PN facing off debt with radical downsizing

Outsourcing of news service and sale of printing press in the works

The Nationalist Party is expected to reduce its workforce by half and close down its printing press, employees were told in a recent meeting between the party's management and union leaders.

Unofficial reports place the Nationalist Party's debt at a minimum of €8 million. The party's media arm Media.Link has an authorised share capital of €11 million.

Now pursuing radical cost-cutting and a major downsizing of the operation - which includes a radio station, a daily newspaper and Sunday weekly, a printing press, a TV station, and an internet news service - the PN will be closing several of these operations.

One party source says the printing press is to be sold, while the internet organ will be outsourced.

Part-timers will be reduced, although the newsroom's full-time staff will be retained. The PN's newspaper library information arm, Informa, will also see workforce reduced.

Another source claims Net TV's broadcasting licence could easily be a much-needed source of emergency revenue, with private television studios lining up to buy the channel.

They were first downsized by the electorate on 9 th March. If they do a more radical downsizing, they will end up like Tom Thumb in Lilliput.
il crème de la crème fallew anke l-Partit taghhom aseb u ara lil Malta! Ara is=sahhara u l-boccu ma fallewx!
Dawn l-affarijiet jikkonfermaw li qabel l-elezzjoni kienu jithallsu min fuq il KAXXA tA MALTA, biex issa f`daqqa wahda spiccaw FALLUTI. XMUN irringrazzja lil siehbek GONZI li HALLILEK PARTIT FALLUT.
The PN had better start downsizing its political lies,manegment ineptitude, political opportunism,and kowtowing to foriegners, and increase on taking proper responsibility towards the Nation.Its so-called leaders better start explaining the role of AG in increasing power and water bills as AG supported by Simon Busuttil, and Beppe u `l-bella klikka spent millions of the tax payer money as if this money grew on trees, WHILE THE WEAKEST OF SOCIETY SUFFERED MOST. If Simon is going to be short on being clear on this and other scandals, he will be leading the PN further towards the road to an even greater disaster, u addio Religio et Patria
Tiftakru l-espressjoni li kienu juzaw fil kampanja elettorali, gas down gol-hajt GonziPN & biex jiddiskrivu lil PL jekk jitla fil-Gvern? Veru ma jafux jisthu certu nies.
Allura dawn IMSIEKEN qabel bilfors kienu juzaw il-KAXXA ta Malta biex jithallsu biex f`daqqa wahda gew FALLUTI. Miskien XMUN kemm INQDEW BIK siehbek stess GONZI bellalek PARTIT FALLUT.
Dan id dejn ma nahsibx li sar 5 snien u dawn il-problemi inqalaw issa. Ghandi domanda jien min fejn kienu jithalsu qabel? igifiri fiz-zmien il PN? Kieku tala il-PN kienu johorgu dawn?
Downsizing the PN? How can the PN become even smaller than it has become after the election?
No more NET TV? Oh yes please!
Just imagine gonzipn back in government, that what would have happened in Malta. Whilst enticing the maltese to immigrate gonzipn would have encourage more illegal migrants to provide cheap labour. This down sizing of the PN work force is proof of a bunch of people who's only aim in life was to hang on to power to manage things at the people's expense.
Prosit Dottor Gonzi,LOL,Nerik Mizzi and George Borg Olivier are turning in their graves.
Jkeccu nofs il-haddiema, u minn hawn u ftit iehor jghidu li l-qaghad zdied tort tal-Labour!
Haven't you noticed that the PN started the downsizing procedure during the 9 th March 2013 Election. They were downsized by 36,000 votes. After they downsized the Leader to a small boy, although they enlarged his guardians. They must be very careful, because if they keep downsizing, the will eventually evaporate.
Ma tithajrux tbighu xi erba partitarji ukoll fis-suq ta l-iskjavi? Fallejtu kullimkien anki taghkom stess ahseb u ara pajjizna. Il-Partit ghandkom tibdlulu ismu PFD "Partit Fallut u bla Direzzjoni"
Suppost dawn huma l-protagonisti fil-holqien tax-xoghol.