Strasbourg blocks pushbacks - how it happened [video]

NGOs file injunction against pushbacks, courts stop government flights to Mitiga airport for forced repatriation of asylum seekers.

Members of NGOs grouped outside the police headquarters where the migrants scheduled for deportation are being held.
Members of NGOs grouped outside the police headquarters where the migrants scheduled for deportation are being held.

Last updated at 7pm on Tuesday, 9 July 2013.

The European Court of Human Rights has issued an interim order to block a government pushback of 45 migrants after NGOs filed a prohibitory application.

The ECHR issued interim measures to stop the pushback, lawyer Michael Camilleri said, as NGOs gathered outside the police general headquarters in Floriana. "We still have to see what the decree is, but the Maltese government is prohibited from sending these migrants to Libya."

The Prime Minister today told the House that over 1,000 crossings had taken place in the Mediterranean in one day, saying the situation was "a grave one" which was not being given enough attention by the European Commission.

"People thought we were bluffing. The test happened earlier this morning when a new boat came in. We examined the options we had before us... today there was no mention of illegal immigration on the Council of Ministers' agenda. The Commission then said it was ready to discuss offering Malta more assistance as new came in that we were considering all options. I'd say that this was a concrete example that our position has reaped the necessary results," Muscat told MPs.

The prime minister also said that he had held talks with the Libyan government, and that all arrangements for a pushback had been finalised. "In the meantime we have learnt of an application to the European Court of Human Rights by NGOs, to stop a decision that the Maltese government had not taken yet."

Muscat said his decision to finalise preparations for a pushback was a sign that his government had "stood up to be counted".

"I carry this responsibility myself... but so must those who stop this government from securing the national interest," Muscat said, in an obvious reference to the NGOs' application to the ECHR.

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil condemned what he termed was a "shocking" declaration by the prime minister. "The concept of sending back people seeking protection is objectionable morally, legally and politically."

"I cannot understand how the prime minister today can sleep after declaring what he said today. How can government members have a clean conscience about what has taken place today. The last time we sent Air Malta to Libya in these circumstances was to save people. What legal advice did the prime minister take before deciding on this pushback, and whether he is aware of the Hirsi judgement in the European Court, which lays down that stopping people from applying from protection is against fundamental human rights."

Busuttil upped the ante, as he told Muscat that his actions were "not in our name", hitting out at Muscat's decision to carry out a pushback that had been stopped by an interim measure from the European Court. "What guarantee do we have that this government will be humane to its own people, if it cannot be humane with members of humanity. The Opposition will not be an accomplice to a government that breaches human rights and tarnishes our reputation in Europe."

The government's pushbacks were also met by an appeal from the Bishops of Malta, calling on the government to find "all legitimate means with which to share the burden".

"We appeal to the civil authorities to safeguard the dignity of every human bring that arrives to our shores, and respect our international obligations and implement a policy of hospitality."

Former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi joined the fray, saying Muscat's failing was a shame that had to be borne by the entire nation. "This decision is not one taken by the prime minister alone. It is a decision that affects us as a nation... have we arrived to a situation where it has to be an international court to condemn us, albeit temporarily, to order the Maltese government to stop this decision the prime minister has taken? I am ashamed... we should be taking decisions according to what is morally, and ethically right."

In a statement, international human rights organisation Human Rights Watch said it was shocking to see the Maltese government considering to summarily return Somalis to Libya. "Libya is a place where migrants risk arbitrary arrest, ill treatment and forced labour," HRW deputy director Benjamin Ward said. "Now that the European Court of Human Rights has intervened to temporarily halt the returns, the authorities should grant non-governmental organizations immediate access and carefully consider the protection needs of each migrant."

News of Malta's intention to push back a group of 45 migrants was greeted with concern by European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom.

"I would like to stress that according to EU and international obligations, all people arriving in the EU territory are entitled to file an asylum request and to have a proper assessment of their situation. Any return operation has to respect in full these obligations and in particular the principle of non-refoulement inscribed in the EU law and in the International Conventions," Malmstrom said.

