GWU condemns racist attacks on bus drivers

Racist attacks should never be tolerated, the General Workers Union says.

The General Workers Union condemned the racist attack suffered by two bus drivers in Mgarr on Thursday and called on the authorities to take immediate action against the perpetuators.

"While the GWU expresses its solidarity with these two drivers, it declares that such attacks, should not be tolerated by anyone."

The union added the incident was not the first of its kind and appealed for the people's cooperation when using public transport.

Drivers too, the GWU said, should show respect to the public despite the difficulties they face in carrying out their duties. 

An Arriva driver was the victim of a racist attack on Thursday evening when the bus she was driving came to a stop because of another car which was blocking the road.

Public transport service provider Arriva Malta said the incident occurred in the area of Mgarr. A number of people, Arriva said, started insulting and shouting personal abuse at the driver.

When some minutes later a second driver arrived on site, he was also affronted with racist insults which progressed to physical assault.