Marlene Farrugia calls for ‘credible declarations of assets’

Labour MP Marlene Farrugia calls on members of Cabinet to submit credible decelerations of assets.

In a frank interview with Sunday newspaper 'Illum', Labour MP Marlene Farrugia said there was no need to have a different system of the ministers' declaration of assets.

She insisted that the only change needed in the declarations was further detail which would make the declarations more realistic and credible.

The declarations of assets, provided by the Cabinet on the last day of Parliament before it reconvened for the Summer recess, stirred controversy with Home Affairs minister Manuel Mallia declaring €500,000 in cash.

Read more in tomorrow's issue of Illum

Ms Farrugia, what is going on with you? You are talking about politicians here. If they were honest they would not be called politicians. You have a lot to learn Ms Farrugia, and after all the corruption shown by some of our politicians I would not trust any of them with my anything. Live and learn.
Why are these issues so hot now, along with the illegal migrants issue where were all this papers journalists and loggers these past 25 years? I say it was because the previous Pn administrations had adopted a kiss my ass attitude about anything and everything. No so this present one which is allowing journalists to scrutinize their every move and be tagged with a gps so that even if they cough they are accused of spreading germs and 46% could foresee this coming.
Marlene's political strength was never diplomacy. In fact, I think that such a weakness is her worst enemy when it comes to matters of policy. She has already been vocal on an number of trivial issues which, unfortunately for her, show that her reliability as a team player is very dubious. Besides, such an attitude in so early a time of the legislature is unhealthy towards her electorate, her party and also to herself. In all fairness, I have not read the whole article and therefore, I might be jumping the gun. But past remarks from this MP and something in the way she pronounces herself to the media is simple not all there.
@ Avukat Better not to declare anything than tell a white lie in front of the whole nation!
@Avukat Perhaps because the PN Minister's declarations were credible and not controversial? Either that, or the Opposition was asleep!!!
I have never dreamed of such a wealth that the politicians might have. I have been working all those years when I am still one of those of the poverty line. So what is the difference, what do they do for such an income in hand? Be a politician! One of the canvasers Or Else the best not to vote anymore in life.
Din il bicca qieghad inxomma tinten. U veru ISSA dan qieghda tghidu? Insoooom, if you feel you should LEAVE the Labour Party, do so, do not hesitate. 'I will never Vote against Dr. Muscat' [or something like that] she stated on Il-Llum.
Ghax fi zmien il-PN kienu kredibbli hux?Halliena xbin!
Il-pazjent irrid minghand it-tabib. Il-mara trid tixtri minghand tal-grocer IL-hati bzonn il-Avukat. L-AVUKAT bzonn il-kumpens. Ma tantx x'fiha tifhem ma tridtx tmur l-universita. Imbaghad wara Amnestija bhal dik xi tghid sur editor.
Il-pazjent irrid minghand it-tabib. Il-mara trid tixtri minghand tal-grocer IL-hati bzonn il-Avukat. L-AVUKAT bzonn il-kumpens. Ma tantx x'fiha tifhem ma tridtx tmur l-universita. Imbaghad wara Amnestija bhal dik xi tghid sur editor.
What is this woman trying to prove? That she is a Franco Debono in skirts. Marlene if you have any misgivings you know the way out once or twice is enough. Or is this because Joseph made her stop imposing on her husband the minister for health. If she does not like it the other side would surely be happy to receive her. Get lost Marlene.
James, Marlene qed tghid li l-unika bdil li ghandu jkun hemm huwa fid-dettal halli d-dikjarazzjonijiet ikunu AKTAR realistici u AKTAR kredibbli. Minn naha l-ohra fit-titlu fuq int qed timplika li Marlene mhix qed temmen dawn id-dikjarazzjonijiet ghax mhumiex kredibbli u realistici. dan x'tahwid qed tikteb?
Marlene Farrugia, I have to say well done for standing for the truth. If we continue like this I say what's in the name because the way things are happening people changed, the party change but the credibility seem poor like it was during the last days of GonziPN.
How about showing us your assets, Marlene.
For the first time I cannot but agree with her. For the sake of credibility her declaration of assets during the previous legislature should have included the price tag of all her properties including the historical tower she bought.
Paul Pandolfino
But always refer to the past Administration??? We are now judging these people who in the past threw so many stones at their adversaries. We now living in the present.Is it true what Marlene said? The is what matters.
Ma nistax nifhem ghala dan l-ghageb kollhu dwar dak li iddikjaraw il ministri. Dawn zgur ma ghamlux flushom f'erba xhur li ilhom ministri. Qatt ghaddielkhom minn mohhkom li dawn kienu ta success fil profezzjoni taghhom qabel dahlu fil politika?
How come we never heard her say the same when PN was in power?