Update 2 | EU to respond to Malta's challenges, Muscat refutes 'pushback' claims [WATCH]

Visit of European Council president Herman van Rompuy overshadowed by migration agenda.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and Libyan deputy prime minister Sadiq Adbulkarim Abdulrahman
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and Libyan deputy prime minister Sadiq Adbulkarim Abdulrahman

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has refuted suggestions that plans to forcibly deport 45 Somali asylum seekers to Libya on Tuesday, were "pushbacks" and that this plan had been botched.

Muscat today hosted a meeting between European Council president Herman van Rompuy and Libyan deputy prime minister Sadiq Abdulkarim Abdulrahman, during which migration talks played a prominent part.

But Muscat insisted that his government had not employed a pushback and that his decision was simply to "not exclude any options" in dealing with escalating numbers of irregular migrants at sea.

"The majority of the country, and I, are concerned about the situation and this should not be mistaken for racism," Muscat said to questions that the botched pushback - stopped by the European Court of Human Rights at the eleventh hour - had sparked a general anxiety over immigration with the general public and on the social media.

"These racists are a minority, and the government does not condone this kind of language," Muscat said.

While EU president Van Rompuy pointed out that Malta was benefiting from an increase of €80 million in migration funds over the last EU budget, Muscat said that Malta was not after a financial "quick-fix" but a long-term solution that deals with the Mediterannean basin.

"Every member states has to comply with international law," Van Rompuy said when quizzed over the pushback attempt. "Generally speaking, we must find solutions that are humane and effective. Europeans stand ready to help Malta, even if financial solidarity is not the ultimate solution. This is why I am here."

The Belgian diplomat, who presides over the European Council of heads of state, said nobody could expect the EU to generate solutions within a matter of days. "I assure you that I will brief the Commission, and we are aware that Malta is confronted with a huge challenge."

Muscat also said talks between EU president Herman van Rompuy and Libyan deputy prime minister Sadiq Abdulkarim Abdulrahman had broken new ground in including the North African state in talks on migration in the Mediterranean.

During talks which also touched upon on energy and eurozone matters, Muscat said that he had conveyed his point of view that Malta could not be left alone as a country and that there was "a sense of abandonment" by the EU on the migration burden.

"We have been assured by President van Rompuy that European does not want to leave us alone," Muscat said.

"I think we have managed to break new ground in seeking a long-term solution. President Van Rompuy set the ball rolling for developments that can be achieved in the next few months. We're not there yet, there is plenty of work to do... Malta will be working as a facilitator for Libya in the EU. Libya is not part of the problem, it has to be part of the solution," the prime minister said.

Muscat also "apologised" for his "British sense of humour" after a Swedish journalist asked him to explain why European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom should take the migrants to her native country in Sweden. In a separate conference a few days ago, Muscat reacted harshly when asked by the press over Malmstrom's comments that migrant arrivals in Malta were not "alarming".

"I must apologise for my British sense of humour. But the Commissioner was wrong. We know she is doing her job, but we don't expect her to diminish these numbers," he said.

On his part, Van Rompuy acknowledged that Malta was receiving the highest number of asylum claims per 000s of population, and that it took on a particular burden as the first point of entry to migrants departing from Libya.

But, he pointed out, Malta was also financially receiving €80 million more in migration funds from the new European Union budget.

Libyan deputy prime minister Sadiq Abdulkarim Abdulrahman was in Malta to meet Van Rompuy after Malta offered to host talks between the EU and Libya in Malta.

Van Rompuy arrived in Malta today for a four-hour visit, just days after Malta's unsuccessful attempt at pushing back 45 Somali migrants to Libya, after this was thwarted by the European Court of Human Rights.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat revealed last week that he had called Van Rompuy to give him notice of Malta's demands for EU assistance on migration, and that he would be ready to use his veto in the Council of Ministers to force his agenda.

