‘We stamped our feet’ - Muscat in Rome says Malta must get migration numbers right

Prime Minister says far-right should not be allowed to capitalise on migration where governments ignore the phenomenon

Joseph Muscat at Rome's foreign press club
Joseph Muscat at Rome's foreign press club

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat today defended his actions over the past week to attract attention to the migration phenomenon at Malta's shores, despite attracting criticism for his attempt at pushing back 45 migrants to Libya without being able to make a claim for asylum.

"Malta is worse off than Lampedusa because migrants cannot move to mainland Italy from Malta," Muscat told the foreign press in Rome, where he is meeting Italian prime minister Enrico Letta.

"We managed in our goal to attract attention to a problem that is unsustainable: 2,000 migrants in the last 12 months, equivalent to 1 million migrants arriving in Spain or Germany," Muscat said.

The prime minister said Malta "must get its numbers right on migration", saying that the "numbers are unsustainable."

"I won't go into a quota system... we need to spread out the numbers throughout Europe. We need to help Libya strengthen its borders. The victims are asylum seekers but there are criminal gangs who are taking advantage and draw profit. We need to tackle this issue too, as we cannot allow these gangs to earn millions at the expense of migrants," Muscat said.

"I will not talk on apocalyptic scenarios," Muscat said when asked whether Malta had a tipping point. "We just stamped our feet and told Europe the situation is serious."

The prime minister said Malta wants to change EU rules on migration and rope in Libya to cooperate on migration control. "Libya has a problem with its southern borders and Libya must be helped by the EU," Muscat said, although he did concede that Libya is not in need of financial assistance.

The prime minister also denied having attempted to carry out a pushback that was stopped at the eleventh hour by the European Court of Human Rights.

"We chose our words carefully. We said all options were being considered, and we showed Europe that the problem had not left us. The hypocrisy must stop. Empty words on solidarity are no longer enough. Europe was quick in rescuing banks but too slow in rescuing people."

Muscat today will be discussing with Letta on a common position on immigration. He told the press that the Maltese government is keen on integration but that the European centre-left was allowing the far right to make security and migration their own issues. "We are totally committed to fight xenophobia but we must take this problem seriously and not brush it under the carpet. People in Malta are concerned and speak about migration. They might be concerned about the impact of migration culturally but I believe they are more concerned with the immediate impact. The Maltese are made up of different races and there is no problem with multiculturalism. However we just cannot cope with these numbers."

Muscat also spoke of the need for a "serious integration policy" but hinted at the need to "get the numbers right".

"At the moment we face a national security problem... people are stuck in Malta at the moment and most of them say that if they had known what the situation is they would not have come to Malta."

Emmanuel Mallia
We just heard in the news about Australia's position on illegal immigrants. Where is UNHCR here ? complete silence !!
Emmanuel Mallia
Joseph, you must have met Romano Prodi , whilst in Rome, to explain his statement he made when he was president of the EU commission " LETS MAKE MALTA A CAMP, WHERE WE GATHER ALL REFUGEES SEEKING ASYLUM IN EUROPE "
Joseph stamps his feet and gets results. Simon tells him this is shocking and dances ring a ring o'roses while smiling at all foreigners.
Mela hekk sew dawk li ma jahsbux sa mnihirom jikkumentaw li l-klandestini - dawk li jinqabdu (jigu salvati) - ghax dawk li ma jinqabdux fil pajjiz hemm mijiet kbar jekk mhux eluf u dan kulhadd jafu biss tibqa ssir il-kritika lejn il-gvern li dan hu kien ser jibghat lura l-klandestini ghal qatla. Jien b'idi fuq il-kuxjenza u b'vizjoni--x'ser isibu t-tfal tat-tfal tieghi (bhal ma kien veru qal in-Nutar Gorg Bonello Dupius li d-dejn kienu ser ihalsuh it-tfal tat-tfal tghana)ma nistax inhalli lil dawn ikomplu jibqaw jidhlu bil-mijjiet ghax ghal argument jekk f'dawk il-pajjizi li jkun hemm inkwiet bhal ma hemm l-Egittu, s-Sirja etc etc jiddeciedu li jigu ghawn Malta zgur u zgur ma nistawx li nkunu nsara daqs il-Papa li nzommuhom ghawn. Nifhem li hemm linja li ma tistax tinqabez.suwed, cinizi, bulgari jew russi etc etc etc.
Any comments Mr. S. Balzan ? Is he still pig - headad ? Mela minn pacpac fil vojt ghall tant snien x`sejjahlu ?
Well done Joseph, initiative and a solid stance on this matter that has plagued our island for so long, voicing the thoughts of the people and the underlying sentiment that is never expressed but will always be there! Let the bigots say what they will; from words to action!
"We stamped our feet" akin to little children when things don't go their way. PLEASE, grow up and TRY to be a prime minister. You don't fool us at all.
Min jidhak l-ahhar jidhak l-ahjar!
Josseph you are the first prime minister who is here to serve the people. All the others were there as they wanted power. Keep it up. We are with you and I am ashamed that I was a nationalist.
Joseph, your adversaries told you that if you stamp your feet, you will be ignored. Well you did stamp your feet and received attention while others tried to hold you back as they were scared. Stamp your feet more and more, Joseph. That's how you get things done. Let the cowards hide!
What? More scare mongering Mr Prime Minister? You are certainly not brushing problem under the carpet but playing it up and stuff it up our people's noses. By 'serious integration policy' one starts by informing and educating the public, without whose support no integration program will ever succeed. What the use of trying to integrate these migrants if they are viewed with fear and hostility by the locals.
Even worst would have happened in European countries had one million had entered their country over one year.