AFM deputy commander steps down after transfer

Colonel David Attard’s resignation comes weeks after his transfer to the Safi Detention Centre.

Colonel David Attard
Colonel David Attard

Weeks after he became the commandant of Safi Detention Centre, Colonel David Attard, and deputy commander of the Armed Forces of Malta, has handed in his resignation. According to government, Attard left after 25 years of service.

However, informed sources have told MaltaToday that Attard was unhappy with government's decision to transfer him to the Safi Detention Centre, where he replaced Lt Col Brian Gatt who went to head other detention centres.

Col Attard was commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1988 and graduated from infantry colleges in Italy and the United States. He also achieved a masters degree in defence studies from King's College London and also qualified from the advanced command and staff college, Joint Services Staff College, UK.

Mela Dan ma iridx jahdem ma l-emigrants? Anzi dan nazzjonalist u support I hobb lil-emigrants!
@spiokop - min hu tajjeb u kapaci, jirrezenja w jsib post ahjar. Min mhuwiex kapaci, jkompli jerda sa l-ahhar
tal-Lejber kollox hazing jaghmlu u in-Nazzjonalisti kollox tajjeb, mhux ta b'xejn Tonio Fenech ra lil Madonna. Jien kont fil-Militar u fejn jibghatek trid tmur. Col Attard, dawn l-affarijiet taghfom sew int "SUPPOST". Min jaf kemm it-transfer tghajt int stess, jew kont issejhilhom esigenzi tas-serviz?? Il-Gustizzja had ma ihobba wara biebu sur Col Attard. Haga wahda hemm tajjeb li ghamilt 25 sena servizz u ha tiehu penzjoni tajba. Haddiehor wara 25 sena hekk jigrilu jew jibqa hemm. Il-Lt Col Brian Gatt mhux hekk ukoll? jew qed niehu xi zball?
What happens if one resigns during a war.?
What a waste of human resources. The Deputy commander, one of the most qualified officers in our armed forces transferred to do a job which was previously entrusted to a Lt Col. What a shame.
Tajjeb ghax qala transfer irrizanja. Kemm imisshom irizanjaw nies taht 25 tal PN fil gvern!!!!
maria aquilina
Dan postu fis-Sirja jew l-Afghanistan, mela hal-Safi.