The European Commission said it would use all the tools at its disposal to make sure member states fully respect their obligations. "We also stand ready to increase our support to Malta if it should face growing migratory pressure. Should Maltese authorities ask for it, we are ready to engage in discussions on further measures, be it financial support or assistance through the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and Frontex."

Two Air Malta flights for Mitiga to return an unspecified number of migrants back to Libya have been scheduled for tonight, MaltaToday confirmed earlier on.

The flights will carry a total of 90 police officers and 45 migrants who were denied the right to seek asylum in Malta.

An airline source said Air Malta was holding security meetings with pilots on arrangements for the flights. One plane will take two trips to Mitiga, carrying a total of 90 police officers, because there must be two police escorts for each migrant being deported to Libya.

It is still not confirmed how many of the the 102 migrants who reached Malta by boat this morning will be sent back to Libya.

The Commissioner of Police has refused to give members of NGOs Integra, Aditus Foundation, the Emigrants Commission and the Jesuit Refugee Service access to the migrants being currently held at the general headquarters of the police.

United Nations High Commission for Refugees coordinator Jon Hoisaeter was also refused access.

But Nationalist Party leader Simon Busuttil has told the press that his party will be opposing any concept of pushback of asylum seekers.

"This is a very preoccupying situation. I expect the prime minister to honour all international obligations at law, when faced with such an emergency."

The 102 migrants were spotted 1.5 nautical miles away from Delimara point shortly after 3am. The group consisted of 59 men, 41 women and two infants.

Alternattiva Demokratika's deputy chairperson, Carmel Cacopardo, accused Joseph Muscat of damaging Malta's interest by going against Malta's international obligations. "If Muscat has a backbone, he should return the millions of euros Malta recieved in refugee funds from the EU. Muscat's hot air is aimed at playing with people's emotions, by painting a picture of crisis and using the week for his political and populist reasons."

This was the second arrival in a couple of days, after almost 300 immigrants were brought to Malta last Thursday.

All migrants who reached Malta this morning are Somali, making them entitled to humanitarian protection.

According to international obligations and national law every migrant arriving in Malta has the right to apply for asylum and all persons have up to two months to apply with the Office of the Refugee Commission.

Although not every migrant qualifies for asylum or is granted protection, the Refugee Commissioner can recommend two types of protection; refugee status or subsidiary protection.

A Temporary Humanitarian Protection can be granted in "special and extraordinary cases."

Once the request for asylum arrives to the Refugee Commissioner, the applicant officially becomes an asylum seeker.

If the applicant is considered to be from a 'safe country of origin' then the application is refused, however, the applicant has up to seven days to contest the decision.

Asylum seekers are usually interviewed on a first-come-first served basis and the interview might be held within a week or months from the submission of the application, depending on the number of pending cases.

If asylum is refused, asylum seekers have up to 14 days to appeal the decision of the Refugee Commissioner.

