Son ‘tortured’ to death before being shot

Police investigators not excluding possibility that father witnessed son’s brutal death.

Mario Camilleri junior
Mario Camilleri junior

Thirty-four stab wounds and multiple gunshots were found on the body of 21-year-old Mario Camilleri, son of Mario Camilleri l-Imniehru, police have confirmed.

MaltaToday is informed that investigators are not excluding the possibility that Mario Camilleri Snr may have witnessed his son's brutal death before he was shot in the head.

Late last night, Camilleri Snr's brother-in-law and Mario Jnr's uncle Jason Galea was charged with their murder, less than 24 hours after the discovery of their two bodies.

Galea, 39 of Birzebbugia, was accompanied to court under tight security with defence lawyer Joe Giglio, and his relatives.

Galea pleaded not guilty to the charges. Police believe the murder took place at around 12.45pm on Wednesday afternoon.

The double murder has also led to the discovery of a leg belonging to another cadaver which was buried in the same Qajjenza field the father and son where found buried in. Though not yet confirmed, media reports have suggested the body may belong to taxi driver Matthew Zahra, 27, of Valletta, who was reported missing on 15 August, 2012. His car was found the next day in Marsaxlokk.

Meanwhile, investigators this morning went back to the Qajjenza field to further their search in hope they might further evidence which may shed light on the case.

L Sammut, Roberto Said agree, and it looks like its a fight between criminality and gangs. An observation that was made in the media was whether this is because of someone who was afraid that someone else was going to spill the beans in view of the whistle blower act. If that is the case, people wonder who really is behind all this. People in high places who are deemed untouchables and who would be least suspected? How about the police examaining the many big boats and yachts in Malta and compare them with the declared income by the owners on their income tax returns? What about the luxurious vehicles one sees on our roads by people who are not known to be all that rich? It has been heard through the grapevine that when the Income Tax Department started such an investgation, it met with a "PARLIAMENTARY WALL" and had to abandon its investigation. How about the new Government initiating such an investigation?
good redance hlisna mill lirmixk.
"You live by the sword, you die by the sword". This is a scene from the Godfather movie and not something that has happened on this very catholic and very church going people on this island. What is happening to Malta and the Maltese? Are we that callous that we are letting serious crime take over? These are Maltese torturing and murdering other Maltese. Families killing and torturing their own kin. Where is the compassion that a lot of Maltese speak of? Capital crime has risen to a max and our courts are still babying the guilty. We need a change in our archaic laws and fast. Too bad that the bleeding hearts do not believe in capital punishment and the death sentence. I for one am old fashioned and believe in the death sentence and it would serve good if a conviction is handed down in this case. How can an uncle torture and murder his own nephew and why? We seem to feel sorry for others but neglect our own.
If you play with fire you get burned.
Whilst one cannot, by any form of the imagination, applaud such and all atrocious actions by vicious criminals, it has to be noted that the receiving end was as vicious as the perpetrators. This is all the result of years of political misguidance where the Spiritual values preached were only being used as a smokescreen by our political leaders to hide their materialistic greed and thirst for financial gains, wealth and power.