Former PBS presenter earned around €34,000 in 10 months

Remuneration was paid out between the national broadcaster and Where’s Everybody.

Former TVM presenter Norman Vella, who was last week notified of his redeployment to the immigration department, was earning up to €3,400 a month during his stint at the national broadcaster.

Sources told MaltaToday that the former afternoon show presenter was engaged by PBS on a €16,850 annual salary. Moreover, Vella earned €100 for each programme he presented during his ten-month stint at PBS.

This remuneration was shared between the national broadcaster and the programme's producers, and Vella's former employers Where's Everybody.

Last week, Vella claimed that the decision by the Office of the Prime Minister to revoke his deployment at the national broadcaster was a "political" one.

In his ten-month stint, stretching from September 2012 to June 2013, Vella earned around €34,000 for presenting the daily afternoon show TVHEMM five times a week.

Last week, Vella received an email from the OPM saying he was to report to the Department of Immigration, where he was previously employed, as from Monday, "on grounds of public policy".

MaltaToday is also informed that despite being employed as a journalist on a €1,400 monthly wage, Vella was rarely seen at the PBS offices in Gwardamangia, where the station's newsroom is located.

However, sources told MaltaToday that in recent weeks, Vella was visited different PBS departments, including the station's archives, to ask if there were any jobs he could take up.

Before being employed as a journalist by PBS in November 2012, Vella's five-year stint at production house Where's Everybody? was approved by the then head of the civil service Godwin Grima; and a subsequent secondment to PBS was also sanctioned by the PN administration in 2012.

Vella was employed by PBS as a full-time journalist in November 2012, after being informed that his entitlement for unpaid leave from the Department of Immigration had been exhausted in August 2012.

It was at this stage that the Public Broadcasting Services' chief executive, Anton Attard, asked that Vella be seconded to PBS.

According to information seen by this newspaper, Vella was granted an additional two years beyond the maximum three-year unpaid leave by the then head of the civil service "personally".

Grima granted Vella an additional two years of unpaid leave since the public service management code had not been updated.

When Vella was informed that his five-year unpaid leave had been exhausted, Attard requested that Vella be seconded to the national broadcaster, for which approval came directly from the Office of the Prime Minister.

His one-year unpaid leave to join Where's Everybody? was approved in May 2007 and subsequently renewed in June 2008 and August 2009.

In May 2010, Vella asked the principal permanent secretary to explore further possibilities which would allow him to work in the private sector while retaining his position in the public service.

The request was discussed in a meeting between Grima and the head of the Management Personnel Office, where the director of employee relations recommended that Vella's approval be extended beyond three years "on account of the experience he is gaining, which will be beneficial to the public service".

However, since the public service management code had to be updated for the maximum three-year unpaid leave to be extended, Vella was granted his extension on a personal recommendation from civil service head Godwin Grima in June 2010. Another extension for his fifth year came in July 2011.

The policy was eventually updated on 18 May 2012 to allow all civil servants up to five years' unpaid leave to seek alternative employment.

I am an assistant principal in the civil service ( two grades higher than senior clerk) and I earn much less than Norman Vella used to earn!
Nahseb ahjar nistaqsu ...min fejn gibt din l-informazzjoni dettaljata kollha sur balzan???
EUR 34000 for a year / E 100 per programme ? What is so special about these figures ? Why is everyone so excited ? What is he expected to be paid - nothing ?
Gurnalizmu tal-lanzit
Ghalhekk Norman dejjem b`idu miftuha u Peppi jaqta` nifsu minhabba c-cifri. Hbieb tal-hbieb mal-hbieb u fuq il-hbieb gewwa u barra l-PBS !!!
Posted by Malvolio When I read this, I say shame on Gonzi PN and shame on Where's Everybody. Looks like a case of all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Peppi and Lou were bad enough, but for sheer arrogance, Norman Vella takes the biscuit.
They call him poor boy for working in a precarious job!!!!!!!!!!! This fact clearly shows how wrong was Marlene Farrugia the PL MP. When she defended this poor boy.
Emmanuel Mallia
And a popular figure from Where Is Everybody once said that he is not making money from advertising and programs ! Have they checked his income tax return ?
Hehehehehe and the "head of the Management Personnel Office" or better known as director general of PAHRO continues to enjoy the confidence of this administration while her vigilant attitude against every labour leaning public servant continues. Vera Malta taghna lkoll.
Tuh gazaza lis-sur Vella.
@ Accountability. Naqbel mieghek perfettatment. Jien naf wiehed kien ghadu kif irrezenja minn job mal Gvern ghax ghalqulu t-tlett snin, biex ikun jista jahdem il-Libja. Ftit gimghat wara kien il-Gwerra u dan tilef l-impjieg tieghu kemm il-libja u kemm mal-Gvern. Two weights two measures kien imexxu u ghalkemm inbidel il-Gvern ghad hemm Nazzjonalisti f'pozizjonijiet gholja ma diversi Dipartimenti mal-Gvern xorta ghadhom imexxu b'dan il-mod. Ma dawn in-nies ma tistax tahdem, ghax ghalihom u ghal tal-Klikka jahdmu biss.
You know what they say Mr Norman (no wisdom)Vella? They say that people in glass houses should never throw stones. You complained that your removal from the PBS was politically motivated but failed to tell us that your engagement was more so. I am no statistician but if your programme's ratings were as high as you boost them to be, I'm afraid the Maltese must lead a very boring life. Unless obviously the figures are not tweaked to look different from what they really are. And I will not be the least surprised that they did not reflect reality. I am confident that the then ruling PN clique would have gone to all extremes to benefit from the situation.
Issa qed nifhem ghaliex il-kjass kollu li sar!
Kulhadd b'xortih mal-PN! Ghalhekk ma irridx jitlaq minn fejn gie ghax kien ippapija tajjeb! Dan ghallura kien idabbar daqs il-Prim Ministru biex joqghod ikun il-hin kollu jitkessah quddiem il-micrfon? Jekk hu tajjeb imur ma l-istzzjonijiet privati: imbaghad nghidulu bravu jekk jirnexxi!
So he could leave the GOV job and stay on TVM.
Vella was granted his extension on a personal recommendation from civil service head Godwin Grima in June 2010. Well this says it all. Grima abused the system like he did with Rita Schembri and God knows how many others. That is now well established. So when is the Government going to take criminal action against Grima for these abuses. Or are some more protected than others................????????????
Paul Sammut
Well, well, well. Super Norman seems to have had all the blessed backing of the GonziPN big brass behind him or should one say evil hand. Sorry for you other journalists, you must all be second or third rate at best when compared to Super Norman the and his super normal talents. No special concessions for you. Tal-qamel man!
Tajba Norman. Mhux ta b'xejn ma ridtx titlaq.
Prosit, he was paid for doing nothing.
Min imut fis-sakra u min mejjet ghal qatra. il-Gustizzja f'dan il-Pajjiz ta' Flimkien kollox Possibli u hawn nies jesistu u mhux jghixu, Proset Gonzi u il-klikka. nisperaw li ma nibqawx sejrin hekk li "MIGHT IS RIGHT". Issa Malta ta kulhadd u nispera li kulhadd jibda jghix u mhux jesist. Il-penzjoni ghandu tkun veru 2/3 u mhux ihalsu ghalija biss. Il-capping iridu jitnehha mhux ghal xi President, imhallef u MPs biss imam ukoll ghal haddiema kollha. Gustizzja ma Kulhadd.