Emmanuel Mallia
Have you not realized yet, that this is just a plan by Islamist extremest to convert Malta into Islam ? Is it a coincidence that with every influx of migrants, there are always Muslim pregnant woman ? Did you know that mosques have mushroomed all over Malta, in underground garages ? Do they have a MEPA permit ? The latest one was inaugurated last week, in an underground garage at Qawra !!
Apparently the PN has a lot of mouths.....and all of them just loud mouths
Emmanuel Mallia
It a US government policy to send back illegal immigrants. But UNHCR, remains silent !!
I think these two Maltese lawyers should be sent to Libya also!
Dak ir-ritratt jiddistingwi bejn min hu verament Malti ta' veru, u min hu traditur ta' pajjizu. Basta jaċċetta dak kollu li tiddettalu l-Unjoni Ewropeja. Fejn hu il-partijottizmu tal-Maltin?
@ albatross, FULL MARKS! WELL SAID!
Jeff Cassar
It's nice living in a soverign country. Oh, wait.
I believe that asylum seekers should be helped and accommodated in the best humane manner. I aslo believe that the processing procedure should be quick and efficient. Once asylum is granted the person should be given the necessary documents to go to the country of his choice. For sure 99% dont want to stay in Malta. The ones that are refused asylum should be flown back to their country of origin. The ones that opt to stay in Malta should pay taxes and NI like us Maltese hence contribute to the country and not be abused in their working conditions.
I believe that asylum seekers should be helped and accommodated in the best humane manner. I aslo believe that the processing procedure should be quick and efficient. Once asylum is granted the person should be given the necessary documents to go to the country of his choice. For sure 99% dont want to stay in Malta. The ones that are refused asylum should be flown back to their country of origin. The ones that opt to stay in Malta should pay taxes and NI like us Maltese hence contribute to the country and not be abused in their working conditions.
Actually our dear joseph wanted not only to send these poor souls back to libya but to mitiga airport that is in a Military airport. What would had happeaned as soon as they would have landed there??
Actually our dear joseph wanted not only to send these poor souls back to libya but to mitiga airport that is in a Military airport. What would had happeaned as soon as they would have landed there??
Some comments suggest that not everybody is understanding the situation. Granted that malta is tiny and can't accommodate all the migrants that come over. However it is a fact that these people have rights that should not be denied by anyone. Some say that the Maltese have rights as well and they are right. However, no Maltese has a right to deny others their own rights. No Maltese can deny these immigrants the right to apply for asylum. This is their sacrosanct right. And if we all Maltese don't defend these rights, who do we expect to fight for our rights if our own rights are put in jeopardy. History has taught us that unless we safeguard the rights of others we cannot bank on anybody to safeguard our own rights if they are jeopardised.
Actually our dear joseph wanted not only to send these poor souls back to libya but to mitiga airport that is in a Military airport. What would had happeaned as soon as they would have landed there??
Actually our dear joseph wanted not only to send these poor souls back to libya but to mitiga airport that is in a Military airport. What would had happeaned as soon as they would have landed there??
Priscilla Darmenia
Why are these asylum seekers applying for protection in Malta. Why can't they apply in Libya? If there are no facilities in Libya, then the BIG MOUTHS from international quarters who want to teach us something, better learn themselves and open up facilities in Libya itself for these asylum seekers to go and submit their application there.
@ all comments Kristu taf'x x'qal meta sallbuh fuq salib. AHFRILHOM GHAX MA TAFUX X'INTOM TAGHMLU JEW TGHIDU. Thaltux politika ma affarijiet meta il-bniedem huwa fil-bzonn.
Shame on you Dr Gonzi,making a deal with USA against our constitution.
The majority of the people is behind our PM !at last someone is showing for real that wants to solve this prob... keeping delaying decisions will increase the problem..
Its a pity this has become a political football with the PN trying to take the moral high ground, the usual opportunists to say the least. The EU has let us down, plain and simple hopefully Joseph's bluff works.
