MP deplores former AFM commander’s appointment to army injustices commission

‘Maurice Calleja has huge chip on the shoulder, an axe to grind,’ says MP Jason Azzopardi of former AFM Commander, but fails to give clear reason why.

Meinrad Calleja (left) with his father Maurice Calleja
Meinrad Calleja (left) with his father Maurice Calleja

Nationalist MP Jason Azzopardi has deplored a decision by the Ministry of Home Affairs to appoint former Armed Forces of Malta commander Maurice Calleja to head a commission which will consider claims of injustices suffered by soldiers and officers.

Brigadier Calleja resigned his position in 1993 when his son Meinrad Calleja was charged with drug trafficking.

While insisting he did not want to go into the merits of Calleja's abilities as an army brigadier, Azzopardi asked whether he was "the most suitable person" for the job.

"This is a person [Calleja] who has an axe to grind. And that is putting it very mildly. This is a person with a huge chip on his shoulder and that's putting it very mildly. And the government now wants him to investigate injustices in the AFM," Azzopardi said in parliament on Monday evening.

Contacted by MaltaToday to clarify what he meant by his comments, Azzopardi failed to give a clear explaination, putting it vaguely that he was "referring to members of the Calleja family". He then went on to insist that the issue was the commission "undermined" the Ombudsman as an institution.

Over the past years, Brigadier Calleja served as a ballistic expert in the law courts.

He resigned from the army in 1993 when his son, Meinrad Calleja, faced drug-trafficking charges. Calleja's son was convicted in 2001 and sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment.

In 1994, Meinrad Calleja was also accused of complicity in the attempted murder of Richard Cachia Caruana, then personal assistant to prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami. He was later acquitted in the ensuring trial by jury.

Azzopardi played down Manuel Mallia's justification that Calleja was a man of experience, noting there were many other army brigadiers with experience.

The appointment of the commission, the Opposition MP said, also undermined the position of the Ombudsman - an institution set up to receive complaints.

"Both the Prime Minister and the Minister for Home Affairs should declare whether the Ombudsman enjoys their trust or not. Because all this shows the contrary," Azzopardi claimed.

Azzopardi also argued that through the Ombudsman, members of the Armed Forces of Malta who felt they suffered justices could make their claims. Quoting from the 2009 and 2011 Ombudsman reports, Azzopardi said the number of complaints in connection with promotions in the AFM had gone down drastically.

"Thanks to the hard work of the Nationalist government, a new procedure was introduced which also led to a reduction in complaints. But with Maurice Calleja's appointment, the government is undermining the institution which is the Ombudsman," he said.

Azzopardi said following the revision, the number of complaints went down from 100 to 20 complaints.

