Over 1,000 roads patched and built since 2008

Transport Malta carried out roadworks on 650 roads in the past five years, a PQ revealed. This included roadworks financed with EU funds.

A further 513 residential roads were built since 2008.

Opposition MP Jason Azzopardi asked transport minister Joe Mizzi whether he was ready to pledge the construction of the same amount of roads during the same administration. Replying to the MP's teasing tone, Mizzi riposted that "rather than promising numbers, this government will strive to get the roadworks done properly first time around.

"There were roads, like Melita Street in Valletta which had to be redone, leading to financial wastage," Mizzi said.

Mizzi said a study had been carried out with local councils to provide a list for new roadworks, which he said will be undertaken by Transport Malta unless it encounters insurmountable issues.

...... ghidlu kemm il-triq inbdiet u ma tkomplietx, jew kemm il triq saret aktar minn darba ;)