Well done to the PM who took a firm stand on this boat illegals problem. He must not let up now and must keep this serious problem at the top of his agenda. The problem has to be tackled at three levels. Constant pressure on the EU. Close friendship and cooperation with Libya to prevent departures and migration paths towards our island. Follow up on the ECHR injuction to see the extent to which we can repatriate after following asylum requests and refoulement reassurances. Many of these tasks are areas where the legal, oratorial and mooting competence of the home minister Dr. Mallia will be crucial.
These organizations such as "Human Rights Watch" and others like them are nothing but front organizations for the New World Order. The money comes from the deep pockets of those that run the UN etc. The lower membership of course have no clue that they are actually helping in their own destruction. Useful idiots I believe is the term. Malta must shed all membership agreements and treaties as these take the power from the Maltese and give it to a handful of dictators posing under the cloak of saintliness. And Malta must expel the fifth column it has in its midst that is undermining the Republic.
Well done to the PM who took a firm stand on this boat illegals problem. He must not let up now and keep this serious problem attop of his agenda The problem has to be tackled at three levels. Constant pressure on the EU. Close friendship and cooperation with Libya to prevent departures and migration paths towards our island. Follow up on the ECHR injuction to see the extent to which we can repatriate after following asylum requests and refoulement reassurances. Many of these tasks are areas where the legal, oratorial and mooting skills of the home minister Dr Mwill b
We need a petition to see who is in favour or against.
Whats good for Israel-whom Strasbourg loves-is good for Malta! Whats good for the US (mexicans) Australinas(Christmass Island) is good for malta too! Many maltese suffer from elephantism-thinking that malta is bigger than Sicily and as big as Sweden! Lempedusa has Italy as prussure valve. In Malta -with Simon- we have more pressure and pushback on the ordinary maltese! Only 40 years we were a British colony;today Simon wants us to be a Brussels colony and a second Lempedusa without the pressure valves from the EU! Even Gonzi was beeter than you Simon:and he lost by 37,000 votes!
It is unacceptable that irregular immigrants are treated as some illness that Malta needs to be cured of. One cannot truly be pro-life and treat these persons in such a draconian manner. Push-backs are extreme and impinge of the basic human rights of these individuals. Malta has a responsibility to act with compassion and it is in our view unwise of our Government to act in this way. The message being sent to the general public is the wrong one. It encourages xenophobia
Jeff Cassar
I'm sorry, but I really can't understand the PN's position. I'm someone who voted for them last election because I thought they deserved another five years (believe me or not) and a regualr reader of this newspaper (printed that is) but when is enough enough? How many Maltese babies are born every year? What will happen when the older generation dies?
Emmanuel Mallia
We are fed up of Simple Simon inferiority complex when confronted with illegal emmigration. He has solved nothing, just bla bla. PN and UNHCR should better see how the US government send back illegal immigrants !
Emmanuel Mallia
We are fed up of Simple Simon inferiority complex when confronted with illegal emmigration. He has solved nothing, just bla bla. PN and UNHCR should better see how the US government send back illegal immigrants !
Jeff Cassar
I'm sorry, but I really can't understand the PN's position. I'm someone who voted for them last election because I thought they deserved another five years (believe me or not) and a regualr reader of this newspaper (printed that is) but when is enough enough? How many Maltese babies are born every year? What will happen when the older generation dies?
Jeff Cassar
I'm sorry, but I really can't understand the PN's position. I'm someone who voted for them last election because I thought they deserved another five years (believe me or not) and a regualr reader of this newspaper (printed that is) but when is enough enough? How many Maltese babies are born every year? What will happen when the older generation dies?
Jeff Cassar
I'm sorry, but I really can't understand the PN's position. I'm someone who voted for them last election because I thought they deserved another five years (believe me or not) and a regualr reader of this newspaper (printed that is) but when is enough enough? How many Maltese babies are born every year? What will happen when the older generation dies?
