Italy took majority of migrant arrivals in 2013 – UNHCR

Mediterranean crossings to Italy and Malta exceeded 8,000 in the first six months of 2013

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees today said it estimated that approximately 8,400 migrants and asylum-seekers had landed on the coasts of Italy and Malta in the first six months of this year.

The majority arrived in Italy (7,800), while Malta received around 600 migrants and asylum-seekers. Those making this journey mostly departed from North Africa, principally Libya (around 6,700 people). The remaining 1,700 crossed from Greece and Turkey, landing in southern Italy's Apulia and Calabria regions.

Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are the main places of origin of these migrants and asylum-seekers, particularly Somalia and Eritrea. Other countries of origin include Egypt, Pakistan and Syria. Nationals of Gambia, Mali and Afghanistan also make these crossings, but in smaller numbers.

"The Mediterranean is one of the busiest seaways in the world, as well as a dangerous sea frontier for migrants and asylum seekers en route to southern Europe. In view of the perils UNHCR again calls on all vessels at sea to be on alert for migrants and refugees in need of rescue," spokesperson Adrian Edwards said in Geneva today.

"We also renew our call to all shipmasters in the Mediterranean to remain vigilant and to carry out their duty of rescuing vessels in distress."

International and European law also requires states to ensure that people intercepted or rescued at sea who seek asylum can gain access to territory and to an asylum procedure where their international protection needs or claims can be examined.

The peak crossing period for migrants and asylum-seekers runs from May to September.

"At this time of year when there is an increase in the number of people trying to make this perilous journey it is essential to ensure that the long-established tradition of rescue at sea is upheld by all and that international maritime law is adhered to," Edwards said.

For 2012 as a whole, some 15,000 migrants and asylum-seekers reached Italy and Malta (13,200 and 1,800 respectively) by sea. The number arriving in the first six months of 2012 was 4,500 (3,500 in Italy and 1,000 in Malta).

UNHCR has recorded some 40 deaths in the first six months of 2013 by people attempting to cross the Mediterranean between North Africa and Italy. This number is based on interviews conducted with people who reached Europe using boats.

In 2012, almost 500 people were reported dead or missing at sea. The decrease in deaths so far in 2013 is thanks in part to the efforts of the Italian and Maltese authorities, in particular the Italian coastguard and the Maltese armed forces, in effectively coordinating rescue at sea.

Malta's 600 irregular immigrants mean 0.15% of our population. Italy's 7,800 represent merely 0.013% of their 60,000,000 population. Thus, in proportion to our population (and would be more if size is taken into account) Malta takes more than 10 times the number of irregular immigrants than Italy. This should be the thrust of our argument in Brussels.
Why is the UNHCR refraining from mentioning Germany, U.K, in their report and mentioning only Italy as having more immigrants than Malta? Why not compare Malta and Germany , density and population??????
I have nothing against refugees, illegal immigrants or poor people .We collect thousand upon thousand of euros to help these people whether they are in Malta or elsewhere, but I would like to draw the attension of Mr Adrian Edwards or to the UNHcr for that matter. Yes Italy is like Malta and need help like we nee it too but while you compare please compare everything not just what you want. Example Malta has a population of 415,654, while Italy has 60,720,000. If you divide the smallest number into the other it comes up to 146. That means that if Malta takes one, Italy has to take 146. Malta took 600 illegal immigrants so Italy’s share is 87,600. Now the UNHCR can calculate how many other Illegal immigrants can go to our European Brothers and sisters (or brotherhood exists only when we have to fork our money to help other EU countries much much bigger than Malta. The other EU countries, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rep, enmark Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungry, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Netherland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom which populations totals 442,480,000. If you all the EU population together and divide (use Ratios) then Malta would be more than pleased to host 6.7, and we could even afford to send them to some 5 star hotel. Burning sharing is another BOMBASTIC word used by those who have nothing to do except ‘LOOK DOWN FROM THEIR HIGH UP POSITION AND TELLS US WHAT TO DO”, they then expect us to bow our HEADS and obey.
If UNHCR is really interested in avoiding deaths by drowning, it should send a message to illegal immigrants waiting on the Libyan coast to advise them of the dangers of the sea crossing. By its statements UNHCR is encouraging the influx and hence the inevitable fatal accidents.
Found on other media and I think that it is important. Support our Government against the EU stance on illegal immigration. This is a national issue which does not consider whether you are a PL, PN, AD supporter or does not support any political party. Go sign this petition and encourage your friends to do the same.