Newspaper leaders describe migrants' pushback as 'inhumane, illegal, provocative'

MaltaToday, Times of Malta and the Malta Independent focus on inhumane and legal aspects of the pushback policy.

The leaders in independent English-langauge newspapers MaltaToday, the Times of Malta, and the Malta Independent today were unequivocal about the illegality and inhumanity of the pushbacks of 45 migrants contemplated by the Maltese government on Tuesday evening.

On the other hand, the editorials of GWU organ l-orizzont and Nationalist Party daily In-Nazzjon ignored yesterday's events to focus other unrelated political issues.

MaltaToday's editorial, 'Governments are not above the law', described Muscat's decision on pushbacks as a blatant and provocative breach of numerous treaties to which Malta is a signatory.

It also underlined the fact that Somali migrants were universally recognised as bona fide asylum seekers hailing from a war-torn country, making government's decision not just illegal but also profoundly immoral. It says the European Court of Human Rights's decision to intervene had reminded the Maltese government that it is not above the law.

The Times of Malta labelled yesterday's developments in three words: "Illegal, dangerous, and disgraceful". It said that Joseph Muscat had driven himself into a very dangerous corner, both domestically and internationally, on a delicate subject.

"Dr Muscat is doing what no serious politician should ever do: beat his chest before negotiating or talking to his neighbours to build alliances".  The Times of Malta also reminded what happened in October 2002, when the Maltese government sent back 220 Eritrean migrants who upon their arrival were imprisoned and tortured.

Entitled 'A very sorry reflection of who we are', The Malta Independent's editorial focused on the humanity of the situation.

"It is horrendous to think that we can donate money to charity in a national fund-raiser just a few days ago - and then turn round and be so callous in such a short space of time. What is more heart-breaking is the fact that the issue has been turned into a political football by the party supporters."

