Murder suspect was released on bail two years ago after armed robbery
Man believed to have killed the notorious ‘Imniehru’ and his son was released on bail following armed robbery two years ago.
The man who is believed to have killed the notorious 'Imniehru' and his son was involved in an armed robbery two years ago and released on bail for the paltry sum of €2,000 and a personal guarantee of €3,000. Michael Zahra of Valletta and Jason Galea of Birzebbugia, were two of the three men who in September 2011 entered Frank Zampa's jewellery shop in Sta Lucia Street, Valletta, armed with a firearm and demanding money.
Galea pleaded not guilty to the attempted robbery and of holding Frank Zampa against his will, threatening to kill him, seriously injuring him, being in possession of an unlicensed firearm, causing damage to Zampa's property and relapsing.
The horrific minutiae of the double murder linked to a serious family feud are only just surfacing. It is now clear that Mario Camilleri, Jr. was slowly tortured by his assailant as his father Mario 'l-Imniehru' lay bound nearby. The tattooed 21-year-old, known for his violent streak, struggled as he was stabbed 34 times and then shot in front of his father. Mario senior was murdered with one fatal shot to the head.
On Friday, less than 24 hours after the discovery of the two bodies in a Birzebbugia field, police arrested the young man's uncle, Jason Galea, and accused him of murdering his nephew and brother-in-law. Two more suspects are in police custody and another accomplice is on the run and being sought by the Maltese police.
Jason Galea runs a company called Ormar Cleaner Company Limited.
'L-Imnieħru' attained notoriety when he was charged with bribing two judges.
Galea was accompanied to court under tight security with his relatives and defence lawyer, Joe Giglio.
In an unexpected twist, on Friday the police discovered part of a leg belonging to another cadaver in the same field where Camilleri father and son had been found dead and half-buried on Thursday at 10.30pm. They had been reported missing Wednesday afternoon.