‘My brother came to murder me as well’ – Mnieħru’s wife
Mario Camilleri was aware that his brother-in-law, Jason Galea wanted to murder him.
The wife and mother of the two men murdered last week, in an exclusive interview with sister newspaper 'Illum', alleged that after killing her husband and son, Jason Galea also went to her home to finish the job.
Galea, who happens to be Mona Camilleri's brother, is accused of both murders.
"He persisted in trying to convince my husband and son to go with him in the same field where they were found buried. He said he saw someone burying money and gold in the same field, but my husband was not enthusiast on pursuing a treasure hunt" she says.
She also denies allegations that the family feud led to the murders. Less than 48 hours prior to the murders, Galea was at their house as usual.
Two of her children remark it was jealousy and debts that led their uncle to commit such acts. "He had several debts to settle with us, debts that amount to tens of thousands. He had an €8,000 debt with Mario Jr alone," they said. Mona Camilleri also adds that when she tried to raise this issue with her brother, she was told there was no written proof to back this.
Distraught, the wife and mother of the murdered victim recalls how her husband telling the accused in the last weeks: "You want to get rid of us, right?" ('Trid teħles minna, hux?').
During the interview at her residence, Mona Camilleri also alleges Matthew Zahra, whose corpse is believed to have been buried in the same field, was also killed by her brother "since he had debts to settle with him as well".
"Justice will only be served if my brother is found guilty and given life-imprisonment. He deserves nothing less," she concludes.
Read more in today's edition of 'Illum'