NGO resigns from LGBT Council in protest

Aditus condemns the Minister for Civil Liberties’ silence "in the face of potential human rights violations of the worst kind".

Aditus Foundation, a human rights organisation, has resigned from the Government's LGBT consultative council with immediate effect.

Aditus took this decision following yesterday's developments where the Maltese Government decided to send back to Libya 45 migrants, only to be stopped by the European Court of Human Rights.

"We believe that all human rights are universal. We refuse to endorse this Government's clear preference of some rights over others, of some groups of persons over others, particularly when motives seem to be exclusively based on increasing national political mileage," Aditus spokesperson said.

In a press release, the foundation also noted how the Minister for Civil Liberties' silence in the face of potential human rights violations of the worst kind further confirms the need to distance Aditus from the council.

The consultative council had been set up in April, to advise government and prepare legislation on LGBT rights. It is composed of civil society representatives

Aditus wished the Council all the best in its work.

Micheal Bonanno
I would like to ask one favour of this gentleman representing Aditus. With hand on heart will he swear that this move isn't politically motivated?
Silly move by ADITUS. Don't they know that amongst the illegal immigrants there might be people who fall in the LGBT category? Why cut-off your nose to spite your face? Or are you another of those politically motivated 'NGOs' who's hidden agenda it is now to help the holier than thou PN change it's "gone with the wind" reputation.
Citizens of Malta you face an existential treat to your very existence. It is basic mathematics there are now 168 million people on your borders half of them are young and want a crack at a better life which is not going to be possible for at least 10 years in any of the North African countries. That means that there are about 80 million people possibly on the move. do not expect any assistance from the EU they say a lot of warm and fuzzy words but they will do exactly nothing. Malta should stand firm on the push-back policy or over time the country you now will be overwhelmed culturally,financially and socially.
Citizens of Malta you face an existential treat to your very existence. It is basic mathematics there are now 168 million people on your borders half of them are young and want a crack at a better life which is not going to be possible for at least 10 years in any of the North African countries. That means that there are about 80 million people possibly on the move. do not expect any assistance from the EU they say a lot of warm and fuzzy words but they will do exactly nothing. Malta should stand firm on the push-back policy or over time the country you now will be overwhelmed culturally,financially and socially.
And who the F**k is Aditus? Do these people have a name? Can they tell us what they did to help the poor immigrants? Can they tell us what they contributed over the years to help the Maltese government to tackle this serious problem? Do these people stop to think about what the local demographic picture shall look like in 20 years time? Do they realise that Malta is slowly but surely becoming an overseas territorial extension of Mogadishu?
The situation remains precarious,what are we going to do "ADITUS".
Micheal Bonanno
I would like to ask one favour of this gentleman representing Aditus. With hand on heart will he swear that this move isn't politically motivated?
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Simple. Gays have a vote, asylum seekers don't. Did they really think Muscat talks about rights out of genuine belief?
Micheal Bonanno
I would like to ask one favour of this gentleman representing Aditus. With hand on heart will he swear that this move isn't politically motivated?
Aditus should put their money where their mouth is: They should take over FULL responsibility for these poor people and take them in, caring for them physically and finacially but also stand responsible for their actions.
Good riddance. Aditus tried to use the favourable public opinion in favour of gay rights as a Trojan horse to advance the interests of refugees and illegal immigrants. When will Aditus understand that he has never been elected to anything? He has freedom of speech. Let him use it to the full. He does not have the right to govern.
John Mifsud
How many members does Aditus have?
Qed tara fejn qed iwwasalna il-Progress u l-Moderatismu? Gonzi kien jghid li huwa bhala Prim Ministru keelu id=dritt sagrosant li jiddecidi huwa, imam Alla ibierek Joseph Muscat mhux Prim Ministru u ma ghandux dritt jiddecidi huwa. Din kollha gwerra min that tan-Nazzjonalisti li ghadhom ma iridux jemmnu li tilfu. Jekk b'1000 vot ghamlu dak kollu li riedu kemm ghandu dritt Dr Muscat b'36,000 vot. Qedin jippruvaw iwwaqqaw il-Gvern bhal ma ghamlu fi zmien Dr Sant?
Good riddance. Aditus tried to use the favourable public opinion in favour of gay rights as a Trojan horse to advance the interests of refugees and illegal immigrants. When will Aditus understand that he has never been elected to anything? He has freedom of speech. Let him use it to the full. He does not have the right to govern.