Franco Debono does not exclude a return to Parliament

Former Nationalist MP describes the Labour Government as a fresh of breath air, excludes a return to the PN ranks.

Franco Debono. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
Franco Debono. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)

In a frank interview with sister newspaper 'Illum', Commissioner of Laws Franco Debono said he was too young to exclude a return to Parliament as an MP.

"I'm still 39. There were MPs who got elected for the first time when they were 50. It's too premature to say what could happen in a few years," he said.

In a much calmer and reconciliatory tone, he said the time of confrontation with his former party has come to an end.

"I loved the party and I dedicated 15 whole years to win a seat from a Labour stronghold. Time will heal. I'm not interested in going back to the PN ranks but there's no reason not to be on good terms," a serene Debono told Illum.

While describing Labour's first months in power as "a breath of fresh air", he said the Joanne Cassar case displayed how the previous administration had become insensitive to individual dignity and respect.

Franco Debono also disagreed with a potential second Presidential term, saying there are limited public office opportunities in Malta.

 Read more in today's issue of 'Illum'.


Franco diga halla it-timbru tieghu ta' 39 sena u li dejjem qal u kien konsistenti GHAMEL SENS u qieghed jghamel sens ghada aktar mil-lum! Jibqa zgur imfakkar li dahhal il-kelma "OLIGARKIJA" fil vokabilarju Malti u l-kuragg kbir tieghu li hadha kontra l'OLIGARKIJA li kienet tmexxi il-P.N. ! Irrid ikollok kuragg biex taghmel dan fejn spiccaw JARARBUH IL-MEXXEJJA TAL-PN , u anki il-Kap il-Gdid Simon jistahba f'aquarium kif jisimghu gej ! Dr. Franco Debono ghad ghandhu hafna x'jghati lill pajjiz u lill dan il-poplu!
You have many good ideas Franco. All you need to do is to mature a bit more and you'll be more respected.
And in the meantime, Mr Nice is nowhere to be found. With no investigation, being done around him! Really nice, indeed!
Good to know that Franco Debono has his new found home away from the PN ! Keep up the good work Franco. Watch out , "George Vella for president" rumors will start making the rounds.
I always said "Don't ever count Franco Debono out. He will be back." Franco Debono is a political junkie and he is hooked on politics which might not be a bad thing. Franco Debono, love him or leave him. But one has to admit he has done a lot for Malta's politics, especially when it comes to reviving awareness of how archaic some of our laws are. Franco Debono would have remained a political PN contestant if he did not butt heads with Mr Nice. As a matter of fact the PN might still be in power today if Mr Nice smartly resigned instead of combating Franco Debono.
VOT LIBERU From me you will never have a vote. What you have done is for money. You are not Franco Debono anymore but JUDAS Debono for most of the Head on Neck voters. In my opinion you are wasting you time in politics. Why don't you join the Manoel Theatre. Probably they will give you the part of Judas l-iskarjota.