EU president tells MPs ‘Malta’s voice being heard’

Prime Minister says EU must respond to migration phenomenon in the same way it responded to financial crisis.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy at the Maltese Parliament.
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy at the Maltese Parliament.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat addressed European Council president Herman van Rompuy today in a speech in the House of Representatives, calling for an effective system of solidarity on migration that can help Malta.

Muscat reiterated his mantra on the EU's quick action to bail out debt-ridden banks, saying that the response of member states towards the human tragedy taking place in the Mediterranean was a major shortcoming of member states.

"We must not only help these human beings physically, but also address the problems at the core, the origin," Muscat said

"With the Greek bailout, this House unanimously voted for 3% of its GDP to be used as aid. And that's why we feel abandoned, because the Maltese helped others, but when asking for help, the Maltese found none."

In a concession to the Belgian, Muscat told Van Rompuy that he had all the EU member states to give his attention, but that Malta had already advanced itself as an interlocutor with Libya. "For the first time, you saw the concrete willingness of Libya to work towards a long-term solution that does not put a burden on others," Muscat said, who wants to place Libya and the Mediterranean on the agenda of Malta's 2017 president of the EU.

Muscat said the Armed Forces of Malta were currently monitoring the Maltese shores as some 500 migrants were in transit.

"This is a human tragedy which Malta cannot be left alone to face. You were prepared to listen to us, but financial aid alone is not going to solve our problems.

"The EU must understand that coordinated effort is needed. We will continue to show solidarity but we will not remain quiet either," Muscat told Van Rompuy.

The Prime Minister lamented that when it came to international media, they were all too happy to focus on the banking crisis but ignored the plight of solidarity on migration.

Taking cue from Pope Francis' comments over the "globalisation of indifference" Muscat announced plans to bring migration on the agenda when he meets his Italian counterpart Enrico Letta next Monday.

On his part, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil paid tribute to a Maltese identity that valued tolerance and aid towards foreigners in need. "We refute xenophobia and racism, and we hold our humanity dear because human rights are universal... we are proud to be Maltese, to be European, because the EU is an instrument of unity."

Striking a position at loggerheads with Muscat's choice of action, Busuttil said he believed in the force of reason as against the right to veto EU laws.

But he also told Van Rompuy that Malta was carrying alone the duty to save lives at sea, without being shown concrete assistance that went beyond financial aid.

"Mr Van Rompuy, you must intervene so that this burden is shared among member states, and to see that solidarity mechanism are employed. This side of the House will support the government in seeking that the EU shows its solidarity, along as human rights are adhered to, Busuttil said, adding that this would show Europe was "for all".

In his address delivered earlier on, Van Rompuy praised Malta's role in assisting Libya and its "unrivalled participation" in EU affairs.

"Malta has been shielded from the worst of the economic crisis... but you stood by the eurozone's members and together we faced existential threats."

Van Rompuy called for Malta's cooperation in addressing challenges to stimulate job creation, the pension bomb, competitiveness issues, and to stave off the banking crisis, as well as ensuring sustainable energy solutions.

Turning to migration, the EU president acknowledged Malta's struggle with migration.

"Money alone does not solve this problem... we have to deal with this problem in a humane yet effective way. I know the people of Malta agree. Malta's voice is being heard today."

The wake of the Arab Spring, he said, has led to a relative surge of arrivals, in Malta and in some other European member states.

"As Europeans, we are well placed to know that political change doesn't happen painlessly or overnight. We know about long transitions, and that progress only comes with countless steps. So as each country in the Maghreb and the Middle-East region charts its own course, as each population strives to realise its aspirations, the European Union is committed to staying by their side every step along the way," he said.

Describing Malta as the "voice for the Mediterranean", the President said Malta would remain an active partner in the region.

Van Rompuy played on Malta's history to remind the House of Representatives that the country had "earned a reputation not just as a beautiful island but also as a caring nation".

Praising Malta's financial stability, Van Rompuy recognised the country's efforts in standing by other members of the Eurozone.

"Together, we managed to defeat the existential threats to the eurozone; it is no small achievement. Of course, sharing a currency means much more than sharing banknotes and coins:  all euro countries share jointly the responsibility for the euro area as a whole," he said.