How many of the current migrants will be given refugee status? NONE. They are economic migrants and so will be given subsidiary protection because their application for refugee status will be refused. To be a refugee you have to be fleeing persecution not have visited six or seven countries then worked for a few years in Libya. If I were Libyan I would feel insulted if, after having worked in my country , they go to the next and say they were persecuted. The question to ask is, why do they not go to Saudi Arabia, next door, but instead prefer to travel half the world to a different culture and religion when they can have their own next door.
Paul Sammut
How come they do not seek refuge in such countries like Saudi and Kuwait. The dynamics of their migration should be well studied for it could be that this is partly organized emigration for those who can pay the fee and has nothing to do with escaping persecution in the country of origin.
dawn ta hawn fuq tradituri ta Malta.Proset Joseph.KECCIHOM lura lihom u l-ohrajn li Gonzi u il PN ghabbewna bihom
Gonzi...guess what is shameful? The period of your premiership is shameful for being the most vindictive, corrupt, fundamentalist and discriminatory government in the history of Malta. Why don't you disappear once and for all you hypocrite like your uncle? As for you Simon, you are spineless to say the least. You impress no one except your lick boots which are few in this case. These NGOs have a political agenda and are simply using this case to disrupt Government. Their only purpose is to get the PN gain power because they believe it is a superior party and contains a superior race. They should shove their principles up theirs!
U dawk il pampaluni li marru quddiem id depot kemm se jiehdu klandestini id dar maghhom?
Busuttil ghandu l-wicc ighid li GonziPN kien kiseb ir-rizultati? Fejn kien rieqed dan? Din il-kwistjoni se turi min hu Malti u min mhux. Il-Libja fejn hi? Fejn hu l-kliem sabih li qalu meta kienu bzonna? Fejn hi s-solidarjeta' Ewopea? Xi dhalna naghmlu fl-UE? X'qed naghmlu bhala membri tal-ECHR -- l-imhallfin tal-ECHR x'jaqghu u jqumu minni u minn uliedi u uliedek?
Hafna Nazzjonalisti jaqblu ma l-istand tal Gvern fuq din. Hemm bzonn inharsu l-interess tal pajjiz l-ewwel. Prosit lil-Gvern u Joseph Muscat
As always Busutill playing to the foreigners tune. Two years ago he praised Berlusconi for pushbacks: today he is in opposition and whats to play the hypocrite!
Weren't we better off outside the EU Let have a referendum and decide once again whether to stay in or BAIL ourselves out. EU means disadvantages to the Maltese Population. Dan xoghol in-Nazzjonalisti li ma iridux lil Gvern imexxi mhux bhal ma ghamlu tal Lejber. Tafdawhomx lil dan nies!
Weren't we better off outside the EU Let have a referendum and decide once again whether to stay in or BAIL ourselves out. EU means disadvantages to the Maltese Population. Dan xoghol in-Nazzjonalisti li ma iridux lil Gvern imexxi mhux bhal ma ghamlu tal Lejber. Tafdawhomx lil dan nies!
The overwhelming majority of Maltese are four-square with PM Muscat on this matter. International law provisions were not made with minuscule states like Malta in mind. Our territory is tiny, our resources scarce. Refoulement is the only solution whatever Maelstrom says. Malta has never gained anything by using kid-glove tactics. Any student of history knows this. We finally have a PM with a backbone. Malta is no longer ready to accept meekly what big countries impose on her on the pretext of international law and jurisprudence. These were made for big countries. The few NGO protestors have vested interests like their salaries and care little for our children and their future. As for certain bloggers who are rabid racists where it concerns their fellow Maltese but pretend to shed tears for the immigrants, we can all see through their hypocrisy and their attempt to score a few political points on the back of these immigrants. The usual know-all blogger who does not think twice before denigrating fellow Maltese even on their physical characteristics sheds crocodile tears but then…perhaps she does not consider herself Maltese but British and not one belonging to this age either but an upstairs Lady Marjorie of the Edwardian period.
Fabian Psaila
Wara min qieghed jistahba Simon issa? Kif id-drittijiet tal-Maltin u ta' Malta ma jissemghu mkien? Hu kontra id-drittijiet umani li MALTA TAL-MALTIN TKUN TAL-MALTIN U GHAL MALTIN? Hemm xi haga hazina li l-interessi Nazzjonali jigu l'ewwel u qabel kollox U ANKI QABEL L'E.U. LI JIDDETTAW BISS FLOK JAPPOGGAW??? Bil-paroli ma wasalnhiex..... 9 snin membru Simon jahdem ghal Imigrazzjoni u ara f'hiex gabna! Dan x-xoghol hu SIMON SAYS NOTHING ~ SIMON MA JGHID XEJN!
Simon kompli dahhaq - ma tafx li hu l-votant tal _PN li jrid jehles mill-klandestini, imbaghad int b'ipokresija kbira tilghabha tal-anglu. X'soluzzjoni qed tipproponi ghal dawn l-imsieken? Bil-paroli tghid li trid, imma meta nigu ghal fatti m'hemmx sustanza.