Vote for norman Lowell!!!!
Emmanuel Mallia
Inhumane, or ISLAMIC ? This is what those organizing the illegal (islamic) trips wanted to see. The Maltese people on their side ! Firstly, they are sending muslim pregnant woman on every trip so that they can start a solid local muslim community, and one fine day, they will strike, just like Al-queda. Secondly, this process is already onging. Many local garages are being given the go ahead by MEPA to be used as muslim mosques ! They are mushrooming everywhere. The latest one was opened only last week at Qawra, with the blessings of MEPA.
Emmanuel Mallia
Is the US government inhumane then, because its their policy to send illegal migrants home !!
Frankly if I had to comment on the Times editorial I would say Editorial - politically one sided, blighted and delusional. Obviously the rag did not publish my (and quite a few other) comments....... I sincerely believe that the opposition has raised a hornets nest simply because if the Prime Minister did what a vast majority of the Maltese wished (send them back) it would have represented a major egg on the face to the PN, it's leader and the other 68 gurus. Obviously they are making themselves even less electable in the process and some will not forget this anti-Maltese stand...ever. One has to be cruel to be kind. Push back a few boats and no one will come any longer.
How many can we help... & for how long !?! Population 2013 SOMALIA 10 Million (population growth 75,000 a year), UGANDA 37 Million (growth 643,970 a year), KENYA 43.5 Million (growth 1 million a year), NIGERIA 174 Million (growth 5,220,000 a year) Population of MALTA 452,515 (SPAIN 47.2 million ITALY 59.7 million)
The hypocrisy of it all is that these same people crossed a desert which is more dangerous to cross than the 260 miles between Libya and Malta with no regard to self respect to themselves and their families even pregnant wives.These people become inhuman to themselves and yet we find these high and mighty journalists and their editors dumping this self inflicted inhumanity on the people of Malta who only want what is rightly theirs. There is always a limit to everything and charity also has its limits. I do not see media editors rushing to the OPM offering their monthly wages for the good of this migrants.
How many can we help... !?! Population 2013 SOMALIA 10 Million (population growth 75,000 a year), UGANDA 37 Million (growth 643,970 a year), KENYA 43.5 Million (growth 1 million a year), NIGERIA 174 Million (growth 5,220,000 a year) Population of MALTA 452,515 (SPAIN 47.2 million ITALY 59.7 million)
How many can we help... !?! Population 2013 SOMALIA 10 Million (population growth 75,000 a year), UGANDA 37 Million (growth 643,970 a year), KENYA 43.5 Million (growth 1 million a year), NIGERIA 174 Million (growth 5,220,000 a year) Population of MALTA 452,515 (SPAIN 47.2 million ITALY 59.7 million)
..... and none of your editors and stuff have voluntarily accepted to host these migrants at their homes. Hypocrisy at its best.
How fast everybody tries to jump on the band wagon when something hits the headlines. Sure I agree with the Push Back like most Maltese Nationals do but we all know that, that is talk and it will never happen. I think that Joseph Muscat was trying to make a point and the wolves, meaning the PN, including the Media leaders found an opportunity to jump on the wagon train of opportunity. I think instead of the PUSH BACK, Joseph Muscat should suggest the PUSH FORWARD, now that would be the humane thing to do. Help these illegal immigrants reach their Final destination,that is Mainland Europe. Now that would be the HUMANE thing to do. I wonder if Brussels would approve of such plan. Hotel Malta is full and cannot accept any more uninvited guests.
Emmanuel Mallia
Who is causing this inhumane, illegal situation ? The governments of Libya, Malta, the Maltese people, or those who are organising these trips ? It has been ages since we heard of someone arrested. Is it possible that the Libyan government does not know who these trafficers are ?
Dear newspapers editors, the Maltese voter and citizen does not need any sermons from anyone. Maltese know what emigration means. Ask those "wogs" that undertook it! Malta needs solutions and needs a united front in order to claim and obtain all the necessary help from wealthy "neighbours". Those very same neighbours and trade partners that came knocking on our minute doors for handouts to Greece!!
How many can we help... this is the problem for all EU & the rest of the world. Population 2013 SOMALIA 10 Million (population growth 75,000 a year), UGANDA 37 Million (growth 643,970 a year), KENYA 43.5 Million (growth 1 million a year), NIGERIA 174 Million (growth 5,220,000 a year) Population of MALTA 452,515 (SPAIN 47.2 million ITALY 59.7 million) Please we all need to do something about this!?!
How many can we help... this is the problem for all EU & the rest of the world. Population 2013 SOMALIA 10 Million (population growth 75,000 a year), UGANDA 37 Million (growth 643,970 a year), KENYA 43.5 Million (growth 1 million a year), NIGERIA 174 Million (growth 5,220,000 a year) Population of MALTA 452,515 (SPAIN 47.2 million ITALY 59.7 million) Please we all need to do something about this!?!
this government has showed that he is not capable of dealing with difficult issues so maybe the prime minister can employ an ex nationalist minister to help him solve this migrants problem.
Kien hemm wieghed mil emegranti li meta gie intervistat fuq l-Ahbarijiet qal illi fil Libya hemm eluf (Thousands)li huma lesti biex jitilqu min hemm allura jien nistaqsi jekk dawn ghax bi zball jigu Malta wkoll kif gralohom dawn allura il Gvern Malti ghandu jaccethom kollha ukoll jew forsi dawn l-NGO's u l-edituri ghadhom xi post ghalihom?
Saviour and the rest who are criticising Joseph Muscat PM,start putting action where your words are and provide SOLUTIONS, OR BE PART OF MALTESE GEMGEM..LOTS OF STEAM AND NO RESULT. The simple fact is that it is a humane/political problem, and Joseph is trying the political end solution. Gonzi/Simon did try to solve the problem by being nice to Europe (the continent that had always wanted Africa for its resources but not its people)..AND FAILED MISERABLY...a failure that Simon is now calling a success.
It's good to know,in Britan High birth rates of some migrant groups produce additional demands on midwifery,maternity and health visiting services.And never payed Tax or NI.
Sur Balzan nafu kemm int kapaci biex tinvestiga certu issues jaharqu. Kull ma nitolbok biex tohrog il-genwinita tat-tlett leaders li qed issemmi, tellalna x'ghidtu meta taht Gonzipn intbaghatu l-Eritrei, u meta l-EU kienet tinnegozzja ma' Gaddafi biex ihares l-ibhra tieghu, mhux pushback kien qed jintalab. Uruna x'pozizzjoni hadtu dak iz-zmien.
The leaders in independent English language newspapers? Leaders of what? When did Saviour Balzan became the leader? Think we have enough leaders on this thiny island state. 'The leading English language newspapers' is more appropriate.
all the newspapers mentioned above including yours are critisizing the labour goverment for his push back decision, it is a very cheap attitude to critisize but when it comes to solutitions you all have none .shame on you all malta today, the independant and the times of pn ...sorry of malta .
The newspapers mentioned including yourself are so good at criticizing the government but dont come up with no answers to this problem yourselves, You will find its not only Labour supporters who are with JM on this issue, Why dont you do an online poll as your so used to doing, Why dont you ask the people what they feel about their homeland getting taken over by illegal immigrants. Why dont you ask the EU what they are going to do to help our country. Your so good at lambasting the gov, get off your backsides and do something positive for our island.
Faith in the human spirit in Malta restored - thank you.
It seems that the minority in Malta are in favour of migrants and not protecting Malta. I therefore suggest the following. Let us take arrivals of migrants based on 1000. I would start with those who are protecting migrants to at least take a couple each and keep them in their homes. The church would keep also about 50 in their half empty convents. The maltese government would keep 50 and the rest is distributed amongs the EU countries which proportion wise should take even more than the remaining 860. In this way they put their pockets where there mouths are
Priscilla Darmenia
To all the editors of the local newspapers including yourself MaltaToday editor. Do you have any solution to solve this problem? It is easy and cheap to criticize. They are solving their problem by doing something illegal but we cannot solve ours in either a legal way or illegal way now. Tajba din!