Greens present proposals on animals in circuses
Alternattiva Demokratika meet junior minister for animal welfare and present proposals on the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses.
Green Party officials today met the parliamentary secretary for animal welfare, Roderick Galdes, to present their proposals concerning animals and circuses.
Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson Arnold Cassola stressed that the Greens were not only concerned about the basic rights and quality of life of all human beings.
"We are also very much concerned that animals are also treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. People who do not treat animals with respect are also more likely to treat fellow humans with contempt," he said,
AD Spokesperson for Agriculture and Animal Welfare Simon Galea added that AD's consistent position against the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses confirmed the party's commitment towards the welfare and well-being of all animals.
Galea appealed for other stakeholders to continue working towards the necessary amendments of the Animal Welfare Act.