Stefano Mallia encouraged to contest MEP elections

Malta Chamber officer Stefano Mallia approached by PN commission to contest the MEP elections.

Stefano Mallia
Stefano Mallia

The Commission of the Nationalist Party tasked with vetting prospective candidates contesting various elections on a PN ticket has approached Stefano Mallia to contest the MEP elections.

Mallia, who for a brief period of time also served as president of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, confirmed he had been approached by the commission.

He however refused to confirm whether he was contesting, insisting it was up to the Commission to confirm the names.

"The Commission approached me and I confirmed my interest. It's now up to the Commission to announce the names of the approved candidates," Mallia told MaltaToday.

In the eventuality that he contests the MEP elections, Mallia will be resigning his post from the Chamber, as dictated by the statute.

Mallia is the Managing Director of Europa Research and Consultancy Services, a company specializing in the provision of EU consultancy. He also holds a directorship in a number of companies in various fields such as IT, financial services and real estate development.
He has been a key author of a number of documents concerning Structural Funds in Malta such as the Programming Compliment and the Fisheries Operational Programme. He has also carried out evaluations for the European Commission of various EU funded projects and Programmes.

Mallia also represents Maltese employers within the European Economic and Social Committee.

He was a senior advisor on Regional Policy to PN leader Simon Busuttil.

La jigi mis-sindikajra sparat se jitla!
I never doubted his PN allegiance. He wears so many hats. Now the most important thing is for him to relinquish his Chamber post asap
Don't lose time Mr.Mallia, PN supporters are going to vote Norman Lowell.To show Simon that we don't agree with what he did.
whats missing ?? This person managed along with PBO the PN MEP campaign of 2009. He ignored all advice from mere human beings and the result achieved was the second biggest electoral loss for PN. FAIL.
Mela ma nivvutax lil Mallia? Dan x'qatt ghamel? Il-prijorita hi wahda :l-interess ta Malta fil-problema l-kbira ta l-imigrazzjoni. Dan se jaghmel bhal Mestola-: jilghaq lil-barrani? Issa lil SimonPN jivvotawlu l-barranin!
John Mifsud
The write-up leaves out the most essential biographical detail - Mallia is DCG's brother-in-law.
who would have thought that with his father,Michael Mallia , Chairman of theEmployment Commission, Mallia would be representing Maltese Empoloyers on the EESC? He and His father surely have a grave CONFLICT of interest?
who would have thoughtthat with his father chairman of theEmploymentCommission, Mallia would be representing Maltese Empoloyers on the EESC? He and His father surely have a grave CONFLICT of interest?
U mela ma nhallux ikun kanditat ghal-elezzjoni tal-MEP's. Dan jidher wiehed ta gewwa sew. Ghandu mnejn jahdem ghal interess ta Malta. Zgur ahjar minn Casa l-messaggier tal-petitions kontra Malta.