Updated | European court rules detention of Somali migrant ‘unlawful’

Detention of Somali migrant for more than 14 months ruled unlawful by the European Court of Human Rights.

Photo: Gilbert Calleja/Mediatoday
Photo: Gilbert Calleja/Mediatoday

Adds government's reaction at 4:23pm

The European Court of Human Rights today ruled that Malta breached the human rights of a Somali migrant who suffered degrading conditions at the Lyster Barracks detention centre in Hal Far.

The court ruled that the women, who suffered a miscarriage during her incarceration, was detained unlawfully and in violation of her human rights.

The court unanimously decided that the Maltese State is to pay the Somali national Aden Ahmed €30,000 in respect of non-pecuniary damage within three months from the judgment.

Furthermore the court ruled that Ahmed should be recompensed a further €3,000 in respect of costs and expenses.

In today's Chamber judgment in the case of Aden Ahmed v. Malta, which is not final, the European Court of Human Rights held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights prohibiting inhuman or degrading treatment and granting the right to liberty and security.

All parties have three months to request that the case be referred to the Grand Chamber of the Court, and if such a request is made, a panel of five judges would consider whether the case deserves further examination.

In that event, the Grand Chamber will hear the case and deliver a final judgment. If the referral request is refused, the Chamber judgment will become final on that day.

The case concerned a Somali national, Aden Ahmed, and her detention in Malta after entering the country irregularly, by boat, to seek asylum in February 2009.

In reaction, the government shifted the blame on the previous administration and bemoaned "the difficult situation" it inherited from the Nationalist government.

"It is regretful to be condemned by the European Court of Human Rights because of events that took place under the previous administration."  

While insisting that Malta cannot cope with the current influx of migrants, the government said it was committed to improve the conditions at detention centres and avoid committing past mistakes.

"This cannot be done if the Maltese government is left to its devices, therefore, as already demonstrated the government is making its voice heard loudly with European politicians and institutions."

The statement added that the government "expects" political consensus in addressing the migration issue in Malta, especially from persons who were in government when these events took place.

"Since the government is taking these rulings very seriously, it is weighing up the implications and all available legal avenues."

This is the first time the European Court of Human Rights found a violation of Article 3, prohibiting inhuman or degrading treatment, against Malta concerning immigration detention conditions.

The court was concerned about the conditions in which Ahmed was detained in Lyster Barracks detention centre in Hal Far, notably the possible exposure of detainees to cold conditions, the lack of female staff in the detention centre, a complete lack of access to open air and exercise for periods of up to three months, an inadequate diet, and the particular vulnerability of Ahmed due to her fragile health and personal emotional circumstances.

The court said that given that Ahmed endured these conditions for 14 and a half months as a detained immigrant, it amounted to degrading treatment.

Moreover, deportation proceedings were not in progress while Ahmed was being detained and the Maltese authorities had taken no steps whatsoever to remove her, so her continued detention for 14 and half months was therefore unlawful.

The court also found that the domestic remedies in Malta had not provided Ahmed with a speedy review of the lawfulness of her detention.

In February 2009 Ahmed entered Malta irregularly, by boat. She was registered by the immigration authorities and served with a removal order before being detained.

She applied for asylum and in May 2009 her application was rejected by the office of the Refugee Commissioner.

Soon afterwards she escaped from detention, making her way to the Netherlands where she hoped to travel to Sweden to be reunited with her father, siblings and young son.

She was returned to Malta in February 2011 under the Dublin II Regulation and was charged with escaping from public custody and giving false information.

Ahmed was found guilty and sentenced to six months' imprisonment. She was pregnant at this time, and during her imprisonment was admitted to hospital where she miscarried in March 2011, also contracting an infection which required hospitalisation.

Having served her sentence, Ahmed was again detained for immigration purposes in view of her deportation from Malta. In November 2011 Ms Ahmed requested a reconsideration of her application for asylum.

The Refugee Commissioner decided against her application. In February 2012 she also applied to the Immigration Appeals Board ("IAB") to be released from detention, arguing that there was no reasonable prospect that the authorities would be able to remove her to Somalia within a reasonable time and that in fact no such removal had ever occurred in practice, that her psychological health was suffering due to her detention, and that she had miscarried while in prison.

The Principle Immigration Officer responded negatively, however her application was never actually set for hearing by the IAB and in August 2012 she was released in line with Maltese government policy, as she had spent a total of 18 months in "immigration detention" since her arrival in Malta.

Ahmed complained about the conditions in which she had been held throughout most of her time in Maltese government custody.

She also complained that her detention had been unlawful and that she had not had an effective remedy to challenge its lawfulness.

