Opposition to scrutinise economic development - Busuttil

The Opposition will ensure that the economy remains on a strong footing, PN leader Simon Busuttil says.

The Opposition will ensure that the economy remains on a strong footing, PN leader Simon Busuttil says.

The Nationalist Party will do its utmost to guarantee that the country's economy remains strong, the Opposition leader Simon Busuttil said.

Speaking during a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, Busuttil reiterated the Nationalist Party's commitment to create new jobs and attract further investment.

Pointing out that the Labour government inherited a solid economy, Busuttil said that the Labour administration has not explained what its economic policy is.

"The new government has not explained what its new economic policy is and has not said what its plan to create new jobs is," Busuttil said, adding that the PN will do all it can from the Opposition benches to ensure that the economy remains on a sound footing.

On his part, the Chamber's president David G. Curmi underlined the importance of creating the right environment to attract further investment.

In a second meeting, Busuttil, accompanied by MPs Claudette Buttigieg, Tonio Fenech and Stephen Spiteri, met the Malta Employers Association in Valletta.

Stressing that the PN will scrutinise and follow the country's economic development, Busuttil said that the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) played an important role in the development of economic policy.

He added that the MCESD was the perfect place where stakeholders exchange ideas and formulate policy and said that the council should follow European models were stakeholders debate policies which become law once an agreement is reached.

Busuttil also said that the PN would hold continuous consultation with all stakeholders throughout the current legislature and not only in the three months before the next general election.

 The MEA president Arthur Muscat said that the social partners debated a lot at the MCESD but not much agreement was reached. However he described the debate as "healthy" and augured that the association maintains an open relationship with the Opposition.  

......Pointing out that the Labour government inherited a solid economy, Busuttil ............... If this is solid economy what can we call the 1987 economy, left by the Labour Party? I suggest to Dr Muscat that by having all the billions in debts is solid economy, he should make it a point in at least doubling the billions left indebts by the person ta "Flimkien Kollox Possibli"
If Pieta finances are anything to go by, then Simon is the last man who should speak about finances and economy! L-ewwel sewwi id-dar u wara li jirnexxilek tkellem!
The PL gov inherited a solid economy Busuttil said, and he forgot to mention the 5 BILLION debt that Malta can never pay.
Dear Simon, just do not follow or take lessons from your party's internal fiscal policies!!!