I have known Brig. Mourice Calleja since 1972 when I joined the Malta Pioneer Corps when he was still a major and 2ic at fort St Elmo. When later on I joined the regular force of the AFM, he was always helpful to all those who seeked his support. When he was appointed Brig, He remained a real gentleman to all.
Brig Calleja is the most suitable person for this job. All men who served under his command both in the RMA and later in the AFM knows what a responsible person and gentleman he was. No Dr Jason Brig. Calleja has no axe to grind as he is an honest and trustworthy person and will act according to the facts in front of him. Dr Jason stop acting as if you are still a minister please.
Ħallina Jason u tkomplix tfixkel lill-Gvern biex tippruvaw tostru l-ineffiċjenza tagħkom għax kull suċċess li jagħmel il-Gvern tal-PL ikun qed juri kemm inthom kontu ineffiċjenti.
Is Jason Azzopardi stating that anybody who has a relative who broke the law must be excluded from any official duty? Where does justice and meritocracy stand here? If one had to stop the work and expertise of all persons with an uncle, daughter, cousin, mother-in-law etc.who broke the law, one would end up with the expertise of mostly Xi Cuc Malti - as Jason's colleague put it. Unfortunately Jason is coming across as one who makes long, boring speeches. Perhaps Jason takes too seriously the Adam & Eve story where all humanity has to suffer because of our great great great grandparents silly behaviour. But in that case there was a Saviour. In this case, is Jason the saviour? Hallina Jason!
As far as I am concerned mr Maurice Calleja is a man of principle and if he were not so, he would have hung on to his seat instead of resigning like the PN members who had much more sorrowfull reasons to do so and stayed on.
Hallina Jason! Ara il kazin tal labour tas Siggiewi hadtu biex tghatih lill siehbek imma ta Rahal gdid tal PN heq dak le! Two weights two measures! Good riddance Jason
Dr Azzopardi lost all credibility and our trust when he gave away for peanuts a government premises in central Valletta to one of his blue pedigree boy who had three jobs! An NGO applied for this place and yet the blue eyed pedigree boy was chosen instead! All comments are superfluous and yes actions speak louder than empty words!
I strongly believe that Jason Azzopardi should reword his statement and ask first of all whether HE, Jason Azzopardi, is the most suitable person to ask this question coming a few months after the corruption of handing out a garage in Valletta to a very strong PN activist without justification other than being blue. Jason should also ask whether he is the most suitable person to serve as a representative of the people after the revelations of corruption under his Ministry.
What I find deploring is not Brig Calleja's appointment but what is going on at AFM. The Deputy Commander, one of the most qualified officers at AFM, holding by right, the rank of Colonel, humiliated by given the new role of what previously was the responsibility of a Lieutenant. Minister Mallia or better still your COS, is the way forward for the AFM? What I find even more deploring is the changing of the AFM Act to accommodate one of the President's men to qualify for the post of Lt Col. Is it true that one of the President's men is earmarked for the post of deputy commander? Is this the way we treat our AFM officers?
And what does Jason Azzopardi hae besides a larger than huge chip on the shoulder, an axe to grind ~ withdrawal symptoms from losing his Minister's seat? It's really getting to him, he just won't accept it that the electorate voted for change and that is what the electorate is getting whether Jason Azzopardi gets it or not! HE DID NOT EVEN GET PBO'S e-mail ! ;)
Rita Pizzuto
I wish to completely second Giordano Bruno's reasoning on this matter. Jason Azzopardi gives the impression whence talks that he is in the wrong profession. Listening to his speeches is like sitting to a lengthy boring sermon. His reasoning is completely wrong. Like all PN administration and PMs he just cannot swallow it down his throat that they were humiliated by the Maltese citizens less than four months ago. They still want us to think that they are the ones who are still running the country. They are so poor in their criticism. They don't have a leg to stand on. They try to make it out as if they are the defenders of the citizens and try to put spokes in the wheels of the new government. They never mention the gains of the Labour Party after just days in power. They believe that by alleging vindictive transfers and appointments on government boards as being politically motivated, they would divert attention from the government's gains in so short a time to some flimsy matter. If they don't grow up to shoulder the responsibility of their humiliation, they would never gain their supporters' trust.
Thank you Jason, can you oblige by honing the ex-Brigadier's axe as according to you there is a lot to grind. Shame on you Jason.
Mr Calleja is the most suitable person for the job,he is intelegent,honest and a gentleman.
Jason is dead set to make himself the FOOL of the YEAR dragging Simon with him like he already did with the Security Service issue. One can understand why his desperate attacks at Dr Mallia he actually expected his TV buddy to be made Home Affairs Minister.Jason it is not gonna happen. Your buddy will not make it to home affairs.
Jason Azzopardi When GonziPN was in power how many labour leading people did you appoint in boards. NONE. Did Labour whine about? NO. Can Labour appoint whom it wants? HELL YES. So stop yapping. With regards to the ombudsman would you tell us how many times the Office aired complaints about government irregularities and injustices and was given a deaf ear? Cool man and when you have something to say be my guest otherwise. For example I could not believe when you said that Dr Mallia dismantled the SAG because of a grudge against DR.Gwido Demarco God rest his soul. Jason pace yourself your opponent Dr.Mallia is a political super heavey weight. Learn from your leader after all that bla bla bla about the security committee he had TO EAT HIS WORDS
This MP, Azzopardi that is, thinks that his PN is still setting the country's agenda. I think that he is the one who least accepted the landslide defeat suffered by his party. He vowed, poor soul, that he would single handily try to restore faith in his defunct PN. Can't he eat humble pie for the rest of his MPs life?