Police officer commended for stopping person from committing suicide

Police officers awarded commendation certificates for saving lives.

Police Constable Mario Mallia's efforts to stop an individual from committing suicide were recognised today when he was awarded a commendation certificate for his intervention during the summer of 2012.

Likewise, two other officers, Paul Cassar and Clayton Frendo, also received commendation certificates after jumping in the sea to save a person who was trapped in her car.

On 11 August 2012, Mallia was on duty in Valletta when he noticed a person about to commit suicide. Mallia intervened and stopped the person from committing suicide.

Cassar and Frendo, on the other hand, saved a person from drowning when she crashed into the sea with her car in May in Ta' Xbiex. Both officers jumped into the sea and managed to get the woman out of the car.

During the same ceremony marking the Police Corps' 199 anniversary, 61 officers received a medal for their efficient and long-standing service, 74 members including an assistant commissioner, received the first clasp while 30 others received the second clasp.

A number of police officers received certificates of merit for choosing not to take any sick leave for a substantial amount of time.

Recognition certificates were given to 63 members of the corps who retired.

The ceremony was led by Home Affairs Minister Manuel Mallia and Police Commissioner Peter Paul Zammit.

A simple 'congratulations' for these officers is more appropriate.
@fredu I truly apologize if my comments were taken as insulting by cooks and waiters. On the contrary my comments were addressed to policemen ACTING as waiters and cooks. And I was not insulting them either. I was being sarcastic. This country is on the verge of a mental breakdown, when no one sees the sarcastic or humorous side of things that are happening around us. No wonder there is so much rage.
Haggi also tried to make fun of cooks. Is it a dishonour to work as cook? If we did not have cooks and waiters in Malta, would we have bars, hotels, cafés and restaurants? Where would our tourism be wothout waiters and cooks? Are we so darned insensitive that we try to ridicule and make fun of the hundreds, if not thousands of cooks and waiters in Malta? Maybe Haggi should apologize to the great number of cooks & waiters in Malta. THEY HAVE A NOBLE PROFESSION AND NOT AN INFERIOR ONE.
Maybe il-Haggi is a policeman.......but one with a sense of humor (or sarcasm).???? And he has every respect for waiters, but not for policemen acting as waiters at an out of Corps function.
@: il-Haggi,Or a prize for the biggest traitor in Brussels at the moment.
I take exception to Haggi and others who try to make fun of or insult waiters. Is Haggi a snob, an intellectual or a classist to offend waiters? Are waiters doing a low, immoral or illegal work? Nobody Christian or otherwise has the right to downgrade another profession or call it inferior. Some of my relatives are waiters and they are gentlemen. I hope that this classisism against waiters stops as it is as bad as racism.
Instead of appreciating the work of the police, people like this Haggi criticise them. Perhaps s/he does not know how many policemen are ready to help people even when they are off duty. Haggi should really be ashamed of him/herself for this silly, childish attitude. Really shocking!! I hope that Haggi never has an emergency and then criticises the policeman/woman who comes to help him/her.
Joseph MELI
Why should you receive an award for "choosing not to take sick leave for a substantial amount of time?"How can you choose when to be sick and subsequently not to take such leave ?"
Pity there were no prizes for best cook and best waiter.