Does Malmstrom think we are stupid we know that this statemnet means absolutely nothing. "Should Maltese authorities ask for it, we are ready to engage in discussions on further measures, be it financial support or assistance through the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and Frontex. Who cares about money when we are surrounded by countries were islamisation is imposing sharia laws. If Cecilia Malmstrom wants to become Muslim she is welcome, we have a right to oppose this whether spineless Simon and the erbgha qtates ta' NGOs like it or not. JM go for a referendum on the Veto A.s.a.p.
Once you go BLACK you don't turn back! Min hemm mistohbi warajhom?
I urge Simon Busutil and Alternativa to keep the emigrants at their expense. Besides EU should help finincially and not with words. PN are doing everythig as long as it is against Malta
Tonio Borg is sena l-ohra ukoll ried jibathom lura gabita it-Times of Malta...dawn tal PN qed jaghmlu U turn wara l-ohra,sa ftit ilu kienu jghidu li jaqblu mieghu,u issa ghax J.M.qed jaghmel xi haga,qed jippruvaw ifixklu,ghalkemm nemmen li J.M.qas biss jikkalkulhom..Il-poplu huwa hanin,imma mhux poplu gwejjed.
I am pleased you used the word repatriation or perhaps the better word refused entry something which happens by the dozens in every entry points to a country. Let us be clear that the ECJ judgement against Italy happened at the time of the Gaddafi dictatorship and that judgement emphasized the special circumstances and the principle of non refoulemet. Libya is now liberated and it is an insult to the Libyan people and shows a touch of racism to assume they will not be treated fairly on their return of course according to the laws of the country.
nistghu nkunu ta hafna ghajnuna ghal dawn in-nies billi nghtuhom il-petrol u jibqghu sejrin lejn l-ewropa wara kollox kienu l-pajjizi bhal franza belgju u hafna pajjizi ohra li kienu jokkupawhom u hallewhom fil -ghaks u jekk issa qieghdin jithassruhom jehduhom huma
IRRID JINTBGHAD MESSAGG ~ Malta tal-Maltin u ghal Maltin! APPOGG SHIH MAL VERU MEXXEJ TAL-MALTIN IL-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat! Mieghu u warajh! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MINN HUMA DAWN L'NGO'S u x'inhi il- veru agenda taghhom? DAWN L'NGO'S mhux sejrin ikollhom l'appogg tieghi u ta' min hu ta' rieda tajba li jixtieq il veru gid tal-pajjiz LI TWIELIEDNA U QEDIN NGHIXU FIH! IZZOMMUHOM HUMA !
Somalis are in my opinion the worst migrants to have, not only they are unable to integrate with the host country but on top the are Muslims. Remember what happened in Kosovo when Muslim Albanians over run this small Christian country. Malta is too small to accommodate this foteign influx.
Somalis are in my opinion the worst migrants to have, not only they are unable to integrate with the host country but on top the are Muslims. Remember what happened in Kosovo when Muslim Albanians over run this small Christian country. Malta is too small to accommodate this foteign influx.
X'tistenna mill-PN ta Simon Busuttil. Mhux li jopponu kollox li jaghmel l-gvern tal-PL. Mhux hekk kien qal Simon meta lahaq kap, li mhux se jkun oppozizzjoni li tfixkel. Dawn in-nies kollox bil-maqlub li jghidu, jaghmlu. Allura xejn gdid. Haga wahda nistaqsu lil Busuttil, ghidtilna kif kieku inti fl-istess sitwazzjoni issolvi l-problema? Jew tistenna l-manna mill-Unjoni Ewropeja?
Mr. Busuttil your utterances regarding the issue illegal immigration amounts to a crime against the people of Malta and future generations will sourly remember you as a traitor of the Maltese nation.
Iz-zejjed kollu zejjed. Ahna l-Maltin qalbna tajba kemm trid, izda tghaddu z-zmien bina, le! U mbaghad m'ahniex qabda reqdin. Issa ma nesagerawx: daqqa 100, daqqa 300, daqqa 80 u se nibqghu sejrin hekk is-sajf kollu kulhadd gej biz-ziju, biz-zija, bil-kunjata, bil-kugini u wliedhom, bil-girien u bil-klabb tal-bocci tar-rahal ecc ecc. Generuzi ahna kemm trid il-Maltin, imma bahnana le! Issa daqshekk! Hemm limitu ghall-pacenzja taghna! Ghandkom pajjiz sinjur u bilfors tridu tigu hawn? Mela hawn il-genna tal-art, jewwilla? Mhux bizzejjed ghandna problemi minghajrkom?
A Catch 22 situation ....send them back and all shall cry havoc ...considering that once the Nationalist Government did send some refugees back only to be criticised heavily by Amnesty International etc etc etc. Keep them and continue to stress Malta culturally, socially, etc etc
Emmanuel Mallia
Nothing new. Its everyday buisness in the United States. Why should we be different ?
Return to sender
They look fine,you should help them by giving them food,water,and petrol.So they continue their voyage to the beautiful Europe.Or phone Simon for advice.