AD urges political leaders to sign joint pact against racism

Chairman Arnold Cassola says tripartite agreement against racism should be signed.

Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Arnold Cassola has called on the leaders of the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party to sign a joint pact against racism.

In a letter to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Opposition leader Simon Busuttil, Cassola said such a pact would "reaffirm the Maltese's respect to basic human rights and people's dignity".

"In the past days Prime Minister Muscat's words regarding the plight of irregular migrants have been instrumentalised by a xenophobic section of Maltese society that has fanned the flames of hatred which, until now, had been kept more or less under wraps," Cassola wrote.

"In order to immediately address this dangerous attempt at instrumentalisation, I am proposing that, as leaders of the three established political parties in Malta, we sign a joint pact against racism, which reaffirms the respect of all Maltese for the dignity of all persons and for basic human rights." 

Dr Cassola, l-ewwelnett li Dr Muscat kellu l-hsieb li jibghat lura l-immigranti illegali ma jfissirx li tkun razzist. Jghidu x'jghidu tal-EU dak ghandu jkun prerogattiv tal-pajjiz fejn qed jidhlu l-imigranti illegali. Min jaf x'jiflah il-pajjiz, mhux min qed imexxi? It-tieni, jekk tal-EU jimxu daqshekk b'subghajhom dritt kif accettaw lil Dr Tonio Borg bhala kummissarju Ewropew meta kien hu li baghat lura l-immigranti illegali lejn l-Eritrea?
@ serracin, you are so right in what you say but Maltese are a quiet people and a lot of us are still living in the past. It is not going to happen to us we think. Yea right. I mention the threat of Gaddafi every chance I get but as usual this falls on deaf ears.I hate that maybe twenty years from now somebody will say, he was right. But why worry about that, most of us will be gone and it becomes the problem of our children and grandchildren. Ad far as Arnold Cassola of the AD is concerned, he lost his cause when Dr Briguglio left the AD party, and he is doing everything he can to get back in the game. Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.
Emmanuel Mallia
Is it RACISM or muslimisation of Malta ? AD, do you want to have sharia law, here in Malta ? We respect Muslims, but do they respect us ? Malta is building an ever expanding silent Muslim community, with garages being turned into mosques, and more Muslim mothers coming over pregnant or with little children, in order to build a strong, possibly militant Islamic force. Remember that Gaddafi once said that he wants to turn EU Islamic, and the new Libyan administration, probably has the same aspirations. Malta will be the first EU Islamic state soon ! As for the EU, Romano Prodi, the then EU commissioner, said that all illegal immigrants and refugees entering the EU will be posted in a Malta based camp !!! Wake up AD !!
AD is more or less one person, Arnold Cassola, plus a few others, who obtained 1.8% votes on the 9th March especially because the former leader Michael Briguglio was a politically attractive person. Now that Michael has resigned, Arnold is leader as several years ago and Alternativa people would like someone like Michael again. Of course the rights of the minority advise that 1.8% should teach the rest of the population, approximately 98%, a few clever things about progressive politics. So please do as Arnold says. Also the Libyan government has not yet, so far, listened to Arnold and signed the Geneva Convention on Human Rights. Isn't Libya dragging its feet and ignoring Arnold?