PN says IMF report rings alarm bells on job creation

The IMF report on Malta confirms PN’s positive legacy but rings alarm bells on job creation, Opposition says.

Tonio Fenech
Tonio Fenech

The Nationalist Party welcomed the IMF report on Malta, describing it as a "clear and positive certificate of the previous administration's financial and economic policy."

However, it added that the Labour government was not giving job creation its due importance and the IMF report underlined its concern over the government's lack of vision

The Opposition spokesperson on finance, Tonio Fenech said that report applauded the previous government's policy which resulted in the highest growth rate in the Eurozone during the last five years.

He added that the report also commended the PN government's policy in job creation which helped Malta maintain one of the lowest unemployment rates in the EU.

"On the other hand, echoing the European Commission, the IMF expressed its doubts on the Labour government's capability of reaching its financial targets for 2013, despite the government lowered its goals," Fenech said.

The former finance minister said that the IMF's concerns over the growing expenditure in salaries led to Malta being included in the Excessive Deficit Procedure by the European Commission.

Fenech also highlighted the IMF's warning on the risks created by over-dependence on the property market, which could expose Maltese banks to undesirable dangers and the government's lack of vision in job creation.

"The former PN government worked ever so hard to create jobs in new sectors such as gaming, pharmaceuticals and aviation, which formed part of a clear plan for job creation. The Labour government has yet to address job creation and this was reflected in an increase in unemployment, as confirmed by the National Statistics Office," Fenech said.

This guy`head is growing by the day...he and his pals cannot digest that their policies have been rejected by one and all....and they keep implying that we should carry on using heavy oil,wasting people`s money as if it was growing on trees (see waist serve, enemalta, health,etc. finances)and to add insult to injury expect the electorate to shed a tear for not re-electing them
And so spoke the man who single handedly bunkrupt Malta's coffers! Nice one Tonio. Keep up the charade!
Please Mr tony,just seat back and say nothing ,as you did a lot of mistakes and the PL is doing its best to put everything in place.
The PN hears bells that don't exist. It happens to some cuc Malti when the weather is hot. It could also be the sound of the arlogg tal-lira.