Updated: Muscat goes for the panic button - Simon Busuttil

MaltaToday journalist James Debono takes on Simon Busuttil over illegal immigration, eviction of boathouses, the construction industry and fraudulent political slogans.

Unlike Malta, Italy had applied push back measures in the case of illegal immigration however the European Court of Justice held this was in breach of human rights, PN leader Simon Busuttil told MaltaToday's James Debono.

In this morning's interview, the PN leader held the Prime Minister's stand is a dangerous move and the PN does not endorse this move. "Muscat's action make me believe he's going for the panic button when he threatens the use of veto before even going in for discussions," Busuttil said.

In the immigration sector the former government secured 130million in EU funds. The AFM's patrol boats and planes used to patrol our shores have been paid through EU funds. The former government insisted with the EU to take a number of migrants with the EU accepted 700 migrants. At the same time 1300 asylum seekers were resettled in the US.

The hypocrisy of the Labour government in this sector is further proven when after winning two MEP elections, the party never had a representative on the European Parliament's committee responsible of immigration.

Addressing the John Dalli issue, the PN leader retreated he had personally met the former commissioner and promised the PN will allow him space to clear his name. " The PN did not remain silent but was the political family, which offered Dalli the biggest support. We were also OLAF's biggest critics," Dr Busuttil said.

Further prodded by James Debono over allegation concerning Dalli's Bahamas venture, Simon Busuttil said it was the Prime Minister's responsibility to see of the position of one of his consultants is till tenable.

"Muscat allowed a Minister to earn €3,600 in a morning and other ministers to carry on their private practices free of charge. Is it also acceptable that while still a Commissioner, Dalli carried out voluntary duties with other organisation, clearly breaching the code of ethics?" the PN leader asked. John Dalli has in the past days admitted to carrying out work for a voluntary organisation behind the back of President Barosso. The PL won an election pledging he would not repeat the mistakes of the previous administration. "However the government seems to adopt an anything goes attitude", Dr Busuttil said.

The slogan 'Malta Taghna Lkoll' has proved to be a fraudulent misleading slogan. During this morning's interview, Dr Busuttil claimed the former government was far more transparent and fair in handing out appointments. "The appointment of PN sympathiser Lou Bondi was evidence Muscat is trying everything to save the Malta Taghna Lkoll slogan", he said.

Down from 59% to 42%, the drop in the performance approval rate drop of the Prime Minister after only 100 days in power, show Muscat is loosing the people's trust.

MaltaToday journalist James Debono also revealed that Dr Muscat is leading Dr Busuttil by 13%. " Muscta has led the party for five years and has been Prime Minister over three months. It takes time to win the trust of the electorate. People should evaluate me on my performance and its still too early for that," the Opposition leader said.

Dr Busuttil continued that 36,000 voters cannot be wrong but he will adhere to a 'black is black; white is white' style of politics. "If I believe the government policies are right I will back them but when I believe they're wrong I will say so," he said while pledging to strive to win back the trust and support of voters.

The Gonzi led government was deemed as more disciplined in the housing sector. With a house from every three being empty it does not make sense to further incentivise the construction industry. Dr Busuttil asked why should the government promote projects like land reclamation which raise environmental issues when so many houses are still vacant. "The former government ceased building housing estates and rented private residences which were passed to those in need through a subsidised lease".

The leader of the Opposition held the court case over the Armier caravans was won by the PN. The eviction order was issued by the PN administration and not that the court has issued its decision, the PL government is expected to act on the court's eviction order.

During the interview, MaltaToday's James Debono queried Busuttil's opinion about party financing, the building of a new power station and the appointment of a black listed Chinese company to carry a feasibility study for the government.

Simon Busuttil said he'll be waiting the government's proposals over the party financing laws and then will take the discussion further. Currently both parties receive around 200,000 in state aid. "However that is far away from the budgets needed to run a political party in today's era," the PN leader said, stressing that both parties rely on voluntary donations to finance their operations.

The previous PN led administration had launched the process for a feasibility study to link the islands of Malta and Gozo. The study, paid with EU funds had the aim of highlighting various options for the link. An underwater tunnel and the building of a bridge were two alternatives, with the prior having less visual impact on the environment.

Dr Busuttil questioned the reasoning behind requesting a company, which builds bridges to run a feasibility study of how best to connect the two islands. "Which company would opt for a choice against its own interest?" Busuttil asked. Further more he echoed the government's grave choice of allocating the study to a black listed company.  

Dr Busutil is attempting to lead the nationalist part away from the former GonziPN mentality towards Team PN. "Candidate are urged to have their focus groups which will help generate ideas and new policies," the PN leader said, promising the electorate a new party, open for ideas and ready to govern.

