Cypriot delegation observing good practices in MEPA

Various aspects of the local planning system and enforcement procedures discussed between MEPA officials and the Cypriot delegation.

MEPA is currently hosting a Cypriot delegation, which is in Malta on a three-day visit to identify and employ good practices, which could be adopted by the Planning authorities back in Cyprus.

The Cypriot Government had commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers (Cyprus) to conduct a benchmarking study to identify best practices in EU countries including town planning and housing.

In the past week, MEPA officials had several discussions with the Cypriot delegation on various aspects of the local planning system, namely the Authority's advanced geoportal accessibility and e-application system, heritage planning, development permitting, enforcement procedures and mapping services.

This visit is co-financed by the European Social Fund, with the project "Re-organization and improvement of the administrative capacity of the Public Administration".

The Cypriot representatives also made a courtesy visit to the Parliamentary Secretary for Planning, Michael Farrugia.


The biggest joke of the year.If the Cypriot delegation employ MEPA practices they will have more debt,that can never be paid.RIP.
Is this some kind of joke? Good practices? One just has to look around to see state of over building and uprooting of trees. This Island is a mess!