AD welcome measures against precarious employment

Greens urge the government to ensure that anti-precarity measures are respected and implemented by employers.

Alternattiva Demokratika welcomed the government's move to introduce mandatory conditions in relation to contracts in order to fight against precarious employment.

The Green Party spokesperson on Social Affairs, Robert Callus, said: "AD has been calling for concrete measures to fight precarious employment and this was also reflected in our electoral manifesto. AD urges the government to ensure that the measures are respected and implemented by employers."

He pointed out that it is the right of every worker to be treated with dignity and respect and to be paid decent wages.

"It is also important for workers to enjoy a certain degree of security and protection. To this effect, AD also believes that the minimum wage should be increased in order for Maltese persons and families on low income to be able to live decently and to reduce poverty and welfare dependence," Callus added.