‘Even if you win the appeal, we will not issue permit’ – Trade Department director to Naxxar trade fair organisers

The Department of Trade Services is refusing to issue a permit for this year’s Naxxar Trade Fair, despite a court ruling last June calling for the permit to be issued immediately.

This ruling is currently subject to an appeal by the office of the Attorney General; but in an interview with MaltaToday on Sunday (18 July), Anthony Galea, President of the Trade Fairs Exhibitors’ Association (TFEA), claims to have been told point-blank by the Director of Trade Services, Brian Montebello, that even if the appeal is turned down, he would still refuse to issue the necessary permit, in apparent defiance of the law courts.

The issue has been embroiled in controversy for the past four years, when, following the publication of the local plan defining Naxxar as an area of high residential value, the Trade Fair Corporation (TFC) entered into a partnership with private company Sign It Ltd, with a view to moving to Ta’ Qali.

Following disagreements between the partners, Sign It Ltd teamed up with Nexos Ltd to buy out TFC, and the new corporation started organizing its own trade fairs at the Malta Fairs and Conventions Centre (MFCC), also owned by Sign It, in Ta’ Qali.

However, last January TFC entered into a new lease agreement with Naxxar grounds landlords, Scicluna Estates, with a view to reactivating the traditional International Trade Fair of Malta at Naxxar.

But the Department of Trade refused to issue an ad hoc licence, arguing that the basic conditions (i.e., a venue licensed to hold trade fairs) had not been met. 

In today’s interview Anthony Galea explains that according to law, the licence to hold fairs belongs to the landlords, even if applied for by third parties.

In this case, the Naxxar premises, formerly part of the grounds of the Palazzo Parisio, have been licensed to hold fairs for the past 50 years.

“However, we found out that the existing permit (44/130) had been irregularly closed in 2009 – irregularly, because the trade department never got permission from the landlords and neither did they take the initiative to inform the Trade Fairs Corporation.”

Both these are legally stipulated conditions for the withdrawal of a trade licence. But instead, the Trade Department took the trouble of tracing the heirs of Gerald Gatt – who was TFC general manager 35 years ago – and withdrew the licence on the grounds that his heirs did not express an interest in having it renewed.

As a result, TFEA took the Departments of Commerce and Trade to court, claiming to have been illegally denied a trade licence.

In his interview with MaltaToday, Galea points towards the telltale testimony of Dr Geoffrey Farrugia Mifsud, a former secretary at MFCC, who told the court that ‘If the Naxxar Trade Fair opens, MFCC will face serious financial repercussions.”

“Our lawyer (Prof. Ian Refalo) asked him, ‘so what you are saying is that you want a monopoly on trade fairs in Malta’. I knew there and then that we had won the case.”

In fact, Mr Justice Giannino Darmanin Demajo ruled last June that the original permit was still valid, and ordered the Trade Department to immediately process the ad hoc licence application.

But in a surprising twist, the Trade Department afterwards claimed that it had ‘already processed the application’, and returned to its original decision to deny the licence.

The AG has meanwhile filed two separate appeals – one against the ruling, and another against the court order to process the application. But in the light of Trade Director Montebello’s claim that he would not issue a permit even if the appeal was won by the Naxxar trade fair organisers, the controversy is likely to drag out further.

