Anti-migrants’ protest ‘should not take place’ – prime minister

Joseph Muscat says his government and parliamentary group united behind decision to 'consider all options'

Joseph Muscat
Joseph Muscat

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has sent a clear message to the public that a planned demonstration expressing "support for the government and against illegal immigration", should not take place.

The demonstration is being organised in support of a pushback of 45 Somali asylum seekers that was stopped on Tuesday evening by the European Court of Human Rights in an interim measure.

"This protest has neither my support, nor my government's. It should not take place."

Muscat also said that he was ready to meet migrants' rights NGOs following the pull-out of two members of the LGBT council and a statement from 11 NGOs condemning the attempted pushbacks.

Muscat today said that his Cabinet and the parliamentary group were "united" behind the official position that the government "considers all options".

Veteran members of government as well as MP Marlene Farrugia are among several members who are not supporting Muscat's attempt to have migrants flown to Libya without filing an asylum claim.

"Government and the parliamentary group are united, because our position is to consider all options."

Emmanuel Mallia
This would have been a pro islamic demonstration, nothing else. This is what those organizing the illegal (islamic) trips wanted to see. The Maltese people on their side ! Firstly, they are sending muslim pregnant woman on every trip so that they can start a solid local muslim community, and one fine day, they will strike, just like Al-queda. Secondly, this process is already onging. Many local garages are being given the go ahead by MEPA to be used as muslim mosques ! They are mushrooming everywhere. The latest one was opened only last week at Qawra, with the blessings of MEPA.
avatar Spare yourselves an hour and watch this frightening video. Then decide to demonstrate or not. I would.
Emmanuel Mallia
It looks that there is a plan make Malta a muslim state. This was expressed by Gaddafi, and is persistent with the new regime at Tripoli !
Paul Sammut
All this is a manipulated call for demonstration to make the PL look bad. There will be enough time to celebrate when JM gets from the EU the deal he intends to get for ALL Malta.
Support? Not one of your cabinet even said a word in favor and their silence was so heavy, it was almost deafening. Our PM has single-handed managed to polarize Malta in a way that not even politics in the 80’s have ever done and then has the nerve speak about unity. He has caused a wave of polemics and then washes his hands of all responsibility. He talks about success in strategy while the nation hides its face in shame. By all means let the demonstration go on, as a symbolic crowning of our PM impeccable statesmanship.
Joseph Muscat says his government and parliamentary group united behind decision to 'consider all options' Joseph Muscat maybe when you are considering all options include the words PUSH FORWARD. I am sure the illegal immigrants and most Maltese citizens will agree with you. You will be fulfilling the immigrant's purpose of reaching Mainland Europe, after all that is their main purpose. No, do not sent them back to Libya, do them all and us citizens a favour and Push Forward. I am sure these poor souls will be much happier in Mainland Europe. Ask the illegal immigrants that landed at Lampedusa and taken over to Italy, They like it. So why can't Malta do the same thing? Hotel Malta is already full.
L-ewwel il Prim Ministru u Dr. Mallia ixxewwxu u issa ma jridx li ssir demostrazzjoni kontra il pushback tieghu!!!! Imma il partitarji tieghu kollox qed jaghmlu biex jidher sabih il kapo taghhom. Issa tard wisq sur Prim Ministru. Xghalt ix-fjamma u qed tiehu malajr. SHAME ON YOU
Most of the illegal migrants have been living and working for more than five years in Libya without persecution, so what is the problem if there is an agreement with the Libyan Government to send back the illegal immigrants that their application was rejected. The USA did not take the illegal immigrants but those that were granted some sort of protection i.e. Subsidiary protection. The illegals are still in Malta .
Sorry Mr PM, but it seems like this would be lack of freedom. If about 200 people in all, lawyers, authors and whatnot were freely allowed to demonstrate their disagreement against proposed push-backs idea, those who are in favor should be given the chance too. I think this is what constitutes a democracy!
Even if flown to Libja the plane would not have been given landing rights and they would have had to return to Malta or ditch into the sea or the desert and no pilot is that dumb. They would have entered Libja (Libjan air space) at least. And everyone would have been happy
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
He's trying to contain the monster he created. After all swastika wielding fanatics are not only dangerous but bad publicity.
The government cannot stop this anti-immigration demonstration next Sunday if it has all necessary permits and is peaceful. Otherwise there would be a protest about lack of human rights and democracy from dear Simon,the Maltese NGOs with a majority of foreign members, the PN lawyers, and a small bunch of academics and writers regarding freedom of expression.
Jurgen Cachia
Not good enough, JM. First you let the genie out of the bottle, now you want to dissociate yourself from it. And rather than have the spine to admit you were wrong you still want to consider all options. Some leadership!
The anti-immigrant protest cannot be avoided if all the permits are in place. First he fans the flame and then he plays the virgin. Decide Mr.Prime Minister. As Socialists we cannot be Nationalists. Or has Socialism in this country really lost its way? And by the way where is the Hon.Helena she on holiday or something?
MM, did you or not followed what was said in Parliament yesterday.Probably you was day dreaming.if yes there is no place for people like you in the PL.Its not a long way for you to cross the street????
avatar he tells us, right after he opened Pandora's Box. As Abe once said "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
Looks like the PM has been wrongly informed the protest planned is not in favour of push-back but a show of solidarity with the government with whatever decision it makes even, if necessary, use the VETO in the EU fora. It is time for the EU to learn that the time of Maltese politicians sucking up to the EU is now over although some remnants still excist in the opposition benches.
This is no smart talk Mr. PM 'All options' does NOT include illegal paths. Thus pushbacks without due consideration for each asylum claim, is NOT an OPTION. Having said this I believe that PM had no intention whatsoever to actually 'push back' the migrants, but simply tried to ignite the issue so that Brussels might react. I deem that this is a short-sighted approach, however the involvement of Libya is the way to go.
Lino Camilleri
Mela mhux hekk sur prim ministru. L-emigranti go pajjizna jaghmlu l=protesti u jaghjruna li malta razzista u ahna il maltin go artna b'maggoranza astronaomika nigu imcahda milli naghmlu xi protesta pacifika fuq din il kwistjoni. Joseph you have to deliver what you promised. In our democratic country we have all rights to demonstrate peacefully.