Emmanuel Mallia
This is a another signal, which, together with the other signals being send by PN, NGOs and UNHCR are sending to encourage Libya and traffickers to keep on sending migrants. They know we are divided !! We should follow the example of Australia and send a signal that Malta is not a dolce vita for illegal migrants !
Ejja nfajru fuq il-blogs dwar dan il-kaz li sehh fit-2009 taht Gonzi-Busuttil Admin. Paladini tal-Human Rights. Where is Simon Busuttil now to denounce PN government? Simon Busuttil should have done some research before going to pontificate on human rights in Parliament? PN’s track record on human rights is abysmal – now that the new PM has forced the EU to do what no PN administration managed to do they are putting spokes in the wheels. Hypocrites.
David Bongailas
And all this happened in 2009! Oh but I thought GonziPN/team PN/Simon PN or whatever they like to call themselves these days are ever so close to the plight of illegal immigrants from Africa. I got the impression reading the newspapers lately, that the PM is a fillthy racist while Simon is the true champion of human rights and compassion. Make no mistake i am totally against a push back policy but my oh my when I see the sheer and shameless hypocrisy from the oppposition...................x'ma nivvutax Labour imbghad!
What are we going to do Mr.Simon buzullotti about this. She should have asked for a man to pass the time with him.I know what i'am going to do, forget PN Meps and Vote Norman Lowell.
Meanwhile, European leaders are backing these with impunitiy (one thought they were our enemies up to a few years ago). Human rights? my foot! http://rt.com/news/al-qaeda-civilians-hostage-syria-479/
Din holqot precident qawwi ghax jekk nigu f'dan l-immigranti illegali ghandhom dritt ghal dan il kumpens ghax dawk li ma jinghatawx protezzjoni jinzammu d-detention ghal 18 il xahar. Best thing is that instead of the Commissioner giving 90% of some sort of protection, he should give protection plus passport to all the illegal migrants so they will be free to move on to mainland Europe. It will be cheaper for the Maltese tax payer.
Those who attacked Libya to make it democratic are not wondering why people want to leave a country they helped to become democratic? And where has Alternativa arrived in their appeal for Libya to sign the Geneva Convention on human rights? Are they close to persuading Libya or is this just hot gas?
Who is so mindless not to realize that this will only contribute to increase the sentiments of racism?
I have become more and more convinced that we have to leave the EU which is forcing us to keep the thousands of illegal immigrants in Malta when we do not have space even for ourselves and our children and then the illegal immigranst sue us for not giving them 7* accomodation. I support those who want a new referendum on our EU membership.
This happened in 2009. Am I right? So where are those 69 lawyers to file a protest in court to hold responsible those in power during that time to make good for the damage and pay the compensation personally. They were administrating Malta at that time, so they are responsible for these wrongdoings. Where is ABC and the rest of the clowns?
Norman Lowell was right all the time.
Perhaps it's time to kiss the EU goodbye since they are more interested in the emigrants than us who are genuine Maltese.
This is all Malta needs. Not only do we have to suffer paying for these people who are invading our Country but we have to pay them for huge sums of money for being kept in detention while their application was processed by the previous Government. It is no wonder that all Maltese are feeling that we have been fooled into voting for EU membership when we have to pay out of our taxes the huge sums to keep these illegal migrants here, in their thousands, and pay the price of their illegal stay with huge sums to boot. This is the price Malta is paying for accepting EU membership only to be abandoned by Europe after the event. In my opinion Malta should opt out just like Britain will do in 2017.
The European Court of Human Rights should focus on what is going on in Africa and start doing something about it than picking on Malta. It's a farce!
This should open the floodgates for more litigation against the Maltese. Ome must ask where were the NGO's that are always up front to confront those who are against accepting these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS? Maybe they decide to take up a collection to pay these fines? I did not think so... let the Maltese people be aware that sooner or later these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS would drain the national assets where Social Services & Health Care & Pensions for those who deserve them will not be there.
Jigu bid-daghjsa bla mistiedna f'pajjizek. Isalvhom mill-qilla tal-maltemp, titmaghhom, tlibbishom, tikkurhom u issa irridu inhallsuhom ghad-danni li jghidu li sofrew. Decizzjonijiet bhal dawn li jqajjmu il korla tal poplu. Nispera li ma nigix ittimbrat bhala razzist ghal din l-osservazzjoni.
Fi zmiemhom kienu jinkissru d-drittijiet tal-bniedem u issa tismahhom jitkazaw bil-pushback li qatt ma sehhet tahsiebhom qaddisin! Sewwa jghid il-qawl li biex tiskongra trid kun pur. Jibqaw sejrin ma jinqalawx mill-bankijiet tal-opposizzjoni!
….European court rules detention of Somali migrant ‘unlawful’…. What is LAWFUL then? That no EU member state gives a sh.. about burdening sharing? What is lawful that they came here as ILLEGAL? What is LAWFUL that they want to go to another EU Country and they are accepted? If you want to teach others what is Lawful then you have to practice it. Practice what you preach and then I will start believing that this club really has something to offer and not just words the proverb goes “Empty Vessels make most Sound”. Members of the EU Forces attached Libya but they never attacked Syria. Don’t the people in Syria have HUMAN RIGHTS or the European Union decides who has a right? There are various other things which the EU should consider before accusing others of HUMAN RIGHTS. I suggest that a petition be collected so that a referendum is called on whether to stay in this unbalanced and undemocratic EU club. We can do far better on our OWN, we already have had experiences under Iben il-Maghtuba. Since 2004, I feel our rights, liberties and standard have lessened. The disadvantages outweigh the advantages. BAILOUT