UNHCR demands access to asylum seekers as pushback is halted

‘Asylum issue is not one that can be solved in one action, no matter how determined’ – UNCHR representative

The United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Malta has requested access to a group of 102 men, women and children rescued and brought to Malta by the Armed Forces of Malta, after UNHCR representative Jon Hoisaeter was refused permission to enter the police headquarters where the migrants were being held.

UNHCR had visited part of this group, all Somali nationals, at the Lyster detention centre, where several individuals confirmed their wish and intention to apply for asylum.

"UNHCR had expected such access in view of the formal agreement with the government of Malta which has undertaken 'to grant UNHCR personnel an unimpeded access to refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR'," Hoisaeter said. "UNHCR's access to asylum seekers is prescribed in terms of Maltese refugee and immigration legislation."

The European Court of Human Rights today granted an interim measure under Rule 39, effectively preventing the deportation of the people who arrived on the boat in Malta earlier this morning.

The Maltese government today confirmed that it was scheduling two Air Malta flights to Mitiga airport in Libya, to send back some 45 asylum seekers.

The purpose of Rule 39 measures is to allow time for further assessment in cases where people facing deportation may be facing serious and irreversible harm.

"UNHCR Malta reiterates that given the current situation in Libya, forced return or push-back of asylum seekers is not an option, as this would constitute a breach of international law," Jon Hoisaeter said.

"The asylum issue is not one that can be solved in one action, no matter how determined. And it is also not a question of either-or approaches. Rather it is about building on what has already been achieved, working in multiple directions towards long term solutions both in Malta and in other countries."

UNHCR has an agenda of its own. If they are so keen about the migrants why don't they ship them elsewhere. WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE....and this is our country not yours or theirs. Take your hippocrite b.s. elsewhere.
Now the UN is dictating the laws. This is truly the start of one world government (unrepresentative). I still maintian that Malta is being punished for the role it had in the overcome fascism in WW2 - it is pay back time and it is being extracted by the heirs of Mussolini and Hitler, the closet Nazis that founded the Treaty of Rome/EU, as well as the UN.
Emmanuel Mallia
The UNHCR is in itself, racist. Why it is closing one eye for US and enforce in tiny Malta ?
Hear Ye Hear Ye European Court of Human Rights,where are our rights to stop all that is illegaly. Its we the tax payers that fork out money from our limited salaries, while you in brussels being paid thousands of euros (also paid from our taxes)IMPOSE ON US WHAT TO DO. You're not trusted anymore and you are not taking decisions in the name of the people of Europe. We want to safeguard our economy, jobs and culture. Better start taking care our our interests when we visit ou
Il-PBS ghadu kif habbar li l-ECHR taw sentenza kontra l-UK li sentenza ghal ghomor mhux rivedibbli tmur kontra d-drittijiet umani. Bravi hafna dawn l-eminenti mhallfin. Dalwaqt jiddeciedu li l-kriminali ghandhom dritt ghall-professjoni taghhom u m'ghandhomx jitwaddbu l-habs. Il-veru l-Ewropa kontinent fallut u destinat ighib minn wicc id-dinja ghax biegh ruhu u gismu. Hallihom jigu u jehduha l-Ewropa ghax id-dritt li tezisti sahqitu taht saqajha. Miskin min iridi halli wliedu warajh ghax mhux se jmut fil-paci...
Dawk in-nisa bhahen bil-posters f'idhom ghad jibku dmugh tad-demm ghal uliedhom. Min jaf it-traffikanti li saru miljunarji minn fuq dahar l-immigranti x'joghrku jdejhom bil-ferh ghad-decizjoni tal-ECHR li tathom licenzja miftuha ha jgorru aktar Afrikani lejn Malta. Tassew li d-dinja tinsab rasha 'l isfel u l-Ewropa cediet ruhha f'idejn it-traffikanti. Viva l-Afropa!