Madliena medical stores found in dilapidated state

The disastrous condition of the British-built army-barracks-turned-medical-stores is evidence of years of neglect.

One of the rooms at the Madliena medical store
One of the rooms at the Madliena medical store

Exposed iron beams, broken windows, wooden pallets, stacks of paper files, mould, plaster falling off the walls and filth is what welcomes whoever visits the government-owned medical stories in Madliena.

The disastrous condition of the British-built army-barracks-turned-medical-stores is evidence of years of neglect. The stores house both expired medical supplies and medical consumables which are to be used by public hospitals.

The grounds are covered with overgrown weeds, exposing them to the risk of a grass fire during the hot summer days. Two trucks and locked containers are also visible, and, apparently, "nobody knows what's inside them".

Earlier this month, the Ministry for Health carried out an inspection to examine the state of the stores after €455,000 worth of expired medicines were found at Boffa Hospital, while a trip to a facility at Mater Dei uncovered a further wastage of €35,000 in medical material.

The photos reproduced with this article show boxes containing medical consumables, some expired and others not, stored in mould-infested rooms with dripping roofs.

The spot check revealed "total disorganisation" in the way the products were stored, together with material that had been thrown away. Even though medical consumables, which are to be used, are situated "in a better place", the hygiene level of the stores is not up to standard.

The filing system is still being kept manually, while hundreds and thousands of medical files have still not been disposed of. The files should have been shredded "a long time ago".

The recommendation put forward to the government is for immediate action, "although the ideal solution would be the provision of a new place".


@ Avukat My comments are directed to the government in general. Yes you are right that the past administration is mostly to blame for this huge waste but why did it take Maltatoday to point this incompetence by the government. Joseph Muscat is the present PM and he must make sure to follow up on this story and act accordingly to punish those that were responsible. Yes I agree most of this happened during the last incompetent administration and if so they must pay for their incompetence and that includes any Ministers and those in charge. None is above the law. What a waste of Tax Payer's money. Again I say excellent investigative reporting Maltatoday.
Jason Xuereb
Issa nispera li ma jinstabx xi Junior Clerk jew Storekeeper u jaghmlu show bih. Dan kien ghagir maghmul bi skop u mhux possibbli li minn kien risponsabbli ma kien jaf xejn. Jien nahseb li dawn l-affarijiet ghandhom biss jinkixfu meta l-investigazzjonijiet ikunu lesti u jkun hemm provi biex xi hadd jew xi whud jitressaq quddiem il-Gustizzja. Billi noqghodu neqirdu li qabel kien isir il-hazin u hadd ma jinstab risponsabbli ma nkunu solvejna XEJN. Issa l-ballun qieghed f'saqajn il-Gvern tal-PL u l-azzjoni trid tittiehed u tidher li qed titiehed.
All is well and good to become aware of these negligence. Now two things are urgent. Let those who caused such a disgrace be called to stand and answer for this disgrace and second let us move on with positive guidance by those elected people to move on. Action please.
L Sammut you should address your comments to the previous PN Minister and Administration because THEY have left these stores and others in such a disgusting state wasting God knows how many millions from our taxes. The Labour Government must see who was responsible and take criminal action against them all including the minister who was responsible to see that these things do not happen.
Fejn kien Joe cassar meta kien ministru tas SAHHA? dawn l-affarijiet jikkonfermaw kemm kelna gvern BLA DIREZZJONI. biex kien IHALLI jew JIPPERMETTI DAWN IL HELA KOLLHA.
This is a disgrace for the whole country and the government should be very ashamed for the way they handle sensitive medicines so exposed to the environment. Shame on you government, and Kudos for MaltaToday for exposing such a negligent government present and past. The Medical Profession should be outraged following this article. Also bring those responsible for such negligence to face a judge. These are medicines and nobody even cared how they are stored and handled? I ask the Health Minister: What are you going to do about such a crime? And where are all these medicines going to end up, if not in the Garbage. What a waste of Tax Payer's money not to mention the risk they put us in. Excellent work by Maltatoday investigative reporters. Thank you.
Emmanuel Mallia
Not to mention the scores of expired medical appliances.