Emmanuel Mallia
When Romano Prodi was president of the EU commission, he said " We will turn Malta into a very large camp for illegal immigrants " And this policy is being implemented by the EU !! I will boycott the next EU elections !
Emmanuel Mallia
Malta has no economic importance to the EU, because we are a very limited market, a few thousands. This is why, I do not believe them, and we should boycot the next EU elections. The UNHC and the NGOs are sending a negative message to those organizing these illegal (islamic) trips that the Maltese are on their side. Firstly, they are sending muslim pregnant woman on every trip so that they can start a solid local muslim community, and one fine day, they will strike, just like Al-queda. Secondly, this process is already ongoing. Many local garages are being given the go ahead by MEPA to be used as muslim mosques ! They are mushrooming everywhere. The latest one was opened only last week at Qawra, with the blessings of MEPA.
Fejn kienu Casa u Trikas meta EFa baghat l-Eritrea 200 emigrant illegali? Fejn kienu Casa u Trikas meta il-kasp il gdid taghhom sentejn hilu qabelma dak li ghamel il gvern Taljan. ma jigix isemmi Qrati u mhux qrati, ghax jekk il-pushback hu immorali il-lum xorta immorali kien sentejn hilu
Why punish the refugees,by sending them to Libya? Send them to brussels, I am absolutely sure they would be accepted.
Our voice is being heard. Fine but how about some action? And what TYPE OF ACTION. What we need is not just more equipment/patrol boats or more money to bring more of them here and make Malta even more of a magnet than it already is. OBLIGATORY BURDEN SHARE is what it needed. It is fine to say that they have human rights and I agree. But help us TANGIBLY do something about these poor desperate people not just words and hot air!
Mill-Kliem ghall Fatti hemm bahar x'jikkumbatti. F'dan il-kas hemm mijiet ta emigrant illegali li had ma iridhom wara biebu, imam wara bieb haddiehor. In countries around the world people are standing up to be counted. We should do the same. The UN, EU and all other BIG brother States should help these people in their own country. Why these poor people have to exile themselves just because those who colonialized there countries screwed their women, ransacked there places and then left them to fend for themselves. These Colonialist should make it a point to repair the damaged caused to their countries. The EU should insist that this is done through the so called "HUMAN RIGHTS COURT", if this court really has the BALLS to do so. At the moment the only thing this Human Court can do is to try and scare small countries like Malta. We should demonstrate against the EU and I am still of the opinion that we should BAIL ourselves OUT of this "MIGHT IS RIGHT" Club.
In a short while many who jumped the gun thinking our PM was in difficulty are going to eat their words. Just wait and see.
Joseph MELI
Hope it will not take so much time ..summer will pass.. And back to normal.. People than are feeded with other agendas giving them what to think..illusioned by other things and it goes round and round.. This delaying in action is very fishy!
Sur Editur Malta tfur bil-klandestini u dawn id-deputati parlamentari ewropej jitmejlu go Brussell u go Strasbourg. Hekk sew! U n-nies fl-Ewropa mitlubin jaghmlu s-sagrificcji. Dawn l-OLAF ma tinvestigahomx? Araw dawn il-videos ha taraw b'ghajnejkom x'inhu ghaddej.
Kullhadd jaf li dawn mhux Malta jridu jigu imma sqallija biex ikunu jistu jmorru il fuq ta l-europa allura nghid jien ghala meta jaslu Malta bi zball ma nistux inhalluhom ikomplu l-vjagg taghhom u mhux bil fors ikollhom jibqu hawn mela din demokrazijja basta hafna paroli ta jahasra
Did the Prime Minister ask the Libyan Deputy Prime Minister whether it is true that pushed-back migrants would be subjected to torture and mistreatment in Libya? It seems this is the problem with sending the migrants back to Libya if we go by the protest signed by the 70 PN lawyers. Was the Libyan asked to give guarantees that such mistreatment would not be meted out and that the migrants could be sent back to Libya with guarantees of safety? If the Libyan was not asked for the guarantees because Libya is not stable enough to give them, then what use was it to involve the Libyan in the talks?
Joseph MELI
What a plonker this guy is and takes us for similar as well.Voices being heard my ASS -as hearing concerns and acting upoon them dont come on the same bus.who is or was this guy as what was he or what did he do before acceeding to a self-made job as EU Council President?Was he another failed politician in his own country like most of the other EU hierarchy tryants living high on the feral hog?
Mr. Van Rompuy stop talking and start acting, our patience now exceeded it limits. Sweet talking wont do us any good neither make us forget the mess we're in. We don't want money, we want european countries to start sharing some of these illegal imigrants.
Nispera issa li mhux minn widna nidhol u mill-ohra johrog.
The PN has always been good on easy talk. If Simon Busuttil refutes xenophobia and racism, and says that he holds humanity dear because human rights are universal... how can he refute the fact that for 26 years Maltese public officers were politically discriminated at will on a continuous basis. Is humanity concerning locals not dear to Simon Busuttil as well? The PN and Simon Busuttil should call for a national reconciliation with officials who have suffered political discrimination. This reconcilliation would bring these officers forward to provide their accounts and name those who have destroyed their career and family life, and make good for their misdeeds. Pope Francis' comments over the "globalisation of indifference" has been practised in Malta for decades.
That is, the headphones are working...
Malta voice was not heard for many years, because nothing of substance was done by SimonPN. At long last thanks to PM Joseph tangible effort, "Malta's voice is being heard TODAY." Van Rompuy said.
"Malta's voice is being heard today." This sentence uttered by the EU President says it all. Well done Prime Minister! God bless you and us!
I think we should stand up and ask for a REFERENDUM (WHETHER TO STAY IN THIS ONE SIDE EU CLUB OR NOT.
I think we should stand up and ask for a REFERENDUM (WHETHER TO STAY IN THIS ONE SIDE EU CLUB OR NOT.