Service. Mallia defended his presence during the interviews of finalist recruits, claiming it was upon Cassar's invitation that he was present.

In a letter to Muscat yesterday, Busuttil said that the minister's presence during the interviews was "unacceptable [for a] democratic country. This issue is extremely dangerous: it undermines the rule of law and the public's trust in the Security Service."

Asked by MaltaToday whether the MSS should be under parliamentary scrutiny, Busuttil said that this evening's two-hour Security Committee had served its proper purpose as a body of scrutiny.

Both Busuttil and Muscat had no comment to make on the past operation of the MSS, which saw two of its heads resign over alleged misconduct.

The Security Committee included home affairs minister Manuel Mallia, foreign minister George Vella, and MSS chief Michael Cassar.

Mallia has defended his presence at an interview for finalist candidates for Security Service recruits, claiming the same procedure as that employed by the former Nationalist administration had been followed. "Since the responsible minister is ultimately the person who approves this recruitment, the head of the Security Service felt it should be the minister who is also present for the final scrutiny of the new recruits," Mallia said.

The PN said the new was "shocking and an unprecedented irregularity... a threat to individuals' liberties... It is unheard of, in any democratic country, Malta included, having a minister being directly involved in the Security Service."

Green party Alternatttiva Demokratika also said it was preoccupied at the way the Security Service Act gives any role to the minister in the recruitment process. "Rather than wasting his and the people's time by interviewing prospective Secret Service candidates or organizing the catering roster for policemen turned waiters, Minister Manuel Mallia should intervene with the US authorities to ensure that Malta's people are not being spied upon electronically," AD chairperson Arnold Cassola said.

The Security Service can be trusted but Dr Busuttil cannot and will not be trusted. He is part of the same old clikka that ruined this country with lies, innuendoes, fabrications of evidence, and gross manipulation of the Civil Service and Public Administrations. With this latest attack on the Security Services he has lost all semblance of fresh blood in the PN and he has shown that he is still being manipulated by his own Clikka which is rendering him a laughing stock to all those who can stand on their own two feet and independently assess what is happening in this Country.
Emmanuel Mallia
Always, that frustration look in his face !
Is SIMON to be trusted? What is exactly his agenda? To instil doubt where there is CERTAINTY?
He created a storm in a tea cup. Now he has retracted. What a poor Opposition!
Simon, your election talk only provided smiles, your leader of opposition talk is providing laughter
Emmanuel Mallia
Is simple simon satisfied because the secret service can monitor the domain, as it probably did under PN ?
Silly Simon the more he opens his mouth the more he shows us how little substance he is made of.
Basta tpacpac Xmun. Ahjar bqajt Brussels ghal kwiet hdejn xi ghadira.
This is another example of the good old days. When Borg Oliver came off a plane waving a paper. At that time Mintoff said, what is he waving, even his pants they took off him. After all those claimed allegations in just two hours we will trust Simon that all is well on the Eastern Front! U halliena Simon.
Proset Dr Mallia.Ghallaqt halq IL PN.
Rita Pizzuto
So the matter has been resolved satisfactorily. Therefore Alternattiva should now grow up and keep mum and let the parties leading the country go on with their business. When and if ever Alternattiva gets a voice it will be called upon to participate. Otherwise talking the way Cassola is doing would be putting spokes in the wheel. Even when in John Dalli's case it should stop trying to fan the fire. Act responsibly I say!
The PN said the new was "shocking and an unprecedented irregularity... a threat to individuals' liberties... It is unheard of, in any democratic country, Malta included, having a minister being directly involved in the Security Service." Now the PN is satisfied with the security service. What a change of mind in a couple of hours. Now I hope that like the PN will issue a statement in which they will also eat their words.