Lawrence Gonzi’s last speech in parliament on Wednesday

Lawrence Gonzi's political career comes to an end on Wednesday when he addresses the House of Representatives for the last time.

Former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi is bowing out of politics.
Former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi is bowing out of politics.

Bowing out of the political scene, former Nationalist Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi will be addressing the House of Representatives for the last time on Wednesday, when parliament rises for the summer recess.

Having been defeated in the last general election, and subsequently replaced by Simon Busuttil as leader of the Nationalist Party, Gonzi took the decision to give up his seat in parliament.

In previous addresses to the House during this legislature, Gonzi said he was proud of having sat on all sides of the Parliament, refering to his experience as Speaker of the House, Prime Minister and leader of the Opposition in his career which span over 25 years.

Gonzi contested his first general election in 1987 on a PN ticket.

Emmanuel Mallia
Now you can rest, and enjoy your attractive retirement package and perks !
Emmanuel Mallia
You will be remembered for letting Malta turn into the first EU muslim state !
Grazzi ta Kollox Dr Gonzi lilek u l-familja tieghek kollha. Grazzi li zammejt lil pajjizna wiehed mill-aqwa fl-ewropa u jghidu x'jghidu l-avversarji tieghek xejn ma jista ihassar is-success li kisbet Malta fl-ekonomija taghha dawn l-ahahr 5 snin. Grazzi Hafna.
Emmanuel Mallia
Are you resigning, for fear that many issues of your administration will be embarrassing you and pn ? Enjoy your family now, also the very attractive retirement package and perks, out of taxpayers money , dear catholic ex-prime minister !
Dan jista` jitlaq u ghalija se jibqa` il-bniedem gidieb li qabel l-elezzjoni tat-2008 baghtli ittra kemm l-Air Malta sejra tajjeb, imbaghat 4 snin wara gie jheddidna li jew nitilqu u nehdu l-iskemi inkella hadd ma jiehu xejn u jaghlaq il-kumpanija. Ahna gejna mgellha biex nitilqu. Illum il-PM li qal li trid issir gustizzja mal-haddiema ta` l-Air Malta hareg ta` mazetta u ma jrid jaghmel xejn. Dan iddtradixxa l-haddiema ta` l-Air Malta. Wiehed qarrieq u giddieb u l-iehor tradittur u bezziegh.Ghaliha jistghu jmorru jintremmew it-tnejn.
Filwaqt li nawgura lil DrGonzi snin twal ta' serhan u tgawdia mall-familja, ma nistghax ma nghidtx li. ghalkemm ma naqbilx mieghu, nippreferi nisma' lilu milli lis-successur tieghu Simon Busuttil, jew lill-alla (b'a zghira hafna) tal-arroganza, Beppe Fenech Adami.
gonzi should apologized and ask for forgiveness for the vindictive way he treated govt employees who did not agree with his government. if someone needs proof of what i am stating i am willing to oblige
Ohhh another one bites the dust. Pity that you are retiring with a healthy pension, whilst your government's f.... so graciously leave for us, and for our children, to carry. I will never forget the salary increase your government usurped behind your own people's back. A bridge too far that was. Goodbye and God Bless nonetheless.
@vlegga: respect has to be earned and not just dishout out. Gonzi showed no respect towards the poor, the middle class and the emarginated. Of course he played lip service but, as always with the PN, it was just to get votes without any real meaning or truth. The evil that his GONZIPN clique did to this country is only now just starting to be revealed and therefore the people of these Islands do not want further lip service but definite ACTION against those corrupt party officials, civil servants and businessmen who took so much from this country without giving anything back. GOD FORGIVE HIS SOUL.
What a pity! i so looked up to you and used to enjoy listening to your speeches. You should have handled the political crises differently then what you had been adviced. . Anyways, whats done is done and history is written..
Emmanuel Mallia
Shame on you Dr Gonzi. You are sending a welcoming signal to traffickers ! You and your friend Simon, have left the situation to deteriorate, to an extent that now, Muslim mosques are mushrooming in garages all over the island. The latest one was opened last week at Qawra. Have they a MEPA permission ? With every influx of illegal, or better Muslim immigranst, they send some muslim pregnant woman, so that we will soon have a regiment of Maltese Muslim extremists ! And remember what the then president of the EU commission Romano Prodi said "lets make Malta a refugee camp " And what Gaddafi said, "Lets turn Europe into a Muslim state" This theory is still sustained by the current Libyan government. Now, Dr Gonzi, enjoy your family, your attractive retirement package and most of all, continue to enjoy your perks !!!
Nahseb sejjer jitlob skuza tal-Hniezrijiet li ghamlu huwa u shabu f'dan l-ahhar 25 sena. qabel titlaq nixtieq nirringrazzjak tghalli farraktli familja bil vendikazzjonijiet li ghamiltu mieghi. Grazzi tal Frame Up li hallejt issir fuqi mid-Direttur ta Strada Merkanti, Grazzi ta theddid li haalejt issir mieghi u ma shabi mid-Direttur Generali f'B'Kara. Grazzi talli l-istudju li ghamilt biex intejjeb il-karriera tieghi gie mormi fiz-zibel u grazzl talli hallejt lil min jitfani il-Qorti biex ingorr il Kaxxi. Grazzi tas-solidarjeta li urejt mal-familja tieghi biex tfarraka.
Spiccat ic-cejca. Il-poplu ghad jrid jbghati il-konsegwenzi tal-frejjeg tieghek ghal snin kbar.
Thank you Lawrence for leaving this little Island in a mess, hope you enjoy your retirement, unlike the rest of us of course.
Thank you Lawrence for leaving this little Island in a mess, hope you enjoy your retirement, unlike the rest of us of course.
Praise the Lord I hope Simon's farewell speech comes soon after.
Praise the Lord I hope Simon's farewell speech comes soon after.
Our Lorry had become famous for strategy. Whenever there was a problem, he said it was just the perception of a problem. That's why the Maltese like to utter: Ostrich!His velvet glove treatment of the EU, now inherited by SimonPN, would have earned us thousands of uninvited immigrants.Lawrence will be remembered for his expression: Min dahaq b'min? 36 000 people gave him the answer.Honestly I see him as President, but of the Catholic Action again - obviously if the members want him and vote for him, since the Catholic Action has now become more democratic.
David Bongailas
Of course one when one hears Simon Busutill speak one can only beg for Lawrence Gonzi.
Gibu ftit rispett lil bniedem li taqbel jew taqbilx mieghu, zgur li ta kontribut lil pajjizu mill-ahjar li seta'. Anke jekk ma taqbilx, almenu issa fl-ahhar mumenti tieghu fil-Parlament, gibulu ftit rispett.
Ara ma jmorrux ituh xi tabella mimlija figuri f'kolonni ghax zgur jaghmel qassata
... mela se jghidilna li hu kien qed jara l-istampa kollha .....
We will miss you Sir. You gave us lots to write about.
Ghall-erwieh x'ferha dik! Strieh u serrah my friend! No offence meant, of course, but you had become so darned boring! We shall definitely miss your smile, however. It made us cold in summer so it was a great relief.