Army rescues Syrians fleeing deportation from Libya

Three Syrian national rescued at sea, fleeing deportation from Libya back to war-torn home country.

Three Syrian nationals who fled Libya during the night were taken in by Maltese forces after being rescued some 250 nautical miles off of Malta yesterday afternoon.

MaltaToday is informed that the rescue operation took place yesterday afternoon and the three men were taken to the Safi detention centre.

Sources said the men fled the North African country as they waited to be deported back to Syria.

The men, part of a crew traveling on a 30-metre boat, had left Lebanon for Tunis but were stopped by Libyan authorities when they entered Libyan territorial waters.

According to sources, the three Syrians were taken to shore and were informed they would be sent back to Syria.

But on Sunday night, they managed to escape until their boat's engine broke down in the middle of the sea. First help was given by a merchandise ship which was passing by until the arrival of the Maltese forces.

Why did the Maltese Fores intervene if first hand assistance was given by a merchandise ship?
to peters...if you read well they didnt escape from libya...but were stopped by libyan authorities and were to send them back to syria...they escaped from LIBYA cause they were to be sent back and only GOD knows how they will have ended up!!!
If Libya is a democracy then why the hell have some quarters in Malta stated that sending back refugees is tantamount to sending them to death? Some people must surely decide!
Most Maltese do not understand why these Syrians "escaped" from Libya. With the help of former Maltese Prime Minister Dr Lawrence Gonzi, Libya is now a democracy and the Maltese rejoiced at this event while praising Dr Gonzi. So what is there in Libya to escape from? Do people escape from democracy? Also Dr Cassola, leader of Alternativa, appealed for Libya to sign the Geneva Convention for Human Rights. I am sure that Dr Cassola has been to Libya to discuss this matter with the Libyan governemt and that the signing of the Geneva Convention is a matter of days. An answer from AD would be appreciated.
.......but were stopped by Libyan authorities when they entered Libyan territorial waters..... qedin tajjeb ahna fin-nofs. Mela il-Libjani ma ihallu lil had jidhol ghandhom imma jista johrog kull min irid, Din il Grazzi ta l-ghajnuna li taghtkom Malta?