‘My only weakness is political consistency’ – Arnold Cassola

AD Chairman attacks his opponents’ political inconsistency, defends his 2009 resignation

Arnold Cassola
Arnold Cassola

Arnold Cassola's "only weakness seems to be... his consistency".

During an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, the new Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson said he "admired" how both Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil easily succeeded with political U-turns.

"From a staunch anti-EU campaigner, Muscat became the most pro-EU politician. In a few weeks, Busuttil first said he came from Brussels to save his party, and then after the election he refused to shoulder any blame for the electoral defeat!" Cassola noted.

In the same interview, Cassola defended his decision to resign from the AD chairmanship back in 2009 after only one year in this role. "I believe a politician should shoulder his responsibility after an improper electoral result. We did not fare well in the 2009 EP elections and I felt I should resign," he concluded.

Cassola did not exclude that he will contest, for the third time, the EP elections next year, "together with another candidate".

Read more in today's issue of 'Illum'.


His "ONLY" weakness! IDDAHAQX! Tahseb li int il-perfezzjoni, li int biss tajjeb u li hadd ma hawn bhalek! L'Unika KONSISTENZA li ghandhekk hu li dejjem kontra l' LP kemm meta PL ikun fl'Opposizzjoni u kemm meta jkun fil Gvern ! U min jghamilhom il-Professuri f'dan il-Pajjiz u ta' x'hiex int Profs.?
Supporters of diplomatic (sic) voluntary (sic sic) burden sharing will get a handful of votes in the EP elections. The elected MEPs will all be supporters of the veto and pushback policy. We shall discover this as surveys will start showing statistics. VIVA MALTA U L-MALTIN!
Dear Arnold your only weakness is not 'political consistency' but 'political correctness' whose two pillars are: a) willful ignorance & b) a steadfast refusal to face the truth GM