NGOs ready to join effort to seek EU assistance on migration

Any readmission agreement with Libya should be scrutinised, NGOs say.

The NGOs that turned to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to stop the deportation of Somali migrants to Libya said they are fully committed to working with the government to seek further support from the European Union and to engage in strategic dialogue on the treatment of migrants in Malta.

"We commend the government's decision to commit to respect the ruling of the ECHR and to refrain from deporting the migrants who arrived on 9 July.

"We understand the pressure created by the arrival of irregular migrants and fully support the government's calls for greater solidarity among member states of the EU and increased understanding of Malta's particular situation. But resorting to unlawful and harmful means and using innocent people as pawns for a political end is unacceptable."

The statement was signed by aditus foundation, Jesuit Refugee Service (Malta), Migrant's Network for Equality, SOS Malta, Malta Emigrants' Commission, KOPIN, Integra Foundation, Foundation for Shelter and Support of Migrants, Organisation for Friendship in Diversity, and People for Change Foundation.

The NGOs said they will do their utmost to support the government's efforts to secure greater support from the EU through political means but not if it is at the expense of people's lives and safety.

"Referring to countries such as Libya as part of the solution to the problem of irregular migration is at best premature. Libya is still struggling to recover from decades of authoritarian rule and build a democratic state in a context of instability and lawlessness. It is positive that Libya has shown willingness to sign up to international conventions but that alone certainly does not guarantee full and effective respect for human rights."

The NGOs called upon the government to refrain from entering into agreements with Libya about the readmission of migrants until the country is in a position to guarantee their rights effectively.

"We also urge the government to make the terms of such agreement public so that it may be subject to democratic scrutiny.

"We also urge the President of the European Council, Mr Herman Van Rumpoy, who is visiting Malta today, to work to ensure that the Member States of the EU put solidarity into practice by providing effective support for Member States facing particular pressures, such as Malta, to fulfil their obligations to provide protection to all who need it."

The only solutions dear fake and useless NGO's are PUSH BACK or PUSH FORWARD to your beloved hypocrite Europe. Deport the lot of illegal aliens to mainland Europe and let them deal with it. Then we see where humanity starts and stops.
I would not accept any help from NGOs if I were the Prime Minister. These are a few dozen people altogether, consisting mostly of foreigners trying to interfere in Maltese affairs and telling us what to do. With friends like them, who needs enemies?
Fehmuni din! Jekk dawn l-emigrant illegali dehlin il-Libya bl-eluf biex jaharbu lejn l-EU u mhux jigu maqtula, kif ha jigu maqtula jekk tibaghtom lura l-Libya?
mela hekk fl ahhar ftit sanita bejnietna l maltin insibu l punt ta konvergenza mhux ta divergenza
Isn't that funny how all the profitable NGOs came to the rescue all of a sudden. If the illegal immigrants were to be pushed back these NGO's will not receive the millions of euros in compensation, right JRS? These NGOs are not working for admiration, they get paid well for what they do. Why not ask one of the leaders of these NGOs what their salary is? Why not ask the head of the JST how much money they get as compensation from the government? I think Joseph Muscat should insist on a PUSH FORWARD instead of push back and then we will see how these NGOs will respond.
NGOs ready to join effort to seek EU assistance on migration Ghajb ghal NGOs li issa wara li ghamlu hafna hsara lilpajizna qedin jiprovaw jigru ir rix li wadbu min fuq ilMuntanja inom minthom xejn ghajr OQBRA IMBAJDA U TRADITURI SHAME ON YOU
NGO's should be ashamed of themselves for siding agains the interest of Malta
In case of the Greeek bailout countries were asked to fork out money according to the size of their population...correct me if i am wrong. Though some say that Malta had to fork out more than others per person. Can't the EU apply the same reasoning in case of immigrants? For example, if the EU is made up of 3 countries A, B and C with a population of 1.5 million, 1 million and 500 thousand respectively. If 300 migrants land in country A, then these are shared between the 3 countries in the proportion of 150 in A, 100 in B and 50 in country C. It would be fair for all. Guess the EU will apply this method from tomorrow ...oh wait wait I should have said this evening.....
Emmanuel Mallia
And, right now, the US congress is discussing wheather to send back or retain illegal immigrants. Where are the NGOs and UNHCR here ? Two countries, two measures !!