Maltese authors unite against pushback policy

The government’s decision to consider pushback of migrants violates dignity, authors say.

A number of Maltese authors issued a joint statement to express their disapproval of the government's decision to consider sending back migrants to Libya hours after reaching Malta by sea.

"As citizens, authors and above all human beings, we wish to express our categorical disapproval of the government's decision, or consideration, to send back migrants who reached Malta, an action which put the life of these human beings at risk," the authors said.

The statement, signed by 25 authors, added that the government "not only has the authority, but has the moral obligation to protect these persons which are among the most indigent persons in society."

The authors showed their disappointment that the government's plans were only foiled by an order by the European Court of Human Rights, exposing Malta's "lack of human compassion."

 "We believe that talk about the 'national interest' can never justify these actions, more so when these refugees were about to be sent back without being granted the rights established by established procedures to present their cases."

 "Therefore, as Maltese citizens we dissociate ourselves from this decision because we are convinced that it goes against human dignity."

The statement was signed by Clare Azzopardi, Keith Azzopardi,  Simon Bartolo, Gilbert Calleja, Glen Calleja, Antoine Cassar, Leanne Ellul, Annalise Falzon, Albert Gatt, Claudia Gauci, Elizabeth Grech, Simone Galea, Maria Grech Ganado, Adrian Grima, Tyron Grima, Simone Inguanez, Caldon Mercieca, Immanuel Mifsud, Nadja Mifsud, Walid Nabhan, John Portelli, Marco Scerri, Mark Vella, Karl Schembri and Simone Spiteri.

Who the hell are these earth shaking authors who see the straw strand of others and do not utter a whisper at scandals such as when the administration of EX President Emiritus, Dr Eddie Fenech Adami sent about 200 illigal migrants to their death in Eritrea. WHERE WERE THEY?
Shame on you all
These 25 so called authors where were they when Fenech Adami pushed back over 200 Eritreans ? Where were they when Simon Busuttil openly supported Berlusconi when he pushed back hundreds of Tunisians? In my opinion other than being traitors these so called authors are traitors.
Dawn huma kollha awturi ta best sellers u ghalhekk ghandna nimitawhom u naqblu maghhom. Dan l-ahhar snin kienu daqsxejn fid-dlam imsieken, imma bhal xi avukati ohra u x'erba akkademici issa raw id-dawl. Alleluja.
What a shame. How embarrassing for this country. Should, God forbid; a disaster of earthquake magnitude afflict this country, should a tsunami suddenly wipe out Bidnija, I can envisage the overloaded criticism of any Labour administered rescue efforts; rather than one iota of a suggestion or offer of a united solution to the problem. A problem that has not been created by a nation that has, for generations, an inbuilt sense of inclusion running through its veins. That certain sectors of Maltese society including internet ‘Blaggers’ use such a humane disaster to their politically motivated needs is beyond comprehension, and only serves to signal a future long-term Labour led administration. Where were these same critics when Dr Franco Debono, single-handedly, was championing the Rights for all citizens, to a degree that would have made Manuel Dimech proud? Of course! Then, it was not politically correct to voice an opinion in favour of Human Rights, or to Blag’ about it.
Sa fejn naf jien fl-istorja ta' Malta push-back wahda kien hawn - dik ta' l-Eritrej fl-2002.
I am personally against all pushbacks as I have stated elsewhere however I am surprised by this statement. It looks like a few of our authors just like a few of our academics are politically naïve, so much so that they actually believe that a pushback was ever on the cards!
Have these authors ever read about the ‘wet foot, dry foot’ policy adopted by the United States of America? Does international law apply to rich powerful countries, or does it apply solely to small vulnerable islands? If some of these migrants had enough money to pay criminals to cross illegally, why did they not take a normal ferry-boat? What is the UNHCR Office in Tripoli doing?
What a bunch of losers. Probably orchestrated by the disgusting PN machine which doesn't give a damn about human rights but is only interested to undermine the government. TRAITORS.
Alla jbierek dawn ir-rewgugjati tant huma fqar u miserabbli li fuq id-dinghy is-sinjal jghatuh bil-mobile phone u mhux b'semplici torch!! U dawn l-imbierka kittieba fliema kobba ghanqbut kienu mgezwrin? Xi had qatt semgha bihom? Issa mhux "push back gej" izda "complete blockout out of Libya". NAHSEB LI l-arrangement li ser isir huwwa Laqgha bi Ftehim bejn Malta, Italja, Libya u l-Unjoni Ewropeja sabiex min hu verament u legittimament intitolat ghal ezilju jew refugju japplika u jigi processat fil-Libya, Sadanittant, Il-Libya tinghata ghajnuna sostanzjali monetarja u materjali sabiex tghasses fuq bazi ta 24 siegha, l-ibhra taghha. Jekk xi immigrant illegali jirnexxilhoim jiskappaw din is-sorveljanza, the signatory parties li semmejt fuq iqisu l-ghagir bhala wiehed kriminali u bi ksur tal-Konvenzjoni kontra l-ittraffikar tal-bnedmin. Ikun ta' siwi, jekk jigi kunsidrat il-partecipazzjoni ta Franza u Spanja f'dan ir-rigward.
Thank god these Authors have solved Malta's problem with Malta's illegal immigration now when they come in their thousands we now know that these Authors will go to the detention centres and give a helping hand or maybe take some to their residence and harbour them their.I am not racist but someone is filling their pockets for this illegal trafficking and illegal is illegal ,we all know that it is wrong to enter some ones property without permission.The EU have their obligations and should equally take burden of these illegal doings one for all and all for one.
If it goes against Human dignity why don't all of you take them to your houses and take care of them. You should stand up and help our country by protesting with the EU authorities to make come into force the burden sharing. This hasn't started today but long years ago. If these people have a right (I fully agree that they have) where is our Right (for the Maltese people, or we also want to lick foreigners asses like we used to do in the Past. Our history is full of licking episodes. We are a nation and we should behave like one in our own Interest.