Emmanuel Mallia
The UNHCR and their allies, are hypocrites ! They are closing one eye, for pushbacks being made daily on the shores of the United States !
@ Sagitarius http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/2002/10/13/t3.html
It is a shame how the media, including this newspaper have strumentalized the issue. The PM only said that all options are being considered. This newspaper should instead delve deeper into why the Eritreans were pushed back in 2002. Have you all forgotten this sad episode of 11 years ago?
Let's give these illegal immigrants a Maltese passport, a free ticket to Italy and 200 euro spending money! This way, Europe will take a share in this illegal migration to our islands...
It is now official Malta Today has forged a Holy Alliance with The Times and Malta Independent to leash a concerted attack on Labour and Joseph Muscat. It is within their right. What is not within their right is to be dishonest in their reporting. A case in point is the report about the discussions with Van Rumpoy. The MT reporter said that the push backs were botched. This verb is used to berate Joseph Muscat. The verb to botch means to ruin, make a mess off, bungle, spoil. Botch could be used for the Arriva caper or the Nationalist Electoral Campaign. The push backs were by no means botched but withdrawn. In fact logistically everything was ready and in place. When the word came from Europe to desist Joseph Muscat did just that. So to speak of botched push backs is just plain nonsense.
gonzi never complain about immigrants issue.muscat just got a few immigrants and he started to complaining!
Mr. Vella why didn't you make this suggestion to your Dr. Simon, like you he seems to jump at every opportunity for 'bad press' only its keeps, back firing for you and for these 'compassionate' others sic! And who exactly are you kidding? This state of affairs at the detention centres did not start after mid March, were 'nt you worried about bad press then before that?
Had Van Rumpoy been taken on a tour of the closed and open centres he would have been appalled at the poor state in which immigrants are kept. More bad press for Malta - just what we need at the moment.
"The Belgian diplomat, who presides over the European Council of heads of state, said nobody could expect the EU to generate solutions within a matter of days." Van Rompuy must be living in the land of never-never. Illegal immigration has been taking place in Malta for years during which hundreds of boats and thousands of illegals have arrived and Malta has been complaining and lobbying throughout. Of course years of EU neglect and indifference cannot now be solved in a matter of days. ALBERT FENECH
The Belgian diplomat, who presides over the European Council of heads of state, said nobody could expect the EU to generate solutions within a matter of days. I ask the Belgian diplomat and all other EU clubs diplomats for that matter, if this has been going on for a few days? This has been going on for years and the solution of the burden sharing was not applied. Malta applied burden sharing when we for out much need monies by us to help other member states who find themselves in difficulties. Burden sharing should be applied by one and all or by none. The only thing I can't understand is how a little country like Malta is expected to carry this alone, help countries a million times bigger than us even financially.
Lots or promises and lots of talk, in the meantime they keep coming at us. By the time anything is done and I have my doubts, we shall be hosting hundreds more this summer unless drastic, urgent measures are taken Mr.Van Rompuy!
Tajjeb jew hazing, serva ghal xi haga t-tgheddid tal-PM. Serva wkoll biex jikxef min hu ma Malta fis-siegha tal-bzonn jew min mhux.
Emmanuel Mallia
Simple Simon would have liked to have organised this ! But he is a lawyer, bla bla bla . Well done Joseph !
Keep it up Prime Minister. You are doing in few weeks what the PN did not do in ten years
Two years ago when Libya was in turmoil the Libyans cry was that we Maltese people were like their brothers. Can someone please explain what has happened since then? because like Judas, not only have we the Maltese people been betrayed by a kiss with their so called thank you for helping them out in difficult times but they went ahead and sold Malta for 50 pieces of silver by dumping these people at gun point on our shores. It seems that there are too many greedy Gaddafi's in Libya.
Look what the PN had said a year ago and now they are all against push backs http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120623/local/Sending-migrants-back-is-not-wrong-.425553
Emmanuel Mallia
The Malese government should freeze Gaddafi's assets indefinetly, unless Libya stops illegal immigration and let us do proper oil exploration
Why was not van Rompuy taken on a tour of the cramped open centres or tent city at Hal Far to see with his own eyes that Malta cannot take up more irregular immigrants?