Casa is rapporteur on 2030 framework for climate and energy
Nationalist MEP to report on Commission’s roadmap for more competitive low carbon economy
The head of the Maltese EPP delegation, MEP David Casa, has been appointed rapporteur on an Opinion for the Parliament's Own-Initiative Report on the 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies.
The proposed framework seeks to improve upon the 2020 Framework - which is currently in place - while paving the way for the Commission's 2050 Roadmap for a more competitive low carbon economy which includes transport and energy.
The European Commission published its Green Paper on the 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies four months ago, providing member states and various EU organisations the opportunity to communicate their views on the 2030 Framework to the Commission. This process opened the floor for a debate on the future steps that are required to improve the framework.
The Green Paper outlines three main objectives: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, developing renewable energy and promoting energy conservation. The 2030 Framework aims to boost the development of the EU's competitive economy, secure the energy system and provide stable opportunities for investors, while providing access to the required funding.
The European Parliament will now start its work on the proposed 2030 Framework. The Parliamentary Committees taking leading positions on the proposal are the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee and the Industry Research and Energy Committee. As Opinion Rapporteur, Casa is responsible for negotiating amendments and communicating the final position of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.
Casa said: "The European Union has set clear objectives in its 2020 Climate Change Framework. However, we are obliged to think about the future and to go one step further. Now more than ever, it is necessary to create sustainable climate and energy measures while boosting the EU's competitive economy. The proposed 2030 Framework provides us with an ideal opportunity to do exactly this."