"Today, being a nationalist today means belonging to a party fighting for truth and bettering of society. A party pushing for policies of substance and striving to win back the electorate's trust. A political party which believes in a social market economy and that people can rely on for support," the Opposition leader concluded.



Emmanuel Mallia
Dear Simple Simon, can you tell us on which side you are on ? Your old fashion diplomacy, on illegal immigration failed when you were an MEP. You gave us the impression that you did something, but your efforts were futile ! And you are repeating the same thing over and over again. Polite, inferiority complex, diplomacy does not work well withing the EU instiutions !
Mr Simon Busuttil, since you were responsible for the Gonzi PN electoral manifesto where the result was a massive defeat for your party, we are still waiting for you to accept responsibility for the defeat. So your talk is hollow and does not bear weight since apparently you are still under the shadow that you intend to follow the line that talk without responsibility, might bear fruit.Learn from your predecessor please, as he talked on the same lines only to his political demise.
Emmanuel Mallia
Dear Simon, your so called solution to the illegal immigration issue was lots of just bla bla bla. With the EU we need to show our teeth, that is the only way to get what we want, as we are a very small unimportant country to them.
Simon in my opinion you are working against our country Shame on you you never learn you have to put the interest to your country before you party
"Today, being a nationalist today means belonging to a party fighting for truth and bettering of society."..said Super Simon. Nesa dan li sa 16-il gimgha ilu kien qed jiddefendi tmexxija illi qabzet kull limitu fid-dicenza u morali demokratika. The truth is that you have lost the plot and your party's raison d'etre SB!
Muscat went for the panic button, and found it occupied due to a long queue of PN deputies.
Your performance already show that you are weak against the illegal immigrants Mr Busuttil.
Well one can only say one thing about this interview, Simon you are still living in lala land, the previous gov, transparent, yes and Im the queen of England,
If Simon Busuttil refuses to listen to the voice of the Maltese people, he should at least listen to the voice of the Nationalists. At the time of Berlusconi's pushback policy maltarightnow held an online poll. Most of the respondents must have been Nationalists. 90% said they agreed with the pushback policy; 7% disagreed and 3% didn't know. I challenge Simon Busuttil to ask maltarightnow to hold another online poll to see who agrees with JM's stand on illegal immigrants. He will see how many Nationalists agree with JM on this rather than with Simon.
Kompli ghid ic-cucati sur Busullotti u elezzjoni ohra tkun taf. Verament politiku fqir u ta' min ma jafdahx.
Simonpn gas down dritt ghal gol-hajt. His theory is to keep insisiting on voluntary burden sharing. Why should it be voluntary in the first place? Why do we have to insist with friends? Are they not friendly people Simonpn made friends with while in Europe? With friends like these, who needs enemies? And while taking years of insisting, how many thousands of illegal immigrants arrive while Simon is insisting? Veru xokkanti!
Simon, it's time you start being prudent and stop your aggressive attitude.
Priscilla Darmenia
Simon, jekk tnehhilek il-pozi w t-tlablib fil-vojt ma jibqalek xejn. It seems you, like your predecessor – GonziPN, have a very short memory. You as an MEP and Gonzi as prime minister wasted 10 years talking with the EU in vain. More talking by Muscat, as you are suggesting, will keep us at a status quo situation. The EU are not interested to help us. We have to forget the silk glove and start using the iron fist now. Thank God you are not our prime minister as you have not guts to fight for Malta’s interests.
Rather than pressing a panic button this is more a case of pressing the emergency button. We are fed up hearing empty ethical rhetoric from the PN who effectively did nothing for ten years. The situation keeps aggravating and if we do not take decisive action now it will soon become unmanageable and overwhelm us. The problem was only mitigated for a time thanks to the former Italian premier who was a man of action. I cannot see an English or German opposition leader talking in such a way as SB where the national interest is involved. But we all know the supine and subservient way the PN deals with the arrogant and indifferent EU members . Fortunately our PM is decisive and on this matter he has overwhelming support and the majority of the population behind him. As long as our PM reflects the will of the people SB can keep on ranting and disagreeing all the way to the next electoral defeat.
Rather than a panic button we are talking here of an emergency button which I would say should have been pressed much earlier . Fortunately we now have a PM who is decisive and acts. Those of us who know a thing or two about risk management know that if you do not deal with risk just in time the problems will simply aggravate until they become unmanageable and from then on it is simply a question of mitigating the edisaster. This problem of irregular immigriminants has has been with us for ten years and other than empty ethical rhetoric we have seen no tangible results .Experience has shown that only action man like the former Italian premier got grips of the situation.
Simon says CUT OUT THE HYPOCISY and we say CUT OUT THE HYPOCRICY Simon! http://arc.eppgroup.eu/press/showpr.asp?prcontroldoctypeid=1&prcontrolid=7350&prcontentid=12812&prcontentlg=en