LGBT consultative council condemns threats against human rights

Consultative council on gay rights says human rights are universal, voices opposition to threats against migrants.

LGBT council chairman Cyrus Engerer
LGBT council chairman Cyrus Engerer

The consultative council set up by the government to tackle LGBT rights has condemned threats to fundamental human rights, including those enjoyed by migrants.

The council was reacting to a pushback attempt carried out by the government on Tuesday this week.

In a statement, the council said such threats undermine the role being carried out by the consultative council, even though the council specifically tackles LGBT rights.

"The council is against all threats which undermine fundamental human rights. Such rights pertain to every individual, irrespective of who they are," the council, which is chaired by Cyrus Engerer, said. Engerer is a Labour candidate for the European Parliament.

The council's declaration comes days after Aditus Foundation, a human rights organisation, resigned from the council with immediate effect. Yesterday morning, Catholic group for LGBT rights Drachma resigned as well.

Aditus took this decision following Tuesday's developments where the Maltese Government was planning to send back to Libya 45 migrants, only to be stopped by the European Court of Human Rights.

"We believe that all human rights are universal. We refuse to endorse this Government's clear preference of some rights over others, of some groups of persons over others, particularly when motives seem to be exclusively based on increasing national political mileage," an Aditus spokesperson said.

The government has since denied that any "final" decision on the pushbacks had been taken, with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat refusing the suggestion that his plan had been botched.

Emmanuel Mallia
What rights ? You should exercise you sexual rights in private !
All seem to be so efficient in condemning. Can all these NGOs, 69-lawyers, PN, and all other defenders of human rights (sic), be, now, equally efficient, in congratulating our PM for obeying the EU court of justice and, today, for expressing his disagreement for a demonstration against illegal immigration. If they do not do it with the same emphasis, then let everyone comes to one'a decision. Mine is that they have ulterior motives and that they are acting with 2 weights and 2 measures!
Lino Camilleri
@joe.buh Nahseb iktar int ghandek bzonn tmur ghand tabib. Jien ma nvintajt xejn u dak li ghid huwa dokumentat kollu. Sahansitra il bierah stess wahda mill media ewlenin gabet l-intervista ta wiehed mill emigranti li rnexilu jahrab fejn ta l-istorja kollha kif zvolgiet wara li dawn kienu inbghatu lura. Forsi ghandek ragun ma tafx biha ghax il gvern ta EFA dak inhar zamma mistura. Imma kif jghidu id dnub ma jorqodx ghal dejjem.
particularly when motives seem to be exclusively based on increasing national political mileage," Isn't this exactly why all you compassionate, human rights exponents are suddenly coming out dissecting and criticizing Dr. Muscat's every word. We are not fooled this was the agreed upon adopted strategy immediately taken upon by PN bloggers and other PN apologists ie make it look like a lot of 'groups' are oppposing LP policies, when in fact these groups amount to a handful of people.
Mr engerer where were you when Fenech Adami pushed back over 200 Eritreans ? Where were you when your friend and ally Busullotti fully supported Berlusconi when he pushed back hundreds of Tunisians ? Do you know that Australia and the United States of America regularly carry out these pushbacks ?
@jerry Ahjar tmur tara tabib habib. Min fejn gibda dik il-verzjoni ta'2002 li gew ittorturati u maqtula. Mela thobb tara films tal-cowboys jew. Jew l-ahbarijiet tieghek li kont tisma ghandhom xi medicina ta nonveritas. Meta intbatu lura glandestini kien hemm ftehim bejn iz-zewg pajjizi. Il-pajjizi huma differenti mill-art twelid taghhom. Spicca dak iz-zmien li konna nisimghu ahbarihiet ta ingann
Lino Camilleri
Qed tara sur Prim ministru poggejt nies fuq boards li ma tantx kienu jarawh sabih il partit laburista u dejjem lejn il flus kien l-interess ewlieni taghhom. Missek kont taf li dawn it tip ta nies lesti ghalik biex meta tigi id daqqa ituwilek. Taf xi gralu Alfred Sant ghax ried minghalih jinhabb ma nazzjonalisti. Oqghod attent mhux billi ghandek maggaranza ta 7 siggijiet ghax jekk ma jhallukx tiggverna fl-elezzjoni li jmiss il polplu jwarbek. Jien cert li l-poplu mhuwiex favur il push back ghax ghandna xi haga kontra l-emigranti ,imma xi haga trid tibda issir biex din il pjaga tissaffa xi ftit. Li tiskantani hi kif haddd min dawn li qedin jikkundanawk ma qalu xejn fit 2002 meta baghtu lura l-emigranti u spiccaw ittorturati u anke maqtula. Dawn nies li hlief hsara lill malta ma jafhux jaghmlu.
I was going to say: "What a clown!" but this fine young man has the right of his opinion.
Allura dawn ta l-LGBT huma fafur dawk il nies li qed jghamlu racket min dawn l-imsiken emigranti? ghax dawn kollha qeghdin jithalsu flus tajjba talli iharbuhom ghax jafu li mhux ser jergu jmorru lura lejn il Libya allura mohhom mistrih ara li kieku xi hadd kellu jerga jibathom lura dak li jkun jerga jahsiba jekk ihallas flus.
Cyrus Engerer for your attention. You are still very young and may not remember that Eddie Fenech Adami pushed back over 200 Eritreans to their country. Other than that and you may know this, Busullotti fully supported Berlusconi when he pushed back hundreds of Tunisians. Enough said.
Has LGBT forgotten that the previous Nationalist government had in fact pushed back the Eriteans in 2002 and set a precedent? The current PM said that all options were being considered but, as a matter of fact, never actually resorted to a push-back!
Which push-back attempt for God's sake? PM only said that all options are being kept open.
Mr Cyrus Engerer, what about my Rights and my grandchildren's rights????????????