Mater Dei loaned medical equipment to private hospitals ‘for free’
Medical experts concerned over ‘unique’ equipment sets loaned – private hospital reported to make more use of certain instruments than Mater Dei.
Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia has put to halt a 'protocol' between Mater Dei Hospital and private hospitals which allowed the loaning of medical equipment from the public hospital to private hospitals, at no cost.
The understanding, Sunday newspaper Illum reports, is that exchanges of equipment could be done between the public and private hospitals depending on the circumstances.
So far, the two-year-old protocol had only been utilised by St James Hospital with the ratio of equipment loaned said to be at 400:1 in favour of the private hospital.
Loan payments prior to these two years were minimal, with the average payment reaching €15. While the last payment was made about two and a half years ago, equipment was loaned to St James as recent as last week.
According to Illum, the concern over the agreement goes beyond the fact that Mater Dei Hospital agreed to the free loan.
Experts raised questions over "unique" sets, and emergency orthopaedic trauma instrumentation, leaving the hospital for fear they may be damaged. It transpires that loaning of certain instruments was so frequent, that it was more utilised by the private hospital.
Read the full report in Illum