U zgur li ma jridux johorgu permessi mela mhux ovvja li jekk ibati Is-Sign-it inaqqas mid-dhul tieghu il-PN.Ma tiftakkrux kemm irsista Gonzi biex issir merger biex kollox jigi f`idejn min jaqblilhom......
carmel duca
I am interested in taking this issue further... my email address is [email protected] if you want to get in touch.
Unfortunately, the same thing is happening to various residents in different parts of our country. What I find hard to understand is when residents from other towns use the wrong argumentations against us. When other Naxxar residents tried to raise various points on our problems in relation to the Trade Fair Grounds, many argued that since we are not the only ones suffering such injustices, we should shut up and in the name of progress let these people do as they like. After all, that is what this is all about because MEPA clearly stated in 2006 that a new locality needs to be found to host fairs, since the Naxxar road network is becoming overloaded with the traffic generated by a single enterprise. Naxxar residents never said that there should not be competition in the organisation of fairs. We belong to a free market, and monopolies will do us not good. However, free market should not be made at the detriment of investments done by residents in lifelong mortgages, health and life quality. Look at Marsaxlokk. The same thing is happening. Should we accept that certain decisions be taken so lightly at the detriment of the life and health of the Marsaxlokk residents. Unfortunately that is what will happen if the Maltese people are going to remain put and do not speak out against people like TFEA Ltd. who are backed up by large sums of money, and through these funds, they are camouflaging their agenda. I am sure there are other localities which can hardly affect any town or village, if the new trade fair grounds are relocated there. It is not a matter of "not in my back yard", far from it. Take a look at Smart City. Everyone knew that it is going to increase the traffic to the area. So precautions were taken, and roads are being built to take the traffic to the area. In the case of Naxxar, this is not possible, as the old Trade Fair Grounds are surrounded by dwellings and as such it is very hard to build new roads to direct traffic away from residential areas. This is what MEPA stated more than four years ago, and was later approved in Parliament. TFEA Ltd. knows this, and is doing all it can to avoid direct confrontation with MEPA, as the case would be lost as of day one. MEPA never issued statements about TFEA Ltd not needing new permits. Back in January, another newspaper quoted an ANONYMOUS person from MEPA who stated so. Since when is MEPA resorting to anonymous speakers to issue its statements? If anyone needs confirmation, the following is the only article which reported this news item: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20100109/local/naxxar-fair-grounds-need-no-mepa-permit I would have appreciated, had this newspaper actually checked who this spokesperson really was, as to date no one really knows. The Naxxar residents are still waiting for answers. This is the information we wanted uncovered and not whether a trading license for a small office is valid as a trading license for the whole area of the trade fair grounds. If TFEA managed to make money by paying pennies for a trading license which should have cost hundreds of pounds if not thousands is none of our business. That was for the Trades Department to handle.
I think that in this country some people thinks that they can do what they WANT and some of them thinks that they are before GOD
Strangely enough, for us Naxxar residents, we can say the same thing about TFEA Ltd. in terms of arrogance. It was Mr. Paul Abela CEO of TFEA Ltd. that was quoted saying that "ONLY GOD WILL STOP HIM" some months back. In 2006 a policy plan was approved by MEPA and then by the Parliament indicating that the old Trade Fair Grounds were not adequate anymore to hold fairs. The main reasons given was that the road network leading to the grounds were not equiped for the vast traffic these fairs were generating at the time. This was way before MFCC was formed. So there should not be any excuses from TFEA Ltd.'s shareholders who at the time were all members of the council managing the Trade Fairs. What Mr. Galea did not state in his interview, when stating that Attard is iin a similar situation because of the activities held at Ta' Qali, was that to reach Ta' Qali (whether for the football matches during the weekend, or for any other activity in the area) there are at least four road arteries leading to the locality, and only one pass through Attard (deviding the burden accordingly). For us residents of Naxxar, all the traffic happens to pass all from the same artery. One can see this in the image below: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs203.snc4/38500_407763908774_739028774_4628095_8340805_n.jpg It was a lot easier for this newpaper to tackle the issue as it did, rather then looking into the problem from all sides. As it normally happens in this country, the residents are the one to be put aside first. For me this article was a very disapointing, as Mr. Raphael Vassallo normally tends to go a lot deeper in his investigative journalism, and hardly ever looks at just one side of the coin. What happened with this particular case is beyond me.
I agree with you complety TRUTH some of this AROGANTS (MINISTERS and CHAIRMEN ) thinks that they are above the LAW and if they can they put you under their feet but they should think that HADD WARA HADD TASAL TA KULLHADD I know what I'm saying because one day we went to talk with Dr.Austin Gatt and he treated us really bad we are EX Port Workers He's So ARROGANT he told us that he is the minister and do want he wants and told us too, to leave his office at Hamrun because we were wasting him his time .What an ARROGANT person this man is oh my GOD
The Court now has it black on white and should impose a PERSONAL fine on the Director of Trade Services, Brian Montebello for contempt of court and also hold him personally responsible for any damages that the exhibitors suffer. Damages should be made personal because it's not right for the people to pay through their taxes for the arrogance of those who think that they are some mini-Gods whom others have to submit to their orders.
Ma nafx fejn ser naslu aktar fdan il pajjiz bl-arroganza li hawn fejn iridu jaslu aktar foldieri lanqas JEKK jirbhu il kaz fil QORTI ghax xorta ma jtuhomx permess FEJN ser taslu aktar bl-ARROGANZA li ghandkom qiesu HADD ma jista ghalikom .Pero ghoqodu attenti ta ghax l-ID ta ALLA l-IMBIEREK tilhaq lil KULLHADD u imurilkom il QSIES kollu li ghandkom Brian Montobello u BELLA KUmpanija