Nationalist MP demands transparency on land reclamation policy

Charlò Bonnici says Labour government must hold wider consultation on adverse effects of land reclamation projects.

Nationalist MP Charlo Bonnici has raised concerns over the consultation process for the Labour government's land reclamation projects, calling for transparency in any decisions on the forthcoming talks.

In a statement, Bonnici - PN spokesperson for sustainable development and climate change - said that the land reclamation project had created a perception that the government was proposing a project specifically to aid a select group of building developers construct more apartment complexes.

"The PN is concerned that the government has refused calls to hold public consultations on land reclamation, using the proverbial electoral mandate as an excuse," Bonnici said.

The land reclamation expression of interest will close in September 2013.

In a series of questions, Bonnici asked why the government was ignoring the 2005 Carlbro and 2010 Scott Wilson reports which warned of the environmental risks and adverse financial feasibility of such projects.

Additionally, Bonnici asked whether the government had consulted the diving services industry, biodiversity experts, environmental NGOs on the effects of any land reclamation projects. "Even the president of the Malta Developers Association criticised the fact that the government did not identify a project or study whether land reclamation is needed, and instead invited expressions on such a project, when previous studies showed that this is not viable."

Imsieken issa iridu it-trasparenza u is-serjeta! Ara ghal snin shah 'arroganza ruled ok'! Heqq jaqaw hemm xi kuntrattur li is-soltu kien jiehu it-tenders kollha u issa mhux trasparenti li se jehodha hu?
Rita Pizzuto
Imma allura xi tridhom jaghmlu? Issa l-PN m'ghadhomx fil-gvern imma jridu jibqghu jiggvernaw. Issa spiccalhom ix-xoghol fl-entitajiet tal-gvern allura biex jaghmlu xi haga qed jippruvaw jaqbdu ma' kull tibna biex jippruvaw itellfu u jfarrku kull haga li skont il-mandat li nghata fl-elezzjoni, il-gvern qed jimxi biex inessi t-tifrik li hallew warajhom u jibni Malta Gdida. Xi haga li tal-PN ma jridux. Allura bil-ghajnuna ta' whud mill-Istampa taparsiI independenti jjippruvaw jikkritikaw bla sens kull pass li jaghmel il-gvern. Imma mhux se jirnexxilihom ghax qed isibu ghdma iebsa fil-Ministri.