Opposition leader dubs law allowing MPs to sit on boards ‘scandalous’

Simon Busuttil says government throwing standards out of the window, obfuscating distinction between government and parliament.

The Opposition will be voting against a bill allowing MPs to sit on various government board and entities, with leader Simon Busuttil describing the law as "a most scandalous and wrong law".

According to Busuttil, the law obfuscated the distinction between government and parliament and the separation of power.

"This is only being done to appease his [Joseph Muscat's] backbenchers. It is already wrong that the government was appeasing people close to the party. But to change the law with the same intention is worse," Busuttil said.

The Opposition reiterated it would never accept that anyone of its MPs take on executive roles, as proposed by the government. " Our role is to scrutinise government. How can an MP scrutinise a board if he is sitting on that same board? Only a schizophrenic would be able to do so ," Busuttil said.

He went on to accuse government of throwing standards out of the window. "And now, the government was breaching its own meritocracy pledge: how can it argue that an MP was placed on a board based on meritocracy?"

Busuttil said the law was not only appeasing backbenchers, but also "giving them a second pay".

"The same government who criticised the honoraria increase is now advocating the second pay: the honoraria MPs receive and now for sitting on boards," Busuttil said, adding this was hypocrisy.

Why is my comment from earlier today still not being shown??? ... I hope MaltaToday is not going down the same path as the Times in censuring comments!
Allura ambaxxaturi gejjin mil-partit nazzjonalista jistaw jghamlu? Ghax kien hemm hafna minn dawn fi zmienhom - Noel Buttigieg Scicluna, Joe Cassar,Michael Refalo, RCC, Yves de Barro, Richard Muscat ecc, ecc,?????
Simon better hurry home mummy is calling you.
Gheziz Socjalisti, bl-istess argument taghkom stess, allura intom se tibqaw tkaxxkru wkoll ma saqajkom il hnizrijiet li ghamel KMB, MIntoff u Alfred Sant ? Joseph Muscat u il leader tal lejber le u nies ta qablu il hnizrijiet li ghamlu huma had ma ghamilhom qabel. Allura din l-ipokrezija taghkom hemm bzonn li tieqaf. Simon huwa il leader il gdid tal PN kif suppost huwa wkoll JM ( il leader il gdid tal lejber) La suppost kien hemm bidu gdid ghal lejber b'JM please nehhu lipokrezija taghkom minn wicckom ghax issa hemm tmexxija gdida ghal PN. Inutli tibqaw issemmu il Passat tal Gvern li ghadda ghax jekk nibdew insemmu il Passat tal lejber had u xejn ma jista iwaqqafna.
What is really scanalous is that Austin Gatt is ‘not interested’ in what the Auditor General had to say on the operations of the fuel procurement committee for which he was responsible until 2010. Anybody but a simpleton knows that actual work is performed on committees. Anyone serious about contributing to the benefit of society should have no qualms about sitting on committees and contributing to their success! ... It is however much easier to simply 'oppose' anything that comes from the government side without contributing anything of substance while work is being done. Hindsite is afterall always 20/20. ... This unfortunately highlights the difference between Simon and Joseph: The latter is doing is his best to garner any talent available to help our country, while the former simply criticises without lifting, while escalating the (or depreciating) the meaning of heavy words. Considering both are being paid from taxpayer money that itself is also scandalous!
The opposition is right on this one. And please stop using the mistakes and abuses of the past PN government to make excuses for the ones of this government. It is really tiresome - not to mention childishly ignorant.
SimonPN is forgetting lots of things that happened under a PN government before he was leader. But this does not mean that they did not happen. Is Simon saying that the PL appeases backbenchers but the PN never does? Also, did the PN not use the pushback system with Eritreans and Albanians? We hope that the answer is not: But that was before I was PN leader. Miriam, I suppose you will also report the brilliant speech by Owen Bonnici in answer to Simon's weak speech - for the sake of balance, of course.
Just shut up simple Simon , the first letter in the word HYPOCRITE does not even start to describe your actions and worthless rubbish which comes out of your mouth every time you make a statement . Try sorting out the mess your gracious ex leader left behind instead within PN MIMLI DEJN .... and a word of advice ...get Anton Attard to help you out ...now that's a genius in the making my man ..you know what I'm saying bro !!